

2023-10-02 JoinedGlobal

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  • Lucius_SS

    It's a turn your brain off fun read. The only annoying thing is him not telling anyone how strong he is. If he was just honest with everyone, it would make trusting and following him a lot easier. It's better than his obvious lies.

    How I Made The Apocalypse My B*tch
    TV · MiyazakiFan_18
  • Lucius_SS

    Why, though? At this point hes just lying to them, and they know it.

    But they could never know the truth.
    How I Made The Apocalypse My B*tch
    TV · MiyazakiFan_18
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to SkillsMasterAkurai

    It's mostly a matter of preference between a chromium based browser and firefox as firefox can download extensions to get similar privacy and advantages that Brave has. If you come from chrome, try out brave and see how you like it. If you already use firefox and like it then try adding extensions. Performance wise I'm unsure which is better honestly. Personally, I use Brave.

    The 27-inch QHD+ ASUS monitor came to life when the PC was powered on. The screen brightened up, showing the iconic ASUS symbol. It didn't take long before he logged in to Windows. All this happened in a matter of seconds due to the presence of a 2 TB NVMe Solid State Drive (SSD) internal storage and 32 GB of 3600 MHZ DDR4 memory. Amongst his list of browsers, he ignored both CHROME and EDGE and clicked on BRAVE. It was honestly a surprise for Joe when he realized that the browsers that used to exist on Earth also existed in the Marvel Universe. As for which iteration, he had yet to know, but he was about to investigate. 
    Marvel: I Have A Super USB Drive
    Anime & Comics · OneArmedImmortal
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to MyMumCallsMePig

    That doesnt answer why he would have a sword lol

    With a trembling hand, I picked up a sword and pointed it straight at his head. "Any last words?" I asked, my voice steady despite the pain.
    Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers
    Anime & Comics · MyMumCallsMePig
  • Lucius_SS
    "I have time until Mr. 'I am inevitable' shows up. Maybe I should just bail from New York, live somewhere remote, and pray I don't get snapped out of existence," Zora joked to himself.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to 4Eyes

    I can't read korean...

    Became Hitler
    Book&Literature · 4Eyes
  • Lucius_SS

    Meh not bad, atm it's boring and I want to get back to Modern Family. At first my first problem was that things were going too quick like another reviewer said. The second was that he is doing things, but not really interacting with the family. For instance, he has a crush on Haley I believe, but no explanation on why. What makes him like her? We get shown minimal interactions between them two besides him TELLING US he stopped her first kiss, I believe? You could've written a scene of what happened. Another problem is that he's very focused on education and his career instead of creating a story around the family and interacting with them before the canon show starts. Nothing wrong with that, but It could've been more balanced in interacting with them more. Now were in a movie I forget the name of and the only reason I know that is because the events all seem very familiar. There was no explanation on who these people are or even if the mc knows them from his past life. Now the story is just copying whatever happened in the movie. Again, very quickly. Way too fast, slow down. The author could have had the mc interact more with the characters and change things. But from what I can tell it's the same. I believe it all comes down to slowing the story down and integrating the main character into the world you've built rather than him being a side show when things are happening. I have a bad feeling that when Modern Family canon starts it's going to be the same thing where the mc has no impact on the story, and instead we just get a copy of what happens in the show with him just sorta being there or him doing his own thing while canon is happening. At the moment it's boring with the comedy movie part of the story, but I will wait and hope it gets better. Btw, sorry for the word vomit of a review but I wanted to get my thoughts down.

    Modern Family: Genius
    TV · burakku
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to livingtargetts

    Didn't know that existed, thank you.

    From the memories alone, he had "seen" countless instances of bullying.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS

    Maybe it's because I know he would escape, but he told katara confidently that he would be back. His footsteps were light, not one of a soldier. He didn't knock like he said, and I imagine he sounded very young. Then he said surely Zuko and Iroh could handle things. Does he subconsciously not want to capture the avatar because it feels wrong?

