


Mr Boombastic.

2017-08-02 JoinedGuyana

of reading


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  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to StudentOfFrankLee

    Guyana 🇬🇾

    "Ah… I dropped out of high school when I was 16 to officially become my father's apprentice, and just when I finished it my old man died. He overworked himself because of the stress from many of his other apprentices stopping to work in the profession. After he died, I decided that journeying around the world might be a good idea, since all I knew was in that small, crammed smithy. Until that point, I never even left my hometown. I first traveled through the United States to expand my general knowledge or how to be independent. I worked with some other blacksmiths and refined my techniques even further. But at some point, I began to wonder. Is blacksmithing really the right thing for me, or was that a choice made by my heritage before I was even born? Thus, I left the country and traveled across South America. Mostly on foot, or on boat when necessary, I even spent time with some recently, at the time, discovered tribes and learned how to connect with nature. I learned different Mexican and Carribean cuisines as well while I was at it, working with natural ingredients most of the time.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Darktea9876

    You never read it. Just like me. So don’t put a review. Spam trash

    Taking the Mafia to the Magic World
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Dao_Of_Fiction

    It shows you never read it. So shush

    Taking the Mafia to the Magic World
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to ur_stupidity


    Taking the Mafia to the Magic World
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Hahadavis

    You know it shows you lord about 200 chapters

    Taking the Mafia to the Magic World
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Eternal_Crusader

    Normally a spell can not hurt oneself. But remember this move is a move made by him with the intention of raising the internal lightning concentration to harm himself. It’s not like if he shot out a spell and it hit himself. It’s an internal spell. I mean. Who else but him is shooting a spell inside his own body. Other people shoot spells outward.

    The blue panel appeared in front of his eyes. Over these two months, he has endured the lightning more than fifteen times diligently, and his body strength has directly reached the peak of tier two.
    My Muscle System in the Mage World
    Fantasy · Aurelius_Imperator
  • ur_stupidity
    However, escaping wasn’t going to be easy. As one of the prisoners reached the wall, a large web shot out, catching and hitting the Altered. It wasn’t a man-made net, but felt like an organic one from an Altered’s powers.
    My Werewolf System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • ur_stupidity
    I pressed another button which simply pulled a windshield swiper and pushed the man to the side away from the main crystal window.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • ur_stupidity
    The muzzle of a handgun was releasing smoke. The handgun was in my hand.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to MadThelric

    Lol. Just what I was thinking. Bringing a knife to a gun fight

    The muzzle of a handgun was releasing smoke. The handgun was in my hand.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • ur_stupidity

    Hunter X hunter

    "Indeed, reaching the highest peak alone is not enough to secure victory," the announcer declared, their voice echoing through the eager crowd. "In addition to scaling the treacherous terrain of the Blistering Lands and retrieving the sacred artifact, each participant will be assigned a specific target among their fellow challengers. Your task is twofold: eliminate your designated target or retrieve their bracelet from their possession, and then proceed to claim the artifact atop the summit."
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Forlorn_Wendigo
    "You are pursuing a difficult direction of research, Madame Gloriana." The MTA Senior remarked. "Our faction has always considered it to be more difficult to master the skill of fabricating masterwork mechs by primarily leaning on excellence in physical craftsmanship. If you are able to progress your design philosophy and succeed in your research, then you will most likely become one of the most desirable mech designers that other Masters wish to collaborate with. This is because you can become a fantastic enabler of other excellent mech designers, your husband chief among them. Not all Star Designers have attained their ranks purely by relying on their own merits. The help they received from other mech designers has also made a difference."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity


    "It is okay." Ves responded with a smile. "We will just have to be more careful and figure out how we can best work together. By the way, I haven't caught your name. What may I call you, miss?"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Forlorn_Wendigo
    "You are pursuing a difficult direction of research, Madame Gloriana." The MTA Senior remarked. "Our faction has always considered it to be more difficult to master the skill of fabricating masterwork mechs by primarily leaning on excellence in physical craftsmanship. If you are able to progress your design philosophy and succeed in your research, then you will most likely become one of the most desirable mech designers that other Masters wish to collaborate with. This is because you can become a fantastic enabler of other excellent mech designers, your husband chief among them. Not all Star Designers have attained their ranks purely by relying on their own merits. The help they received from other mech designers has also made a difference."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Vicereine

    He is a narcissist too. But he has the help of the system so he will reach faster. But she will reach as well. No doubt about it. And if he ever opens up the system to her. Then she will give him a run for his money

    "It does!" Gloriana happily replied! "Thank you for giving us hope. I have greater confidence in my ability to become a Star Designer than before!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Schion

    You really are stuck in the Gloriana ptsd? Masterworks relate directly to her. So yeah. why wouldn’t she?

    "It does!" Gloriana happily replied! "Thank you for giving us hope. I have greater confidence in my ability to become a Star Designer than before!"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to WarStrider72

    If Ves shared the system with her. Do you think she would be so far behind? Remember he still has that option. All her advancements have been without the system. Quite impressive to be able to even stay so many steps behind him

    "Not every mech designer possesses the talent or the inclination to make their mechs in person." Professor Cavendish shook her head in disapproval. "However, it is undoubtedly convenient to be able to make masterwork mechs if you have any ambition to become a Star Designer. The reason for that is that you can fabricate your own high-value research objects by yourself. Other Masters that lack this capacity must approach others and commission the masterwork mechs they need to prove their theories and gather essential data."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to TakenPilot

    His one masterwork before her was due to inspiration and push by the system. He didn’t do it all on his own. People forget how much the system helped in the beginning. Without it. He would be less than her.

    Ch 4989 The Value of Masterwork Mech Designers
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Schion

    Firstly. Ves first master work happened because of the system. Remember? The system played a vital role in the inspiration and motivation. pushing him beyond his limit. Ever since then. It’s been his wife doing that. Everyone seems to forget that her accomplishments are all done without the system. Secondly. You need to go back and read that many times it was her challenges to his beliefs or her crazy religious nonsense that pushed and inspired him. While he may not believe in Gods. He sure doesn’t mind using inspired beliefs and theories to push his spiritual design capabilities.

    "I also wanted to discuss our latest theories on masterwork mechs." Gloriana briskly continued. "I have examined a large amount of data and conducted a thorough analysis. I admit that my theory was not as close to the truth as yours. That is not to say that it is completely correct. I am merely acknowledging that it has made a small amount of progress. I still have a chance to make subsequent discoveries that can supplement our theories further. There has to be more criteria that determines whether a mech deserves to become a masterwork. Matter and spirit are only two of the broad categories that we have identified. There should be other variables that can help us create masterwork mechs with greater ease."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • ur_stupidity
    Replied to Schion

    Yes. But mostly is due to Ves having hidden knowledge that comes from system and from the secrets of the seniors. As such he is able to be more macro oriented and able to see things in a whole new scope.

    Cavendish's answer restored Gloriana's self-esteem. She was special! She was on the right track! Her work was just as valuable as that of her husband, if not more!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor