


My literary coven. Future successful storyteller in the making. | šŸ“©: jeanleewrites@gmail.com

2023-10-27 JoinedPhilippines

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  • jeanofarc

    Reading this story made me think of many questions. I really want to know how this man just gets by just from cheating his way out of things, and how he even achieved a computer science degree with all his unethical activities. Moving on to the story, I really enjoyed it. However, I do have some suggestions; Your synopsis needs improvement. I just skimmed through it because it doesnā€™t catch oneā€™s attention. In fact, I only came to understand more of your story reading the actual novel. One more suggestion is to give your MC a personality that matches his schemes of continuous cheating. Perhaps make him a bit mischievous and a prankster, literally anything. Add some emotion to his lines, perhaps some exclamations here and there, and laughing. Example: ā€œI chuckled as I look back on how I managed to cheat my way across different games with utmost ease.ā€ First-person perspective stories are hard to nail, so I understand. Anyhow I enjoyed reading your novel and added it to my collections. These are just my two cents so far, so I hope you can take these with a grain of salt since Iā€™m just a newbie writer. šŸ˜…

    The strongest human is a cheater
    Fantasy Ā· Albinus_istamar
  • jeanofarc

    This novel is good so far, I can understand and visualize the scenes clearly. I read the synopsis and despite the short length, the story is fairly simple to follow and read. I like the idea of arranged marriage and how it can negatively impact the relationships between families and friends around. My only complaints I guess would be about the dialogue and splitting of scenes, along with backstories. Have you tried making a timeline of past events? Writing flashback scenes can be quite difficult, so if you arenā€™t a professional or an expert I suggest narrating everything from the beginning instead of inserting a random flashback scene of Camille and Neil falling in love. The dialogue also seems inauthentic in a way where the sentences are too detailed in terms of word choice. I suggest breaking down your dialogue into shorter sentences. Make as many sentences as possible but ensure that they arenā€™t too long, otherwise your characters may not feel like real people speaking. Anyways, those are the only weaknesses I can spot so far. The rest is good, I like the presence of emotions within the characters that I can visibly distinguish who is speaking. Romance, bad boys, and angels arenā€™t really my type of thing, but based on me reading your novels I can distinguish your style and taste that it stands out for me. Keep it up! And if you have any concerns, feel free to message me in the forums or on the server. All the best!

    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    Neil is a walking red flag šŸš©

    Ch 6 You Push Me, I Push You
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    I like reading the Authorā€™s Thoughts, it gives me some insights on how you came up with this story. I love stories based off of true experiences. šŸ˜…

    Ch 5 A Striking Match
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    I suggest replacing the word ā€˜impossibleā€™ with another stand-in adjective.

    Ā "You're really impossible! Even that wild animal over there knows how to accept a gift when he gets one."
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    For a CEO, Neil is kind of immature. Also, a caged lion as a gift can be too much, imagine the weight it takes to lift it. I suggest changing the gift to another live animal (something that can be domesticated, like a dog or a cat I guess) so it looks more authentic, and not something like a caged lion. Because how would Camille actually take care of it? Anyhow, Iā€™ll carry on šŸ˜…

    Ch 3 Stupid Girl, Stupid Thing
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    Iā€™m on neither side šŸ˜… They need a lot of counseling. Also, arranged marriage? Now I get why they wouldnā€™t get along that well.

    Ch 2 The Golden Lion
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ Donā€™t tell me he killed that lion for herā€¦.

    "It's the golden lion. I've captured it just for you. Don't you have something to say?" he said with a confident smile plastered on his face.
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    This husband may be a little inconsistent with the way he shows love to Camille. I also have a question: How are these two working together? Any backstory? šŸ˜Š

    Ch 1 Trophies
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    Oh dearā€¦.šŸ˜­

    Ā "You women just don't understand the thrill of the hunt. It's a man's thing. You should be proud that your man is such a talented hunter. Rest assured, I'm excellent at it, none of them suffer."
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    Oh yikes, get another fiancĆ© šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    Ā Camille wiggled her nose and dabbed it gently with the back of her index finger. Neil's office always had a disgusting musty odor that she dreaded facing whenever she had to visit her fiancĆ© in his work space.
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    Urban Ā· Thalia_Ilace
  • jeanofarc

    I already like this book. Couples with descriptive words and the fast-paced ā€œchaseā€ scene in the prologue, readers are in for a ride! Eric and Ethanā€™s banter is amazing, I love the exchange of dialogues so far. Though I donā€™t read books with magic as a central aspect, I aim to binge this book in my free time. I look forward to reading the rest. Keep it up!

