
Review Detail of Yorth in Transition and Restart

Review detail


This review is part of a review swap. Writing Quality: It's a little bit iffy. The author seems to have much vocabulary to draw from, but some of the ******st ones escape him. This makes some sentences overcomplicated for no reason. The style is a little bit weird in the sense that the author jumps from one character's thoughts to the other with close to no proper transition. Stability of Updates: They are stable as of now so full stars. Story Development: While some parts are a little bit confusing, and others just lack proper exposition, it's still better than most of the novels here in Webnovel. Character Design: While it does follow some Japanese tropes, the characters still get a proper build up, so that's cool. World Background: It's still early in the story so we don't know so much about the world that the author is trying to create. I'll put 4 stars for now. Overall, very nice story.

Transition and Restart


Liked by 1 people




Hmm, could you point to where I do headhopping? I've tried to be extremely stringent with keeping to one PoV per chunk/chapter. If there are still errors in that departement I'll rectify those more or less immediately. I'm aware that there are a few (deliberate) occasions where I 'zoom out' from a third person limited to a third person omniscient point of view, but as far as I (apparently incorrectly) know those should never include thoughts.


Not thoughts, but there are moments where u give information from another person's perspective and then go to another one. It was especially apparent with the urufu and his friend.

StenDuring:Hmm, could you point to where I do headhopping? I've tried to be extremely stringent with keeping to one PoV per chunk/chapter. If there are still errors in that departement I'll rectify those more or less immediately. I'm aware that there are a few (deliberate) occasions where I 'zoom out' from a third person limited to a third person omniscient point of view, but as far as I (apparently incorrectly) know those should never include thoughts.

Are we talking swapping PoV betwen chapters? Ie in one chapter we're inside Urufu's head, and in the next we're inside Yukio's? Or have you found occasions where, within the scope of one chapter, the reader (who's supposedly following the story from the knowledge of one character) suddenly is given information that the character in question shouldn't have knowledge of?

Yorth:Not thoughts, but there are moments where u give information from another person's perspective and then go to another one. It was especially apparent with the urufu and his friend.