
Review Detail of Nex201 in Guild Wars

Review detail


Cuckold trash. MC actually takes back the thot that betrayed him just disgusting. This will be deleted anyways.......................... .. .

Guild Wars


Liked by 28 people




The MC got cheated on? Or did she betray him in some other way? I haven't started reading yet


not that I know of, I have read 380 chapters and in none of them he was cheated xD.

Z0d_:The MC got cheated on? Or did she betray him in some other way? I haven't started reading yet

Oh thank you for replying to me. Wasn't going to read if his girl cheated on him and then he took her back. Not my preference.

Eroos:not that I know of, I have read 380 chapters and in none of them he was cheated xD.

The beginning is a little dubious because the plot starts with what seems to be NTR, but I tell you it never happened and never will, you will understand the more you read. I hate netorare too, I hate it to the bone, but this novel just doesn't fit into that aspect.

Z0d_:Oh thank you for replying to me. Wasn't going to read if his girl cheated on him and then he took her back. Not my preference.

please dont play with words, ntr might not have happened in the current timeline but it did in the previous one and somehow he takes her back still, so yeah "there's no NTR in the current timeline"

Eroos:not that I know of, I have read 380 chapters and in none of them he was cheated xD.

What's wrong with your reading comprehension xd. There was never ntr, nor past nor future, read everything well before commenting that you confuse the

Author_x_Author:please dont play with words, ntr might not have happened in the current timeline but it did in the previous one and somehow he takes her back still, so yeah "there's no NTR in the current timeline"

so did the mc get cucked or not?? i want to know if i will read this or not

Author_x_Author:please dont play with words, ntr might not have happened in the current timeline but it did in the previous one and somehow he takes her back still, so yeah "there's no NTR in the current timeline"

Depends on your interpretation. Local Lord X Eva, canonically has no more penetration of any kind or such. (even if it had it would have been in a timeline that no longer matters) The other point in the story many loudmouths seem to take issue with, is that Zaine, someone that MC practically abducted and made into his slave, has some fun with a female staff member during an auction, to make sure certain secrets wouldn't get out. So if that isn't a dealbreaker, you should be fine.

Kanuka:so did the mc get cucked or not?? i want to know if i will read this or not

I read the chapter where she got "raped" and although i didnt find it bad when i compared it to the old chapter that was there and tbh if the author had gone with that chapter and only changed it because of backlash id rather not read it. Its not like im trying to find a perfect character but atleast love your characters and if you dont like them just kill them off or make them have a bad ending dont make them just go down to go up again I dont really find satisfaction with stories like that but thats just me and i respect the author for continuing with the story even though it makes him get hate comments

Devils_Advocate:Depends on your interpretation. Local Lord X Eva, canonically has no more penetration of any kind or such. (even if it had it would have been in a timeline that no longer matters) The other point in the story many loudmouths seem to take issue with, is that Zaine, someone that MC practically abducted and made into his slave, has some fun with a female staff member during an auction, to make sure certain secrets wouldn't get out. So if that isn't a dealbreaker, you should be fine.

Not perfect character.. perfect story**** idk why it typed that lol

Devils_Advocate:Depends on your interpretation. Local Lord X Eva, canonically has no more penetration of any kind or such. (even if it had it would have been in a timeline that no longer matters) The other point in the story many loudmouths seem to take issue with, is that Zaine, someone that MC practically abducted and made into his slave, has some fun with a female staff member during an auction, to make sure certain secrets wouldn't get out. So if that isn't a dealbreaker, you should be fine.

He did get cucked in a previous lifetime but she did it to protect his life which is still ntr

Kanuka:so did the mc get cucked or not?? i want to know if i will read this or not

Or maybe there was no penetration but read ch 30 and decide ursef


There was no penetration. He was "almost" get cucked and it did not continue because he arrived. But he thought that they already did it and he you know got enraged so much that he wanted to kill her. Eva wanted to tell him that she did not get penetrated but almost only because as long as he is alive she is okay with it but she did not because it will only worsen him. But she managed to tell him in the new timeline. She already accepted his promise that she will not get soiled by other's even Draco dies. I was mad at first but after she explained what happened I accepted but i did not like it when he accepted her so easily. I was angry by her thinking.


Im already in chapter 599. It was a bit boring during in his ranking up to rank 2 because of how long it is.


Cringe incel lol


I thought I need to scroll more to find the answer I'm looking for to change how I view this novel. You are a savior bro, building mechanics and OP MC always pique my interest. It's a shame the authorhandle the things unlikeable for me like always, and what more it was in the very first chapter. I also am not a fan of the way she justified her behavior and didn't even feel any guilt about it based on the comments I read so far. I want to skip the whole the uncomfortable thing chapters at all cost, so if you don't mind I need your guidance as to from where should I start to read the stuff, and what chapter do I need to prevent myself to read that is not into your liking and me, such as later in the story one of the close female friend of protagonist molested whatsoever? Thank you in advance.

James_carl:There was no penetration. He was "almost" get cucked and it did not continue because he arrived. But he thought that they already did it and he you know got enraged so much that he wanted to kill her. Eva wanted to tell him that she did not get penetrated but almost only because as long as he is alive she is okay with it but she did not because it will only worsen him. But she managed to tell him in the new timeline. She already accepted his promise that she will not get soiled by other's even Draco dies. I was mad at first but after she explained what happened I accepted but i did not like it when he accepted her so easily. I was angry by her thinking.

If you start with ch. 31 you should be good

Muhammad_Zaiful:I thought I need to scroll more to find the answer I'm looking for to change how I view this novel. You are a savior bro, building mechanics and OP MC always pique my interest. It's a shame the authorhandle the things unlikeable for me like always, and what more it was in the very first chapter. I also am not a fan of the way she justified her behavior and didn't even feel any guilt about it based on the comments I read so far. I want to skip the whole the uncomfortable thing chapters at all cost, so if you don't mind I need your guidance as to from where should I start to read the stuff, and what chapter do I need to prevent myself to read that is not into your liking and me, such as later in the story one of the close female friend of protagonist molested whatsoever? Thank you in advance.

in Eva test with the inheritance in-game back in the 300s does it actually change her personality as that's where i stopped reading as it would of ruined the story for me

James_carl:Im already in chapter 599. It was a bit boring during in his ranking up to rank 2 because of how long it is.

so did it actually change her personality? if you don't want to spoil in the reviews here you can comment on one of my other comments on my profile

James_carl:Im already in chapter 599. It was a bit boring during in his ranking up to rank 2 because of how long it is.

They became lovey dovey again. He did got his revenge though.

OverkillBills:so did it actually change her personality? if you don't want to spoil in the reviews here you can comment on one of my other comments on my profile