
Review Detail of Dulles in Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Review detail


A typical Akikan story. You can expect a complete hypocrite and self-entitled protagonist. The system sucks as it forces the character into being a villain (which goes against the story's title). The character goes unpunished for his attitude and acts recklessly even though Sirzechs would kill him regardless of the consequences for treating his sister like this (and he would make sure the engagement doesn't go through.) The character also somehow is much, much stronger than the actual Riser despite just reincarnating... Blue fire? "Mirage" clones? Instead of panicking and acting weird, he's confident and rolls with everything that goes his way, destroying any sense of realism. It's a story that's quite a bit worse than the others, even though the quality of the language has improved.

Riser Phenex isn't a villain


Liked by 122 people




All people react differently to stressful situations, who is afraid, who is panicking, who is experiencing aggression, someone remains focused calm and only the author decides which character trait to endow his hero with... Xi has gained the ability of perfect flame manipulation. Plus, the raiser's carcass and his memories have not gone anywhere, si knew all the abilities and Isei's trump card for this fight, so a natural result came out.


then read my fic bozo, maybe you will like it


i mean I don't have any problem with mc being a hypocrite as I am myself, but is mc really going to act like a villain? I don't really like villain novels, I don't have anything against anti-hero though.


I come from the future, and I have to tell you that the narrative coherence went on sabbatical, Riser in many chapters mentions knowledge that he would only know if he watched the 4 seasons of the anime, how to meet Roswise or Gasper, in addition to knowing who the father is Akeno, but in the last chapter he tells us that he only saw season one of the anime and does not remember it, he came and did not see the Excalibur arc


YOOO its you

Aaron_Chong_6689:then read my fic bozo, maybe you will like it