
Review Detail of SunnyB in Failed 1

Review detail


A warning to anyone reading this novel, this is plagiarism. The author has pretty much word for word copied the original story on royal road with the same exact title as well. Despite what the author may think, simply putting (fanfic)in the title, briefly mentioning that it is a fanfiction in the summary, and adding the original author's name does NOT make this any less of plagiarism. First off, the story is not listed as a fanfiction. As you can see by the tag, this is listed under the category of video games. What does this mean? It means that the author is able to make money by claiming this story as an original story under the webnovel system. Webnovel does not care if you briefly mention that this is a fanfiction in the summary or elsewhere, as long as you do not register it as a fanfiction, it will be considered an original novel. This author is stealing the work of another person, probably without permission, and even registering it as an original novel. Secondly, for something to be considered a fanfiction, it must adapt, modify, or change the original work in some way. Skyrim: Dragonborn Within along with many other stories on this site do this well, because only the setting is borrowed, not the entire story word for word. Even if the so called "author" of this story were to change the story later on, there is no need then to copy the beginning. He could ****** provide a link to the original story, and where his/her own story starts. In fact, they save themselves the time and effort need to copy and paste the original story, so unless the author is seeking to gain something for himself, there is no reason he/she cannot do this. A good example of this is the adaptation of mythran's "master of all." The adaptation starts where the original story was dropped, and the author even got permission from the original creator. If I were to try to publish the Harry Potter books, simply claiming that it is a fanfiction would not protect me at all from a copyright strike and possible charges. I can't just add one more book then publish the first seven or so books along with it saying "Well, it's a fanfiction so I haven't plagiarized." This is the same. Legally, you can get sued for this kind of action. It is also just morally wrong. Why would you try to claim someone else's work as your own? You can't get much money from this anyways, and you might as well write you own story if you want to be recognized. Leeching off of other's achievements is not the way to go. Also, the author has put a bunch of five star review for himself, because other people have recognized these points, and so the author must try to spam five star reviews for self-validation. If everyone else is giving you one star, the problem isn't with the other people, and the solution isn't to give yourself good reviews. The problem is you, and the solution is realizing your faults, and trying to change. All this leads me to believe that this author is a terrible person in general, and that any reader is better off finding some good, original, stories. If you're reading this review, you've already spent far too much time paying attention to this story and should move on.

Failed 1


Liked by 19 people




From chapter 100 I will be changing the story quite abit I just wanted to get the foundation in


That doesn't mean you can't list this as a fanfiction, as you admit it is not you original work. You still put this under the category of original work, and pass it off as such. Also, it doesn't mean that you have to steal the first 100 chapters, as I've already mentioned that you could simply provide a link to the original creator's link and tell your readers to start from the 100th chapter. There is no incentive to take the time and effort to do that unless you want to get some quick and easy money and/or views. You're not so much setting a foundation as you are stealing a foundation. Every good story needs to set a foundation, but doing that and copy-pasting the first part of a story from another story are two completely different things.

DivineOverseer:From chapter 100 I will be changing the story quite abit I just wanted to get the foundation in

then do something more along the lines of what monsoon117 did

DivineOverseer:From chapter 100 I will be changing the story quite abit I just wanted to get the foundation in

taking the first hundred chapters of someone else's work is not fanfic, it's plagiarism.