

2024-04-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • John1500

    While writing this review i'm at C225: I really enjoy this novel so far. I'm just a bit fearful about the Harem Tag and the future development but for now it's great and even if the Harem is going to make me drop it in the future it has a lot of enjoyable chapter so far. I really appreciate the ambiguous mc: can't say even now if he's a good guy or a egoistic scumbag, but his thinking is authentic and it's good to don't have endless monologues about whats morale and what's not. And especially that he's not a whiny simp or on the other side not some badass maniac. Kudos for the other characters as well, even the side characters have a unique character and the author doesn't throw disposable characters in that only exist so the mc can beat them and than the next a bit more powerful antagonist appears like in many other stories. Yes you can complain, that the mc got his way and some antagonists act stupidly but it's believable from an underestimating pov and creates many laughs how the mc handles them. All in all the story feels very refreshing, that don't follow the typical edgelord mc where every woman easily falls for him with no reason. It's good especially with the slow romance and for now it feels more like true love and not harem, that just don't progress cause their past. And the author focus more on the story and the R18 scenes are very few (probably 6 explicit chapter till now).

    The Damned Demon
    Fantasy · Resurgent
  • John1500

    Take my review with a grain of salt cause I'm just at C15 but all in all the story doesn't catch me. The story feels like fan-service with the promise there is no fan-service cause there are repeating cases where the mc compares his experiences with mangas he read and feels his story better than everything else (just a 4th wall break where author tries to show that his story is unique and better). For me it's just a annoying interruption ruining my immersion and cheap self-praise. Don't get me wrong i appreciate that the author goes for a story without annoying and repeating plots where everyone know how it'll end but not the 4th wall breaking. I can't say anything about character development for now but the character of the mc doesn't feels authentic. We know that the MC has a miserable life, got tricked and commit suicide cause he don't want to live anymore, got reincarnated from a god. Than he starts foul-mouthing a mighty god, got tortured a bit, but all in all he tricked them to gain more benefits. And he follow their quest and got reincarnated cause he can't reach afterlife otherwise for eternity and after the reincarnation he's happy about his new life with his new powers while a second ago he still doesn't want to get reincarnated. And in the 2nd world we have fights he just survives cause plot armor while his powers already feels overpowered (i expect just that there are guys that are even more overpowered so it seems weak in comparison while it's broken already). The world building follow many disposition story telling from the god and a long introduction from his System that communicates with him using long explanations like an encyclopedia. I would appreciate if we would know the world from mc's experiences and not as info dumping. I can't say if it's only the beginning and it's going to get better and maybe i'll try gain sometime later and update my review than. But the unauthentic character from the mc, plot armor and 4th wall breaking self-praise ruined it for me.

    Hero of Darkness
    Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor
  • John1500
    Replied to lolbingolol

    There is always an escape even if he can't kill her. It seems like he can't be ordered while being separated. So he could go for a run/hide and looking for a solution in the meantime. He just needs to prevent any new order and with 2 worlds and a low profile it's easy to hide. Not that it'll happen ..

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • John1500
    Replied to JustSmileAndWave

    It depends on the background. Remember he lived as basically good-for-nothing orphan in the slums and survive there. Sure the author don't described his background in detail but we know that his parents perished as worker and i expect he has it worse as orphaned child. In the first nightmare he thought the "Visions" are real people and still kill them in a cold manner. If it's a modern MC probably with some abuse longing for love it would be another thing but his cunning thinking proceed e.g. questioning Nephis why helping some dead weight and risking her life (it's in the early time where Cassie don't show any usefulness, other than her memory and they could torture her taking all her memories and/or using her as bait cause she's blind cant escape or fight). He only need Nephis as strong fighter cause he's weak in the beginning and only as long as he has 0% chance to survive. Remember his flaw that can make him easily enslaved from the first guy asking for his true name so every conversation has potential to make him enslaved so why bother with it and risk his freedom. And the enslavement is no System giving him some buffs it's just he must follow commands and he know how cruel humans can be and it's not far fetched imagining him being a disposable foot soldier. Sure it's easier to survive as group and knowing his flaw, it would be cunning to be not part of the spotlight and just some random fighter with average power and not a officer. So the problem is the character development and the path from killing people in cold blood, rank people from their usefulness to be a caring MC risking his life for other, it's a jump not a progression and revelation of his changing mindset.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • John1500
    Replied to Soawn

