
Review Detail of Quasirandom in Rise of Humanity

Review detail


One thing up front: the plotting is ridiculous. It’s like an emu on crack wrote down verbatim his little brother’s ideas and tried to make them work. However, comma, it is the kind of ridiculous that is vastly entertaining. The protagonist is a pro at effing up everybody else’s crap. Two telling, awesome details: 1) This uses more Chinese mythology ad legendary history, and more systematically, than any xuanhuan/xianxia I’ve read. 2) When the protagonist learns that past cultivation experts created pocket worlds by snipping off pieces of his world, he immediately vows, When I become a god, I’ll make those thieves give all that land back. Fair warning: the level of misogyny is a little lower than average for a CN, but still very much there, along with the usual homophobia. If you can read past that and put your brain on low power, this can entertain you quite nicely.

Rise of Humanity

Zhai Zhu

Liked by 7 people




man its really difficult to put the brain on low power with this novel author keeps on givin me the feelin he a s#cka for women and that cool its okay but keep that feelin to urself don't be it on the novelll Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.


#YUP (o‿∩) Believe the world with story to share with wild images and strong story (^v^)(´∀`)(^v^)(⌒.−)=★(^_・)(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・)(^v^)(・∀・)(^v^)(・∀・)(^v^)(^v^)(・∀・)(^v^)(^_・)(^v^)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(>y<)(^_-)(^~^)(^_-)(^~^)(>y<)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(´∀`)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(^v^)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(^~^)(・∀・)(´∀`)(・∀・)(^v^)(^v^)(・∀・)(^v^)(・∀・)(^v^)(´∀`)(・∀・)(・∀・)(´∀`)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(・∀・)(´∀`)(^_-)(´∀`)(^_-)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(´∀`)(^_・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(^_-)(>y<)(^_-)(>y<)(・∀・)(^_-)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(´∀`)(´∀`)(・∀・)(>y<)(^_-)(^~^)(^~^)(^_-)(>y<)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(>y<)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(>y<)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(´∀`)(´∀`)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(´∀`)(^_-)(>y<)(・∀・)(^~^)(・∀・)(^~^)(^_・)(^~^)(^~^)(^_・)(^~^)(^_・)(>y<)(^~^)(^_・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(^_-)(>y<)(^_-)(´∀`)(´∀`)(^_-)(^v^)(^_-)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(^v^)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(^v^)ƪ(‾.‾“)┐(´∀`)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(・∀・)(>y<)(^~^)(・∀・)(^~^)


Yup! Agree with you!