
Review Detail of AwfulAbsoluteSweet in Top Sexy Girl Group

Review detail


Okay. Okay. I get that the Mc is OP and has many lucky encounters. However, that would only detriment the story if they served as a means to increase the strength of the character. This combination of herculean strength and extreme luck serves purely as a comedic device. The setting is, after all, modern day South Korea where people are not fighting to be Immortal Emperor, however, there is the occasional reincarnated individual. The goal here is not to be the strongest, but the most famous and respected. While crude and still quite masculine in thought process, our MC still maintains her status as an idol (albeit as a freakishly strong, girl-crush one). I simply adore the way the author created the main character, as that beginning was one of the most hilarious opening statements I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. This review may not be professional, but honestly, this novel is deserves more than its current rating. It may not be 5 star worth, but it should definitely surpass it current rating (3.3 stars). Please read further and appreciate this novel!!! **: Don’t lose faith after the first 30 or so chapters. It gets better.


Top Sexy Girl Group


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