    Cause some of this commands like "give it a try it'll become better bait me in wasting a lot of time reading past c500 so over 150c after Volume 2 and i can say it's a bait and even became worse (boring and very stretched). Volume 2 maybe breaks the whole story but at least it's intense with the last chapter being the last blow and Volume 3 start like nothing really happened before (just generic banter, grinding, teaming up with traitors cause a friend asked nicely). There is probably later some arc where for a short file it's fine but all of us know already the state that'll stay, it's always a reset. But let's be real it's a fating hope not worth to read hundreds of chapters in between and forgetting all what happened (maybe it's possible when you read it just for action together with many other novels and are not 100% aware of what happened till now).

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • John1500

    I'm at 524 while writing this review. Short answer I'm very disappointed. It started great in Volume 1, the world building is great, the mistery/background is very interesting. I had the feeling that the author had a plan, especially cause the visions and their conclusion many chapters later, that often establish other than i expected. I even liked the premise with abilities having flaws as well, especially the suspense how the MC will overcome his fate (flaws) and the slow power progression. My biggest problem with this novel are the characters (and their development) from Nephis and Sunny especially cause they act very out of character. We have Sunny someone living in the Outskirts alone, who struggle to survive. He show a cunning and calculating side where he would do everything to survive and is aware that he can't save everyone especially if they are a burden/risk for himself. So i expect that he'll only exploit other cause he's weak and can't survive by himself. So in the early progression i can understand that he have to follow risky orders from the strong. But the problem is that never changed - the one, who was a outcast with flaws, which make every conversation risky, stay in the spotlight in a group. He never really tried to hide his powers but cause plot the minor character don't notice his contribution while he sacrifice his life many times with crazy actions. The author tried to include some comedy where he "exaggerate" his contribution so he appears as maniac and the one that speaks to his shadows cause it's funny to speak to shadows that can't communicate and act as the insane (but he's not it's just a way to show him at a badass for a while where he lived split up from his team - insanity is not a two-way switch at will). This split up don't last long cause he sacrifice his morale, while he "lost" his sanity and social communication and enter the team again (just for this one mission for sure... ;-) ). So everything back to what it is before. We have a MC outcast with a flaw that made him enslaved when his secret leaked staying in a team, while whining that he's not noticed, risking his freedom and life for the goals of others. Than at some point he became enslaved in a forced way cause it's fate in a forced confrontation. It would be no problem that he'll became at some point enslaved in the story but not in a forced way and even before his enslavement he was a willing follower. Now with the enslavement nothing really changed cause he was willing already before and i don't believe that he'll fight for his freedom. He got betrayed from a close companion and only got angry about it but don't expect any revenge (the traitor don't got even beaten for good). Even worse he'll team back-up with the traitor cause another friend asked for the participation of the traitor for his help. And yeah you don't have to be friends to work together but in a life-or-death struggle it's a difference between a stranger and someone that already attempt to kill you. I wouldn't trust someone with my life that already betrayed me once. His goals are another problem cause there are no real ones that aren't already reached cause he want to life safe as a rich merchant, while for real risking his life again and again for the goals of others. So the immersion in the dark setting is flawed by the repeating comedy frequencies and i don't expect he'll be ever again free cause there is not even a mindset. He and his teammates will never die or even got crippled and only some secondary characters will die, so there is no risk and no real suspense (everything is fated). All in all it's just a stretched grind to became more and more powerful and one by one they'll destroy their enemies and every enemy will be stronger than the last one: So grind power -> destroy enemy -> grind -> next enemy. I don't see any potential anymore cause the characters seems unbelievable and "fate" is a good plot armor, which make every decision superfluous cause fate (and his master) will dictate everything. Be aware that the tags are misleading it's mostly action and adventure but there is no romance (at least till C524) and the protagonist is not Antihero (he's a caring protagonist that can kill enemy humans and is a good soldier).

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree