

2023-11-09 JoinedGlobal



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  • Jayden_Swartz
    Replied to LuciusAgares

    I didn't even Notice i was writing it wrong, thanks now I'll make sure it doesn't repeat in future updates 🙏

    The morning sun starts rising and the birds sing their usual gentle songs, it's a peaceful morning in Issei's household, Issei wakes up as usual, with a bed filled with women, Issei is the first to wake up from his slumber just to lock eyes with Rias who is already wide awake, he asks her how long she was staring at him, Rias just smiles and sits up from the bed and goes to get dressed for school, Issei is left confused to her unresponsiveness also begins getting himself dressed for school too, everyone else eventually gets up to get themselves dressed for school as well and do their usual routines, once everybody was ready they began walking to school together then separated when they entered the school yard to go to their homeroom classes. Issei, Asia, Zenovia and Irina walked to class together because they are in the same class, once they entered the classroom, Asia, Zenovia, Irina and Issei enter there seats, as Issei is walking to his seat he notices Ayanokōji staring through the window, Issei sees this as an opportunity to try to get to know Ayanokōji better and slowly approaches him, Issei greats Ayanokōji with a friendly, "hi", to which Ayanokōji looks at Issei and also greets him, Issei asks Ayanokōji if he has any friends, Ayanokōji with a calm and controlled tells Issei that he hasn't got the chance to meet someone because he is still new here, Issei feels embarrassed for even asking that question and changes the subject immediately, he offers Ayanokōji if he ever wants someone to talk or hang out with he can come to him, and he may even let him get a quick look at his stash of porno mags, to which Ayanokōji says; "That would be great, but I'm gonna have to say no to the porno", Issei starts laughing then he and Ayanokōji begins having themselves a small conversation about not being able to protect the one's you love and school, not long in their discussion the homeroom teacher enters the classroom to tell the students to settle down because class is about to start, Ayanokōji advises Issei to sit down and focus. He tells him that they can finish their conversation another time, to which Issei abliged and sits down, as Ayanokōji is getting his book out of his bag he gets a feeling somebodies watching him, he slowly raises his eyes upward while facing his head somewhat down, as he scans as far as his Peripherals could catch, he sees a girl with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes watching him, Ayanokōji questions to himself who this girl could be and if she might be for some reason suspicious of him, he then further pretends that he has not seen her. The class progresses as usual with students doing their work and assignments and eventually the bell rings for interval, Ayanokōji approaches Issei who is busy putting his books in his bag, he asks Issei if he is free to have a chat with him, to which Issei replies that he is. Ayanokōji and Issei have themselves a nice conversation as they walk around the school, in the midst of their conversation Ayanokōji asks Issei if he might be in any clubs, to which Issei responds that he is. Ayanokōji asks him what kind of club he's in, Issei takes a few moments to think of his answer but he soon found no reason to lie, so he told him that he is part of a club called, " The occult research club", he starts jokingly telling Ayanokōji that he doesn't want to bore him with details of the club, Ayanokōji is intrigued and asks Issei to show him where he might find this club, Issei then guides Ayanokōji to the whereabouts of the club while having a conversation about it on the way, midst their conversation Ayanokōji notices some movement behind the trees and bushes they just walked past, but he just decides to ignore it, they finally approach the front of the clubhouse and Issei asks Ayanokōji what he thinks, Ayanokōji remains silent for a few seconds; "Issei, can I join you the next time you come to your club?". Issei get's taken aback to what Ayanokōji just asked him, he begins pondering to himself whether it's a good idea or not, Ayanokōji tells him that he doesn't have to say "Yes" if he does not want to. Issei responds to Ayanokōji's question with a heart of uncertainty and curiosity "Yeah sure; I guess you can come along with me". The bell rings again for the interval to come to an end Ayanokōji tells Issei that he thinks that it's time for them to be going back now, Issei agrees and they both head back to the class. As Ayanokōji walks with Issei to class his peripherals notices the same girl he saw in class staring at him now approaching towards them, she calls out Issei's name making him stop, Ayanokōji decides to keep on walking and meet up with Issei when they go to his club, Zenovia approaches Issei and asks him why he and Ayanokōji were suddenly walking around school together despite barely knowing each other. "Wait a minute how did you know we were walking around school together, were you spying on us?" Zenovia is stunned to hear Issei's response and stutters to redeem herself, Issei tells her it was because they are starting to get to know each other that's why. Zenovia falls on her knees and apologizes for spying, Issei tells her to calm down and that he's not mad at her and that he knows that she is just looking out for him. Zenovia looks up to Issei with happy tears in her eyes and hugs Issei for not being angry with her, Issei tells