
Review Detail of Darxu in Level Is Everything

Review detail


- we have a kid MC. Who are quite matured from his age but still act like a kid sometimes. He learns from his mistake and try his best to be better. MC choose archer class but put all stats to strength. it's really interesting to see how wil he become later on. + the first "villain/heroine" seems a bit generic as she hated MC just be?cause he is living. But I think it's reasonable , because they are still a kids. + the other character also got their little backstory so we knows what kind of person they are (more or less). + Up till this chapter there's no discrepancy between the chaharacter backstory and how they act (smart character suddenly become stupid or vice versa) + world building is nice. There's no info dump. The stats show at the end so it doesn't disturb our reading experience. - plot hole. ~ it's not really a plot hole but i still find it strange. At ch 5, the first time he battle and killed wind wolf solo, the strange thing is how he defeated it, as an archer he just stood there at a distance at least more than 20m from the wolf and attacked the wolf 10 times and KILLED IT. Just like that. Yes the wolf has low ai so he doesn't dodge, yes MC is a prodigy in archery so he can shoot the arrow to the same spot 10 times, yes MC put all his stat to strength so he supposed to have high damage. BUT it's supposed to be high speed monster that need 5-10 level 6 player to kill, and he just did it solo without getting attacked by the wolf. So it's either the Author exaggerate it a bit to make MC looks awesome or Archer class is quite a cheat with it's high range (mc put all his stat in strength so he doesn't even get bonus range from dex stat like other archer) or the monster has a really low aggro range (aggro radius? I don't know the right word). Cause you know if a lvl 1 strength archer can kill a lvl 7 WIND wolf (a monster that have 13 agility unlike MC meager 1 agility) before getting to the wolf attack range (and it's a wind wolf, supposed to has wind attribute spell) with a no skill (at this point he doesn't have any skill yet), then it's questionable why there's little to no people farming it. ~ he is full strength archer. At ch 9, when he run away from thunder wolf (15 agi), and at ch 12 when he run away from black garuda (at least 25 agi), guess what , the mc (with just 1 agi) success running away from both of them (in the wolf case he got attacked but using potion to stay alive and redirect the aggro to other people, but he successfully run away from the garuda with no damage taken). If you read the story you will realize how strange that is, it's like there's almost no effect in agility stat. Even Though because his full strength he supposed to have low attack rang, low attack speed, and low movement speed, but it's almost never shown in the text, to the point he can solo higher agi monster (with more than 5 lvl difference) with just 1 agi and no damage taken. That's all what i can say and please correct me if i'm wrong. I hope the best for you Author, so you can be better. God bless us. This is my first time writing a review and english is a foreign language for me so I hope you don't mind. If anyone read this until the end I really appreciate it. :D

Level Is Everything


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