
Review Detail of MoistJuicyLemon in [ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)

Review detail


Author here. I wont lie. I am biased about my own work so 5 stars on almost evedy thing, but I cant lie in that speed of updates is sh*t. Sometimes I upload a 6000 word chapter every week. Then I'm gone for 6 months. But this story embodies mah hart an' mah soul so I am proud of it. This story was created because I was never satisfied with other author's Draco-centric works so I made my own. As a Ravenclaw, I am proud to say that this story has been overthought way too many times so plots are deep and there are always truths behind truths. So give it a try. I would greatly appreciate feedback, or simply more people enjoying my work. It makes me feel special inside. 🤓☆.

[ HIATUS ] Tom Stark-Malfoy (Draco Malfoy centric; HP- MCU crossover)


Liked by 3 people




Oh god. I just misspelled every. Please dont mind it. I have no idea how to edit it. Aaaggghhhh! 😱


Update: Yeah updates can span around once a year as well. .. But I will never give up on this!!! Harry Potter is love! Harry Potter is life! Harry Potter is a way of living!!!


What kind of person is the MC? Does he lean more on heroic or villainous deeds?

MoistJuicyLemon:Update: Yeah updates can span around once a year as well. .. But I will never give up on this!!! Harry Potter is love! Harry Potter is life! Harry Potter is a way of living!!!

Hmmmm I'd say he's more of an anti-villain like Deadpool. He wishes to defeat the villain (Voldemort) but his methods and morals are quite questionable especially at the start of the novel wherein I tried to make his character more canon (Prideful bratty pureblood bully). However throughout the book, he will have character growth to express more of his good canon traits (love and loyalty to family --> 'not running away from the punishment Voldie gave after his father's failure', bravery to do what's right --> 'lie about Harry's identity when his face was covered with boils', etc.) as well as learn to not be a purebloodist git. However I do not plan for him to be completely heroic even till the very end, since that's not "Draco". I'm wish to follow JK rowling's comment "He doesn't have a heart of gold", but also wish to show the heart that he does portray in the books once I get him to the character development stage where his pride and fears dont (completely) mask his heart and emotions. Hope this helps and Happy Halloween 🎃!!!! 👻

StuckInTheInternet:What kind of person is the MC? Does he lean more on heroic or villainous deeds?

Cool, I'll give it a read. Personally I'm not a fan of the ultra selfless, Superman-esque, sunshine and rainbows type of MC.

MoistJuicyLemon:Hmmmm I'd say he's more of an anti-villain like Deadpool. He wishes to defeat the villain (Voldemort) but his methods and morals are quite questionable especially at the start of the novel wherein I tried to make his character more canon (Prideful bratty pureblood bully). However throughout the book, he will have character growth to express more of his good canon traits (love and loyalty to family --> 'not running away from the punishment Voldie gave after his father's failure', bravery to do what's right --> 'lie about Harry's identity when his face was covered with boils', etc.) as well as learn to not be a purebloodist git. However I do not plan for him to be completely heroic even till the very end, since that's not "Draco". I'm wish to follow JK rowling's comment "He doesn't have a heart of gold", but also wish to show the heart that he does portray in the books once I get him to the character development stage where his pride and fears dont (completely) mask his heart and emotions. Hope this helps and Happy Halloween 🎃!!!! 👻

lol then a word of advice from suffering through Gary Stu HP fanfics. if you wanna read more dark HP fics look for Tom Riddle centric works like Carpe Noctem by LeEspionage or Evil!Harry works, too many Draco-centric fics have Draco turning into sunshine, or worse a daisy.

StuckInTheInternet:Cool, I'll give it a read. Personally I'm not a fan of the ultra selfless, Superman-esque, sunshine and rainbows type of MC.

Oof, thanks for the heads up. All these 'sunshine' fics have taught me to always carry SPF 1000 sunscreen. I've been burnt way too many times.....pun intended. I'll check out your recommendation as well.