
Review Detail of Xingyue in The Other Side of A Cultivation Story

Review detail


For me, no matter how genius a child is it wouldn't change the fact that he is still a child and that there would be times that a genius would express himself in a way a child does. However our ML doesn't, it would probably be more convincing if he was a reincarnated person than just simply a genius. Next would be the reactions of other villages/chiefs, normally they would be alarmed seeing a developing place as it may turn out to be a threat to their own territories. Also it's a bit unnerving seeing(well reading) adults not having any complaints about a 7 year old child(even if we say he is a genius) butting in / doing a deal with them. Well, I'm not all knowing or a great writer but that's just what I noticed that seems to be a bit out of place. But other than that it shows a very unique flow and not using much of the norms in such genre. And I cant really make such impression on the story so ill be taking more chapters before reviewing again.

The Other Side of A Cultivation Story


Liked by 9 people




Thanks for the review..


Well, there are plenty of chinese and japanese novel wich don’t mind doing that or craziest... you know what I mean... and no, being a reincarnated dude is not so common too... my most colorful example is Close Combat Magician 😖


Oh yeah have I said that you're cute yet?


Wait I was leading onto a joke fffff


What makes a child a child is the limited amount of experience and knowledge that come with the limited amount of time they spent living. Intelligence igence effects the speed at which we perceive and think, it also greatly effects our memory. In other word the more intelligent a person is the more they will be able to take from the same things than a less intelegent person. Also children cry as it is their instinct to do so in order to let their mother know they need something. If they are capable of realizing the just said, than they won't cry as they know it doesn't help.


Could you do a review on my book, Draga of the Vanguard?. I could use the criticism