
Review Detail of God_Of_All in The True Hero - A Boku No Hero Academia Fan-Fiction

Review detail


Pretty good start as world development and character development is already done in the anime and his focus on Deku's inner state gives the reader a better view of how he has changed over time although it's not directly explored it can be understood from how he's almost on the verge of of going insane so the flow of the book seems pretty good and author should not focus on the comments too much as trying to please every reader will divert you from your original intent and make the author feel as if it has become a chore rather something he enjoys but he should be consistent with the work otherwise the spark of creativity is very easy to lose which might cause the author to drop the book as it's very difficult to come up with ideas if this happens

The True Hero - A Boku No Hero Academia Fan-Fiction


Liked by 2 people




Thank you for the review ^^ I try to be active and interact as much as I can to my readers for I am not really a full time writer 😅 I'm just that person >w< Don't worry, I have everything planned out and won't drop this story ^^ Thank you for the concern though. I appreciate it ^^


This a harem?

Mistemus:Thank you for the review ^^ I try to be active and interact as much as I can to my readers for I am not really a full time writer 😅 I'm just that person >w< Don't worry, I have everything planned out and won't drop this story ^^ Thank you for the concern though. I appreciate it ^^

Uh... no...? No it's not a harem nor it is BL/GL or stuff like that. It's a story about Deku trynna save the world from the future... well... he does have a charm but it's not gonna be a harem... I hope lmao 😂😂

CliffkunLolRekt:This a harem?

when is your next update going to be . and i'm also asking about 'Mistake - A Naruto Fan-Fiction' you haven't updated them for a little over a month