    This book has been deleted.
  • jeanofarc

    I like the fast-paced action as well as Ethan and Ericā€™s banter. Smooth and descriptive. I like it.

    This book has been deleted.
  • jeanofarc

    Okay, I read some chapters but for some reason, I cannot establish a clue about what your story is really about. TLDR, here are my strengths and weaknesses for your novel. Strengths: Unique genre. Good representation of the premise. Weaknesses: No knowledge of plot structure. Lack of description of what the story is all about along with scenes. I know for a fact that this novel falls under the sports genre, so I was expecting fast-paced action scenes of the players or something similar. I didnā€™t see any of it in the first chapter. I suggest describing the scenes (for example, describe the officeā€™s appearance) and adding context to your chapters. When making chapters, there needs to be an objective of what you are trying to portray to the audience. You need to convince people to read your book. I tried to understand some characters, like Jeff, for example being the boss, but for some reason I cannot flip the page because I keep reading scenes without any context of what it is all about. Also, please improve your book title, so I can have a clear picture of what your book stands for. I appreciate your desire to represent the world of sports in novels, but for now I just canā€™t read the rest of it because of it lacking a clear foundation of what it is about. But you shouldnā€™t give up. Sports isnā€™t my thing, but knowing you want to represent it through your novel is making me want to read more. That is, if you revamp/rewrite your book. Good luck on your writing journey by the way, and feel free to message me in the forums should you have any questions.

    Football-Ballon d'or or die [Gacha System]
    Sports Ā· fat_gamer
  • jeanofarc

    Actually, I think the info dump is unnecessary. If applicable, try using simple words that are easy to understand by the mainstream audience.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Football-Ballon d'or or die [Gacha System]
    Sports Ā· fat_gamer
  • jeanofarc


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Football-Ballon d'or or die [Gacha System]
    Sports Ā· fat_gamer
  • jeanofarc

    What is this supposed to mean? I kind of need elaboration on this.

    (.... About .... Report)
    Football-Ballon d'or or die [Gacha System]
    Sports Ā· fat_gamer
  • jeanofarc

    This reader has completed at least five chapters upon writing this review. Where do we start, oh alright. Firstly, I would love to commend you on making a Korean novel thatā€™s based on royal status and the imbalance between social classes. I appreciate the dynamics between the two brothers so far after reading the first five chapters. Now, on to the review proper. I really want to enjoy your story, but there are way too many grammatical errors, especially in the synopsis. Also, I was expecting something around post-reincarnation because the synopsis already gave way too much information about what the story is about. Two princes who were exiled then killed, then reincarnated after a hundred years. To be honest I was confused about the time period of the first chapter, because we were taken to a fast-paced scene of a chase going on between the princes and the guards. What I also noticed is that you inserted character descriptions in the middle of the scene that I almost forgot we were in the heat of a chase. So far, your premise has potential and is very interesting, I just think you need to execute it better. TLDR for the things you need to change: - Remove the character descriptions in between a fast-paced action scene where the princes are being chased after by guards. This ruins the reading experience. - Please fix your dialogues. The guards saying ā€œhow dare youā€ sounds a little unrealistic, maybe try something in between a professional and commanding tone, like ā€œHalt!ā€ - Change your dialogue format. Itā€™s inconsistent in terms of style. This is a novel, not a script. Replace ā€œJiho: ___ā€ with ā€œ______ā€, Jiho said. - Tweak your synopsis a bit. Donā€™t give too much information away unless itā€™s a timeskip. I guess I can excuse saying the two brothers died because they get reincarnated, but donā€™t narrate more details like ā€œwho killed who.ā€ It spoils the readers. So far, here is my rating for your book: Writing Quality: 4* Updating Stability: 5* Character Design: 4* Story Development: 4* World Background: 4* So far, your world is very interesting and has potential to be in K-Dramas. I can visualize everything clearly. Your novel isnā€™t bad, it just needs improvement like everyone of us. So this is it. I think Iā€™ll end my review with best wishes on your writing journey!

    Shouting for mistakes
    History Ā· Kang_Minrin
  • jeanofarc

    Iā€™ll stop here and read the next chapters when I have time. Expect some paragraph comments from me. That way you can get an early review since I already developed an impression of your writing style :)

    Ch 4 Ungjin Affairs
    Shouting for mistakes
    History Ā· Kang_Minrin
  • jeanofarc

    Combine this with your next paragraph, since Princess Hae Won is mentioned repeatedly.

    Regretful, he ruminated, "If only I had come sooner, taken Jiho outā€”he wouldn't be so hurt." Returning to guard the Princess' chambers, guilt consumed him.
    Shouting for mistakes
    History Ā· Kang_Minrin