
Review Detail of ASh1703 in A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Review detail


Okay! So I would like to do character summarisation of the story progressed so far. Xiao Ling: So far I didn’t find any problem with the female lead character Xiao Ling. The whole story revolves around Xia Ling. I m happy that her character was not portrait of that of weakling. She's been week and strong at right times and right places of the story. Pie Zheng: For Pie Zheng character I think its all about perceptions. To certain people he may appear as not too bad. This guy is obviously appearing as the villain of the story now but I don’t believe he’s gonna be the main villain by the end of the story. Pie Zheng is madly in love with Xia Ling, so mad that he ended up hurting her because he was too afraid to loose her. Although Pie Zheng might not be the hero that ends up with heroin but he is neither the villain. I also think that Pie Zheng character is slightly more important in the story as compared to Li Lei. Even the poster of the novel features Xia Ling and Pie Zheng but not Li Lei. Li Lei: Li Lei exhibits the character of a ideal hero, the dream guy of every girl. Given his social position, wealth and background, his character is absolutely appropriate. There is nothing extra ordinary in his character like Pie Zheng. Unlike abnormal psychopath Pie Zheng, Li Lei is quite normal though. Wei Shaoyin: I've to admit I personally like Wei Shaoyin's character. So far he has exhibited an interesting personality. I m really looking forward to see what roles he is going to play further in the story. I also doubt what kind of feelings he has towards Xiao Ling. Is he just impressed by her talents and likes/supports her professionally, or there is something else too?! There are two characters that I m really willing to know more about. First, Ye Lingling's sister. I wonder if she’s gonna wake up in the whole story. Second, Feng Kun. Somehow this looks like in favour of Xia Ling. I don’t know if he has any important role to play further in the story. Last but not least, Xia Yu: The character I expect most to appear as the main villain at the end of the story, the one who murdered Xia Ling, poisoned Pei Zheng' fiancé and brainwashed Pei Zheng to give that sort of treatment to Xia Ling. Anyways, lets see what happens next!!

A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Xia Wanying

Liked by 32 people




Entonces quien es el ML principal. No se va quedar con Pei, no? Espero que no.


Wish! Nice character summarization dude.👌


Li Lei isn't the dream guy. He is posessive too. Just read the rest of the chapters. This story's only plot seems to be rape and abuse-


I don't like only rape and abuse 😧

Meowkitsky:Li Lei isn't the dream guy. He is posessive too. Just read the rest of the chapters. This story's only plot seems to be rape and abuse-

I just don’t think pie or Li are both very good, they seem too possessive and condescending without regard to the mcs feelings, but I’m looking forward to seeing how all the characters will grow!


Aún eso no le da derecho de abuso o hacer síndrome de Estocolmo a través de sadomasoquismo. O D/S. Que esperabas que se casara con alguien mientras tiene a ella como amante. Por lo menos no lo hubieras criado con amor cu go como para no poder tolerar a la esposa de contrato. Encima ella es famosa por su esfuerzo. Era digna de casarse con el. Aún así el no merece, la razón es simple por más que este enamorado o obsesionado no tiene confianza en ella y cree en lo dice los demás. Y ya muerta, anda coleccionado inhumanamente ya que los obliga a ser su juguete que es lo mismo que esclavo.Perdió aún más el estar con ella...