

2024-04-15 JoinedMongolia



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  • Luke_D_Yong


    " Help me take off my clothes," she called to the man.
    Eternal winter(League of Legends)
    Video Games · ValikMurigov
  • Luke_D_Yong

    I'm intrigued to see how your version of Goku Black will fare against Beerus, especially at the beginning of the arc where Goku receives the Saiyan God transformation. I'm also curious to know if you plan to include the original Goku Black in this fanfiction. Your portrayal of Goku Black is on a fascinating trajectory of power-ups, and it leaves me wondering just how much stronger he will become before he eventually confronts the original Goku Black. The concept of pitting these two versions against each other adds an extra layer of excitement and complexity to the story. Watching characters evolve and grow in strength is always a thrilling aspect of the Dragon Ball universe, and you've captured that essence brilliantly. Your fanfiction is engaging and filled with potential for dramatic confrontations and character development. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take these iconic characters next. Keep up the great work, my friend—I hope to read more of your creative narrative soon.

    Ch 61 Gift Between Friends
    Dragon Ball: Back in Black
    Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra
  • Luke_D_Yong
    Replied to elenmaslowa

    Thank you for the suggestion. Introducing a recovery mechanism for the Viltrumites where they grow stronger from near-death experiences could indeed be a pivotal twist in the narrative. This concept, akin to a 'Zenkai boost,' would significantly shift the dynamics of their abilities within the story. If your idea was to grant the Viltrumites the capacity to harness ki as a means to amplify their power, that could be a plausible addition to their skillset. However, giving them a direct Zenkai-like ability is something we need to consider carefully. It's a critical adjustment that could potentially unbalance the story's power structure and would require thoughtful integration to maintain the narrative's integrity.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10
    Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible
    Anime & Comics · Luke_D_Yong
  • Luke_D_Yong
    Replied to Ukdio

    Thank you for your review, my friend. I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts, and I'm happy to address your questions: 1. Goku's behavior: Yes, you've got it right—Goku is simply being his authentic self. His confusion regarding the concept of intercourse stems from the fact that he has neither had the need to consider 'mating' in traditional terms nor has he been exposed to it. It's an unfamiliar subject for him. 2. Concern over Viltrumites: Regarding Goku's stance on the Viltrumites, he isn't overwhelmed or worried about his ability to defeat them. He's quite confident in his strength and is certain he can handle any adversary he might face. The real issue at hand is that he has intentionally suppressed his power. This is a strategic move to avoid detection by the other angels and Daishinkan. 3. Mark's demeanor: As for Mark appearing unusually cheerful, that's on me—I didn't provide enough context. In the third chapter, Goku presents Mark with a special fruit known as Ensenji. This fruit has the remarkable ability to rejuvenate an individual, healing them from both mental and physical ailments. That's the reason behind Mark's improved spirits. Thank you again for your review. Your critique is invaluable as it helps me to refine my storytelling and ensure that the narrative is clear and engaging for all readers.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10
    Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible
    Anime & Comics · Luke_D_Yong
  • Luke_D_Yong

    Although I find it difficult and somewhat embarrassing to review my own work, I must admit that writing isn't as easy as I once thought. Your feedback would be invaluable to me; please share your thoughts, as it will greatly aid in my understanding and improvement.

    Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible
    Anime & Comics · Luke_D_Yong
  • Luke_D_Yong
    Replied to SrDevoxero


    He didn't finished high-school for a reason.
    Saiyan in Warhammer
    Anime & Comics · SrDevoxero
  • Luke_D_Yong
    Replied to KaratePepe


    However, much to my disgust, Seleri and Ramela pick up how to flight. In the case of Seleri was after I started running around with Rucule and her not being able to follow up our pace, thus she stopped crawling and started following us everywhere while floating around.
    Saiyan in Warhammer
    Anime & Comics · SrDevoxero