    This book has been deleted.
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    So are you only arguing that corruption exists? This would imply not only to the US but every other country as well. If so then I would agree. Corruption exists, it's only to what degree and extent. So if your only argument is sometimes judges or jurors might take bribes? Then I would agree with you. I only disagree with you on the fact that a worker protection lawsuit would not get a fair trial for the majority of the time. This lawsuit would not be high stakes enough to require bribes. Settling out of court to avoid public scrutiny and losing less money in the long term would be more prudent. If taken to trial anyway, it would not be worth the risk versus reward factor of bribing judges. It's best to simply hire an expensive corporate lawyer or use the lawyers they have on retainer and argue for a lesser payout. Anyway, I'm going to move on from this discussion so you can say your last piece and I will most likely read it but not respond to it. As for you not being from the US and therefore not have knowledge of various things about it I'll give you that the internet has made information available anywhere so you could very well be educated on this matter. I just don't understand why you would care about all these things about a country that you don't live in and therefore take the time out of your day to research and become educated in the matter. So I hope you understand why I would have doubts to the level of your knowledge in this regard. Especially when I myself live in the country and have never experienced rampant bribery in our justice system that a worker suing their employer results in bribery often enough that it becomes unreliable.

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    First off, I'm 99% sure you're not from the US if English is not your first language, which makes me question how you would know so much about the US justice system, the corruption of US corporations, or even care. And for the court siding with a "random man." Why would they do that. It's either the judges or jury's job to decide who is guilty and not. So they don't just choose a random person. That's just silly. And by "taking the bribe so they don't get depressed and kill themselves" I'm assuming you mean the corporation would kill them if they did not take the bribe. This would mean the corporation threatened them at some point. Which you yourself say corporations find much harder to do nowadays. I'll say again, I've never denied the existence of corruption. Only the extent, ease, and kind of corruption which you imply. Though, I do have a question. Why would I trust a person not from the USA on how corrupt the US justice system is? In my experience, I have never heard of corporations being corrupt enough to bribe or assassinate judges. Ever. Period. Not even from conspiracy theorists. There is simply no verifiable evidence for this. Instead, corporations hire expensive lawyers to represent them, but even then, there is still only so much they can do. That is why they settle out of court if they believe they can't win. I believe you may have heard a bunch of false negative things about the US or propaganda depending on where you live and take these things as fact.

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    Everything before you started a potential new sentence with "Corruption" is barely readable to me. I dont mean this in any disrespectful manner, but is english not your first language?

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    Get back to me with better grammar. I can't read that. I never denied the existence of corruption, just not to the scale you imply.

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    No. That'd be idiotic. It's just not nearly as big of an issue. If you said corruption in lobbying our politicians then I'd fully agree, but the days of the mafia threatening judges and the jury are over. Sure, It probably happens at times, but big corporations would much rather settle outside than risk most things going to court. It's bad publicity and they could lose far more. If there was as much corruption as you claim, then they would never settle and always go to court. But that's not the case. Your comments about someone writing a paragraph and saying you didn't order a "yappachino" makes me believe you have no intention of having any sort of intelligent dialogue. Either from trolling or being unable to produce any sort of counterargument. Either way, I'm not going to interact with someone who's been condescending and rude. So again best of luck in life, I'm not going to argue with you. Oh, and sorry for making you read another paragraph. :P

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Ryan swished the wand, binding her hands and legs to the bed, "You'll know the answer shortly." He placed the wand on the bedside table and opened the drawer. Inside were various sex toys such as vibrators, anal plugs, anal beads, nipple clamps, nipple vibrators, bullet vibrators, gags, lube, massage oils, and a couple of other things. He took out the lube bottle and the ball gag.
    Harry Potter: Necromancer's Legacy
    Book&Literature · Xcalibur_Xc
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    I cant tell if your an idiot or a troll... Well either way I wish you the best of luck in life.

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS
    Replied to Easycall

    Its the law. You can sue if they dont.

    At the age of ten, they took him to this place, and after several years of struggle, his mother was unfortunately killed in a street gang shootout, an accidental victim. A year later, while working hard, his father died from a heart attack brought on by overwork.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS

    Some chinese nationalism and acquiring peak human fitness with possible super human senses by killing some cockroaches all in the first chapter.

    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS

    Might as well become an exterminator if he gets this much benefit from killing bugs

    His hearing had similarly improved; under the sound of vehicles outside the window, he could hear the footsteps and conversations of passersby and the vagrants on the streets, and even the noise from neighbors in the surrounding apartment buildings.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam
  • Lucius_SS

    Who the hell bullies an adult for being asian in new york? Are we in an elementary school?

    From the memories alone, he had "seen" countless instances of bullying.
    Killing Makes You Stronger
    Movies · Bleam