
Review Detail of Termax in The Sovereignty System

Review detail


From my rough drafts there should be just over 100 chapters in the first volume. I will 100% finish the first volume at a rate of one chapter a day and on random occasions release two. As far as volume two goes it will depend on how the novel is received by the readers. It is looking good so far for a volume two but if the novels popularity begins to die off I think it will wrap up with the first volume then.

The Sovereignty System


Liked by 43 people




Hey I loved your story are you going to write a new one ? Thanks Java


Well it is a very well detailed story that I love reading because it's so easy to follow you can picture it in your head while reading and now that I'm level 4 I put two power stones to this book and one to my other detailed favorite




do me a favor and address the points made by Just_a_person


until i've seen that your going to address the problems brought up by Just_a_person, im not gonna read this story although the picture and description sound nice... i always look for the most realistic review of stories and slightly judge it based on that review, and it seems Just_a_person is making some great points, that need to be addressed.


I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

mistergod:until i've seen that your going to address the problems brought up by Just_a_person, im not gonna read this story although the picture and description sound nice... i always look for the most realistic review of stories and slightly judge it based on that review, and it seems Just_a_person is making some great points, that need to be addressed.

im not talking about that one at all, talk about the other points he made, or BEGONE THOT. jokes aside why does it look like to just straight up avoided talking about any of the other points he made and skipped straight to the one i and most people don't actually care about?

Termax:I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

I have some writing information I like to share with you here (this is only for research to improve, not mean to force you to write in a certain way) https://***.royalroadl.com/forums/thread/98657 (I do sometimes update new material and tips here including in the comment of the post, there are new material near the end of my second post, it have #NEW tag with it I also recently found this, can help you find the topic you are not clear in writing here (just want to help) https://curiosityquills.com/limyaael/ (this is a website with tons of different topics covered for writers, from female protagonists that don't suck, how to avoid bad infor dump to creating languages.)


oh and if you want to recognize a good constructive feedback/review and the one that only to slander you, then here is a few comment from other about this problem here (BUT, don't mistake this as the other review you have seen as the slander, bad one here, I have already check them and so far, most of them are logical, and not just there to slander you, so take a grand of salt and improve your writing slowly, but surely here, no one become master without making error and not learn from the mistake here) +It's pointless, baseless critique that serves no purpose but to discourage an author who may believe that your words have some truth to them. If you have valid feedback, do provide it. If you simply don't like the story because it doesn't match your preferences, there's really no reason to leave a disparaging comment. +Yeah this guy has been activly complaining about MC's not being heartless killing machines solving everything with brute force on a good number of stories particuarly Metaworld Cronicles where he showed he has completly missed the key details on what is actually going on in the story and offering no justification for his crituque other than that it isn't what kind of story he wants. The author has every right to take offense to his comment as it offers no constructive criticism which is the key for improving ones writing it is just somone complaining for the sake of complaining. This story has quality in terms of characterization really capturing the MC's free spirited craftsmen who lives to make works of art. Comments that don't provide anything but shooting down an authors esteem are one of the things that have driven good authors to quit

Termax:I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

* and if that still not enough to help you regconize which review is a good one and which one is the bad one (the one that over-praising without help point out why it good, is also obviously one of the bad review here, since it do nothing to help the author improve, aside from making the author getting arrogant, thinking that his work don't have mistake much, of course a review that just for cheering for you is one thing, but the one that like to say "this is a best novel ever" or "this is better than certain novel" without anything to show why it good, is a bad review), here is the copy I mention about : _how to be a good reviewer (author can check this to have a better judgment for which review are good and which are bad): + https://***.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Reviewer + https://***.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMM_98.htm + https://***.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-give-constructive-feedback-on-writing/ The Thing about Self Inserts (other comments: Self-inserts have the potential to be very good characters... But ONLY, and I mean ONLY if you have enough confidence and knowledge to know and accept every little detail about yourself. That is something that I dare say only a tiny percentage of writers/people in general are able to achieve. Because if you don't have that level of acceptance for your TRUE self, your flaws and everything, the chance will be high you won't include them in your story either. You will insert your wishes and not yourself. https://***.youtube.com/watch?v=gJj4Y2EkJmg&lc=UgxqLb8mP7CLwMQFXEt4AaABAg

Termax:I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

oh and one thing I forgot to tell, it good that you follow disciple to write daily chapter, but it won't do if it end up you getting burn out, or the chapter quality suffering because of it, so it is fine to sometime take a rest, or delay the release to make sure the quality don't drop because you rushing it, of course if you don't have time to check the feedback, criticise, or the material/advice I send to help you, it also fine to stop writing for a day or two to "train" your writing skill and knowledge better, there are nothing wrong with that, as long as you do notify your reader, that one way to prevent your reader from stop reading because of delay chapter or "hate" because of it

Termax:I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

oh, sorry, I forgot another thing (this time it in your favor a bit ), in term of name thing that other are telling you, I think it fine to not name the chapter (at least the minimum is chapter number,volume,... which is obviously), since like you had said, you don't have time, quite busy, and if you don't name it careful, then it only end up spoiler (the name of naming chapter is to rise reader curious about the theme of that chapter, without end up spoiling) the only part that really need to name here is the novel name, if it don't have name, then how the hell the reader recognize which novel is your ? , beside they should be at least know what type of theme your novel going to follow (the summary part already take care of it, no need to name like "world domination system"), so for the topic about naming chapter and novel thing, that all I have to say


probably not ... just take a look at Chapter 39


Please add characters built and development, like pov about characters feelings when princess receive her gift or his employe pov or anything. So that your story a bit more lively. All i see from early chapter is just about built built built and built theres no romance and develop in there. And like your story but you can improve it more

Termax:I have left a reply to why I havn't or will not be using chapter titles on Just_a_person review. I do want to thank you for taking interest in the story and if you do decide to read I hope you find it enjoyable!

Please keep this up! Love this novel, it's the best!


Keep writing


When is next novel gonna drop?


Just finished the first volume and i kinda wish you published the full complete story thru google so i can binge read it lol. Hope you post more or publish.


Just finished the first volume and i kinda wish you published the full complete story thru google so i can binge read it lol. Hope you post more or publish.


I really wish the story had went further.


I really wish the story had went further.