
Review Detail of reader18372 in Awake on his bed

Review detail


... The characters are so f****d up 🙄 It started off right and it went on wrong. She's just a mere secretary and she dared to talk back to her boss... To the ONLY boss that dared to hire her. It's totally understandable why nobodyelse wants to hire her. Aside from being an undergraduate, which already most definitely puts her in a disadvantage, she also lacks professionalism. She's also veeeerryy prideful for a reason I don't know and can't comprehend. Gosh. It's alright being unable to finish your degree but work is also a matter of attitude. She even dares to skip work for a very personal whim and reason. No wonder nobody wanted to hire her. Gosh. The male lead is also sooooo f****d up. My god. Even worse... No... He's the worst. Man whore - the most appropriate description for that person. My goodness. He actually cheated on his girlfriend - the girlfriend he agreed to marry. He cheated on his girl when he slept with the main girl, with him having full consciousness to boot. And he also only agreed to marry his girlfriend because of lust. And, when he was keeping the main girl, he still kept his girlfriend. Like, what the ****. My god. Totally a man whore. No offense, but this is just my review. 😅 The prologue was definitely great. It provided a significant impact on the readers, making us want to read more. But that's all there is to it. The fact that they were the so-called "childhood sweethearts" (which I totally cannot comprehend why they were even termed "sweethearts") was not even really significant that it impacted their lives in the moment. Just as I have stated earlier, it started off right but it progressed in the wrong direction. P.S. I'm not discouraging readers to read this, but I'm just saying this because the characters made me frustrated. If you want to read it, go ahead. What I'm saying is just my opinion, and basically, we all have different perspectives and preferences. P.P.S. If ever I have offended the author, I just want to say, I'm sorry. This is just my opinion but the prologue definitely had a great potential (and that's why I kept talking about it) but because of the characters who, so far, seemed to have no development, I just can't seem to love this story, as to what I have read up to the latest chapter. And, maybe, or most probably, in the long run, the story will develop into something great, something better. Wishing the author good luck, and keep it up with your advancements. I know it's hard work juggling many tasks together and I don't want you to feel discouraged. I was just stating my opinion. Hehe 😅

Awake on his bed


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