Zenovia to calm down and that she's creating unnecessary attention for themselves. Zenovia let's go of her hug from Issei and asks him if he feels embarrassed when she acts so clingy towards him in public, Issei quickly denies her accusation, "It's not that it's just you shouldn't do it so much anymore; since I recently proposed to Rias", Zenovia sadly apologizes to Issei for invading his personal space, "You Dont have to apologize for anything it's fun to have you in my personal space just don't let Rias catch us", Zenovia starts forming a smile across her face then she and Issei both decide to go to class together and leave their discussion for another time, as they enter the classroom Issei goes to his seat and Zenovia goes to hers, but not without looking at Ayanokōji direction first, She notices his calm and default body language and starts questioning her doubts about that his character then goes to take a seat. The school day continues on as usual with assignments and unfinished homework, then eventually the last bell of the day Rings. Issei and Ayanokōji gets up and heads to the clubhouse, as Issei and Ayanokōji are walking towards the clubhouse Zenovia, Asia and Irina are two steps behind them also on their way to the clubhouse. Rias is sitting behind her desk waiting for the others to arrive, Koneko, Kiba and Akeno are already at the meeting, Akeno is humming to herself to pass the time till she hears a door opening and closing and footsteps about to enter this room, the door opens and Issei, Zenovia, Asia and Irina have arrived, Akeno then sees someone else push open the door, it was the boy who she recently saw the previous night, the boy who's name she forgot. Akeno begins to look for the others reaction to see if they remember him, when she sees Koneko's face she looked surprised but also intrigued, but when she sees Rias's she can't help but want to laugh, because Rias looks the most shock of everyone here. Everybody takes their seats except for Issei and Ayanokōji, Issei introduces Ayanokōji to the everyone and everyone greets him back welcomingly, Issei then turns his attention to Rias, he takes a deep breath and tells her that Ayanokōji wanted to come here with him after school ended so he brought him here. Rias first looks at Ayanokōji for a moment then she welcomes him with a smile, she turns her head to Issei and tells him, "I'm glad that you brought someone who is interested in being here but you should have consulted me before you performed this stunt of yours". Issei begins rubbing his head and apologizes for not informing her first. Issei tries explaining that this will never happen again, but Ayanokōji cut the conversation short and tells Rias that he wants to be apart of the club. Everybody in the room is in shock on what Ayanokōji just suddenly requested to Rias, Rias, stuttering a little tells Ayanokōji; "O-Okey, I was not expecting you to just say that to me out the blue like that, although I do emend your courage, but i'm afraid that can't happen ". Ayanokōji doesn't back down "I can be a really reliable and valuable asset of the team", Rias thanks him again for his courage but denies his offer again, Ayanokōji still doesn't back down, "Please I can handle anything you throw at me, just say and i'll do". Rias again rejects his offer, Ayanokōji still not backing down tells Rias; "I understand you don't trust me, but still have what It takes to be the best member of this team, Issei gave me the chance to come here because he trusts me, I hope I can receive that same trust from you". Rias is silent and does not say a word, Issei finally decides to chime in and tells Rias that Ayanokōji is really trustworthy, and that he is also very smart and disciplined, and he backs his claim up by telling her his gut tells him so. Issei then pleads with Rias and tells her that he could be the piece in the team, Rias still not saying a word stands there in silence, Issei begins to plead Rias to accept him and asks her to do this for him. That is where Rias finally decides to open her mouth and still denies letting Ayanokōji join the club. Issei then lowers his head in disappointment, Rias apologizes to Issei but she can't just accept him, she remind Issei that he doesn't even know the true nature behind the club, at that moment Issei decides to lie to Rias and tells her that he already told him everything. Making the tension in the room even more thicker, Rias with a pissed off tone asks Issei, Why the hell would you do something like that" Issei responds with; " I'm sorry Rias it just slipped out. Rias became even more furious on why he would let secret information like that just slip out, Issei further evaluates his lie by telling Rias that even though he told him that he still wanted to join and be on their side. Rias is furious but eventually gives in assuming that Ayanokōji already knows too much, she tells Issei that she is willing to accept Ayanokōji, Something that excites Issei enough to jump in the air out of excitement, Rias turns to Ayanokōji and asks him if he is ready, to which Ayanokōji replies; " I'm always ready ".  Then Ayanokōji is taken to another room where a ritual is performed on him to turn him into a member of the gremory house hold, a blinding light shines through the whole clubhouse indicating that the ritual was a success and that Ayanokōji is officially now a Devil.
    A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]
    Anime & Comics · Jayden_Swartz
  • Jayden_Swartz
    Replied to avato


    Ch 9 Echion: Info
    A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]
    Anime & Comics · Jayden_Swartz