

2024-02-01 JoinedUnited States

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  • Ah0324
    'I don't feel so good… this can't be good. Am I going to die?' she wondered as her eyes became droopy and heavy.
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324
    Replied to Apostle_of_Noice

    I will think it’s gross but mostly because I’m a hypocrite that love harems but hate reverse harems other than that you do you and love who you want

    Western society wasn't really fond of this kind of relationship and brought a lot of social pressure with it, something that my then relationship hadn't been equipped to handle, especially with the hardest critique being the ones that one thought were closest to one.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • Ah0324

    Imagine if in one of the most difficult to reach rooms it’s just a tv and when they enter it, the tv turns on and just

    A/N: Tell me what would you guys like to see in the labyrinth that wasn't in the original story, like what rooms, object, or monster... it needs to make sense though
    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324
    Replied to Klillo

    For me it was one of my buddies who did this when I was ten but when it looked like he was about to go for a smooch on the cheek I would drop him.

    "My hero~" she said, batting her eyelashes and kissing him on the cheek.
    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324
    Replied to StromLantern
    I might be able to throw ki blasts for hours, but I could throw hands for days. I picked Superman up by his cape and threw him behind me as I was about to engage the increasing number of robots.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • Ah0324
    Replied to The_Puffer
    Strange. Someone helped us but didn't stay around to say hi? If it was a hero they would at least not avoid us. If they came too early they might not have noticed us, but it had to happen just as we arrived otherwise the rebels would have already looked for him right? Great. Someone stole the stolen goods. Hopefully, that wouldn't bite us back.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • Ah0324

    I just started laughing like a madman when I read this

    "I feel like an entire building just collapsed on me."
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324
    Oh, Kara was obviously absolutely livid about hearing that Felicia was anywhere near me. The only reason why Felicia's head wasn't taken off by Supergirl was because she had bribed her with cookies whenever they met.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • Ah0324

    I mean who wouldn’t kid literally ran on water and used the speed force for the other 2 just see what they use and find out who their mentor is

    "He knows our secret identities."
    Son Of The Savage (a DC Comics SI)
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Ah0324

    I actually thought of this when I read the last chapter but instead of Ares Helm I thought that killling him would let Bruce absorb some of ares divinity cause I seem to remember that Diana seems to have gained Ares’s domain but doesn’t use it.

    'Born of war... This is going to be a gamble but if it succeeds then this will change everything...' 
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • Ah0324
    Replied to tianshangshandian

    In PJO universe they call it a God’s “Symbol of Power”

    "Yeah, about that, you are going to need another god. I broke that one." I interrupted him with a small smirk while my eyes remained glued to Ares' helm. 'I didn't notice it before but how come that demonic-looking Viking helmet didn't disappear like the rest of Ares' stuff? Is it somehow special or something?' I wondered to myself.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • Ah0324
    Replied to Zetsway

    It’s not that they can’t cure it they just don’t want to more money for them

    Finally, there's the possibility of surgical intervention to try to restore her leg function, but it costs four hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Anime & Comics · Sothisq
  • Ah0324
    Replied to Onxio

    Yah but this

    The boy could be a good challenge for her daughter.
    Son Of The Savage (a DC Comics SI)
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Ah0324
    Replied to Rigchel

    I’m pretty sure, the Lazarus pit is mixed with some of Trigons blood, or essence or some thing along those lines

    "Amazing, isn't it? You can almost feel the water nourishing your body while affecting you on a more spiritual level as well. I spent years trying to artificially replicate these pits but I was never successful. These pits are freaks of nature and can only be formed naturally. The best thing however is that they never lose their effectiveness, in fact, it only increases with time. Because with time, it gets the secret component it needs to effectively function, bits and pieces of the souls of its users.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • Ah0324

    Wait is Melissa technically Cisco, and be able to vibe in the future since she’s the only quirkless person other than izuku?

    The girls laughed, that's when Melissa noticed someone new, "Oh I don't believe we've met. Melissa Shield, it's nice to meet you."
    MHA: The Green Blur
    Anime & Comics · drswagman
  • Ah0324

    In my opinion he shouldn’t have done that not because he can’t trust her, but because he also accidentally revealed Gwen’s secret he should have done it after he asked Gwen(I know Gwen would probably be all for it, but it’s the polite thing to do)

    Peter nodded his head with an awkward expression. "That's right, I'm Spider-Man… surprise," he said, as his feet stuck to the webbing and he did little jazz hands.
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324
    A/N: Update: since the last chapter I made it to 318 issues… out 34,000 plus… that's right… there are fucking more than 34,000 marvel comics I have to read… *sighhhh* just kill me. BUT MAMA AIN'T RAISE NO BITCH, I WILL PERSEVERE
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • Ah0324

    Dude is doing this so his story seems like it actually has more chapters than it actually does.

    Ch 21 Observation Room
    MHA: The Green Blur
    Anime & Comics · drswagman
  • Ah0324
    Replied to I_Am_Death

    Just because they call them quirks now doesn’t mean they didn’t call them super powers before the quirk era and since quirks are there since birth until they manifest, his power is different, he gained it from outside influence and he knows it so it’s not a quirk the only exception to the outside influence thing is all for one since he can steal and give quirks. If all for one can steal izuku’s power then all for one’s quirk is stealing power and not only quirks.

    Izuku laughed, "I know you're probably asking yourself, how could I possibly get in without a quirk? Well, funny thing actually, it seems like being hit by lightning and being thrown into some chemicals gave me super speed. Don't ask me how it happened because we don't know."
    MHA: The Green Blur
    Anime & Comics · drswagman
  • Ah0324
    Replied to mikepeterjack

    For companies they are addressed as shachou which is equivalent to the Japanese CEO or company president

    "Yes, it is Midoriya. Both me and the president have hashed out the details and I believe you will like the terms."
    MHA : Adaptation
    Anime & Comics · RenegadeJack