

2024-03-31 JoinedGlobal

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  • area_ala

    Yeah, its really fine to continue

    Ch 117 Update
    Anime & Comics · OVERLOAD69
  • area_ala

    Author absolutely cooking rn l, like really good, ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊ice stuff

    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van
  • area_ala

    Damn this isnt bad, it's going interesting so far, even if its only the first arc. I would say that it got potential, so im looking forward for the rest

    The Prince's Lazy Reader
    Fantasy · MERCURY
  • area_ala

    Amazing, i simply cant explain how good this novel is, at the start i thought of this novel as a time killer, just to wait for other novels to update, i was wrong, every part of the novel has a unique allure to it, the plot twists are insane, the characters, incredibly charming, the character development is crazy, specially Amelia's, but that doesn't mean the other characters fall behind, if amelia is a 10, then lucas is a 9. I would love to talk about the story, but its so vast that im afraid i could spoil a part using my words absent-mindly, so i will just say that the story is so good that even though the general plot of the story has already been done in another novel, this one makes a complete U-turn and feels completely fresh while keeping the original plot as to not feel alien to us. 10/10, would read again

    I Will Kill The Author
    Fantasy · Night_Crawler619
  • area_ala

    Now that volume 5 has ended, it's the perfect moment to do a small review: This novel has what could be called as a lack of continuity, in the sense that even tho it introduces alluring characters they dissapear before they can be properly developed, like Alexander, Ulka, Melany's husband, litterally every dwarf, sue(who may be onto something after the end of v5) , alaric, and also, but not limited to, all(except a bit of celine) of the main cast of the original game, As for the story, Its very good, it has good, straight-forward plot twists, and a lot of mystery and character development(Only the mc's character develops tho, with the others development) with them, even to the point where you can understand things just by a simple "Whatever" that the mc likes to throw. If i had to remark something is that this novel follows perfectly the "If anything can go wrong, it will", and we see the mc growing through that. It actually surprised me how much this novel uses this law, not in the bad sense tho. As for the bad parts, i'd say that certain parts of volume 4 are(necessary, but) boring to read, they are there mostly for the foreshadowing and growth of the mc, these scenes are not long, so its fine, its nothing unreadable. Unfortunately V5 is just another level, all of the lack of continuity that I mentioned before destroys any possible chance you had to enjoy at least 90% of v5, since it focus heavily on the side characters, the ones who got thrown apart for 300 chapters. The remaining 10% of the volume is, the end of the dungeon, and a small conversation in the inside of the mc's mind. I give this novel a solid 8, it would be a 9 without volume 5, and it would be a 6 if absolute mind and sith didnt exist(Great move from the author, i couldn't really bring up this much, but really saved the novel(sith not so much)). 8/10 30/03/24

    The Extra of The Lunerra
    Fantasy · WindskyW