
Review Detail of Alcoholic_Panda in A Different Kind Of Journey

Review detail


Nothing much to say,its a good fanfic, i hope you continue it, and get a lot of readers, change it up anyway you like, be bold, oh and i suggest you speed up the romance, people like stuff they didnt get to experience in the anime 🍺🐼

A Different Kind Of Journey


Liked by 1 people




Thank you for the review:) May I ask what made you interested to read the story?


I don't think about it rly, i just like to read novels and fanfics in general, i read the first few chapters, it seemed interesting so I wanted to see what you would do with the story and here we are, what i dont get is why people wont leave reviews ,I mean come on people help a starting author out xD, at least say what you think about the ff, give some advice or some sort of feedback 🍺🐼

Dom2040:Thank you for the review:) May I ask what made you interested to read the story?

I guess most readers, don't have much to say often.But I hope they enjoyed reading the story.

Alcoholic_Panda:I don't think about it rly, i just like to read novels and fanfics in general, i read the first few chapters, it seemed interesting so I wanted to see what you would do with the story and here we are, what i dont get is why people wont leave reviews ,I mean come on people help a starting author out xD, at least say what you think about the ff, give some advice or some sort of feedback 🍺🐼