
Review Detail of IHateDao in Monster Integration

Review detail


In this Novel you will see a hardworking MC that will never get rewarded like everyone beside MC have plotarmour. other people will get Same amount of power that MC get by putting %5 of his effort. Worldbackground is Boring story devolopment is Boring . even MC himself is Boring . His partners are boring.Its like author hate MC. None of his partners will truly love him. He will always be a Loser. -SPOILER ALERT If none of this is not enough for you Mcs last girlfriend will c**k him with another girl and MC wont be angry or be able to break up. After 1900+ chapter Overall this Novel is the worst Novel out of hunderds I ever read. You May like this Novel if you are Feminist,Sadist or M

Monster Integration


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give me some spoilers brother, like i am around 1000 chps, so what happened to his relationship with rachel ? are they together? is the MC still getting bullied by organisations? Has he become a real man and cold or still acts like santa claus? and has he gotten some strong inheritence or abiltiy like his friends ? and are his friends still higher in rank than him?


read Hitman Hitman Garden, you won't be disappointed