
Review Detail of UnliMegane in Transition and Restart

Review detail


Hey there. Megane-kun here for a review. First, I think the concept is real cool. It's also quite unique. It's both a coming of age story and yet not. It may read like your typical adolescent drama, but there's a twist. And unraveling the mystery behind that twist could be one of the main draws of the novel. Some less patient readers may have a tendency to opt out after the first few chapters though. It's a story set in different timelines between parallel worlds, but people who don't actually bother to read the intro first would find themselves a bit confused in the beginning. I'm actually not one to talk myself, since I overdid the flashbacks in my own work to :) Once it gets going though, things get more interesting, and the events flow more smoothly. Overall, once you get past the mildly beffudling beginning, you'd find a story which may be right up your alley if you're in to Japanese LNs with this type of genre. I'm not really a 'romance and **** drama' kind of guy, but I'm curious about the underlying mystery behind the transitions. P.S. I still think Christina should be Kurisutina, even if it would remind you of another character from Steins Gate lol

Transition and Restart


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P.P.S. I read up to the latest chapter (the one relating Ulf's thoughts after his 'date' with Christina). I just read it on the app, but posted this on a PC, so the chapters read just indicates I've only reached chapter three lol.


Spot on. Thanks :D The 'spot on' includes Christina's name as well, and I chose to veer away from the 'correct' transliteration for pretty much the reason you mentioned, well plus that it just didn't roll of well from my mental tongue when I tasted the name. My first four chapters (as an aggregate) is a bloody mess. I mean, if I have to piggy-back an explanation on prior to the story then something's definitely wrong.


Yeah, I thought so. I can imagine people hearing Okabe say 'Kurisutina' flamboyantly at the back of their heads whenever they read Ms. Agerman's name if you went with the correct romaji lol.

StenDuring:Spot on. Thanks :D The 'spot on' includes Christina's name as well, and I chose to veer away from the 'correct' transliteration for pretty much the reason you mentioned, well plus that it just didn't roll of well from my mental tongue when I tasted the name. My first four chapters (as an aggregate) is a bloody mess. I mean, if I have to piggy-back an explanation on prior to the story then something's definitely wrong.

*shudder* That would be bad, especially considering the partial overlap in plot-engine :D

UnliMegane:Yeah, I thought so. I can imagine people hearing Okabe say 'Kurisutina' flamboyantly at the back of their heads whenever they read Ms. Agerman's name if you went with the correct romaji lol.

Haha. You'll be plagued with nightmares of Hououin Kyouma lol

StenDuring:*shudder* That would be bad, especially considering the partial overlap in plot-engine :D