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  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    Now that I think about it, can Fujin actually fly? By using the method he used on naruto but continuously, he could push his body to the skies easily.

    Ch 606 Chapter 600 : Cold Winds...
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    Imagine that Fujin put one of his shadow clones as a medic, to take 'care' of the elite jounin who tried to get his spot. It would be hilarious, and even more if Fujin gave any excuse like 'I was so worried about your state, that I decided to train myself into Medical Ninjutsu just to take care of you.'

    Ch 599 Chapter 593 : Guidance Hall
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    Fujin "The odds are actually pretty high, as I already found a method to save you." Hoka "How?" "Getting you a new body." "What?" "Well Orochimaru investigated quite a bit about those seals and perhaps with some luck he actually found a way to change his body, as long as we capture him we can open his brain open." "... Is there no other way?" "Well, I have another which is a bit more unlikely. As a completely unrelated question... What do you think are the odds of convincing grandpa to teach me the Edo Tensei?"

    He asked, "So, what are the chances of removing this seal?"
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro
    Replied to Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    While this idea may sound stupid, it may actually be genius. For starters, this method will absolutely and completely guarantee the loyalty of countless of their members, at least for a few years. As the prize of getting a Kekkei Gekkai is far beyond, what even a Great Village could offer. Moreover, he could also bring forth external people who already possess a Gekkei Kekkai for a transaction, where he for the price of teaching how to perform another Kekkei Gekkai will be allowed to 'use' the Kekkei Gekkai of another. Allowing both to learn a completely different nature. With this he could attract countless of Gekkei Kekkai people, to learn even more skills. In the best case scenario, he could make this a privilege exclusive to his members, thus brining a lot of talents who would be willing to share their gifts, on exchange of getting the one of others. Moreover, it was already shown on the Novel with Mieko Uchiha (was that her name?) That developing one's Gekkei Kekkai can increase one Chakra's reserves. So, it would be only logical if the same applied to other Gekkei Kekkais. Which means that you would get twice the bonus, for mastering a Kekkei Gekkai. Another reason, why he could use the Phantom Heaven Association as a mean of exchanging Kekkei Gekkai's, is that he could create a more convincing identity. Because, as common sense states, even if somebody is a freakish genius that learnt by themselves a Kekkei Gekkai it must be night impossible to repeat the process over and over again. So, the chances of somebody having two or even three completely different Kekkei Gekkais is almost null. (Unless the secret that he can teach and learn Gekkei Kekkai's is revealed.) As the leader of the Phantom Heaven Association he could use Typhoon Release, as Fujin he could use Scorch release and as the (lighting guy?), he could learn Swift release. With that trinity, almost nobody would ever be able to link any of the three together. Only those of the Heaven Phantom Association, may suspect otherwise however Fujin could convince them that those are 'members' of his Association, that are taking charge of different branches of the association. Finally, Fujin would not even need to be completely part of the process, as he could simply give Dan's Jutsu to his group. And while this carries some few information risks, i believe it would be more than worth it, because, well, by doing this he can incentivize his subordinates to actively look for people with Gekkei Kekkais.

    Ch 582 Chapter 576 : A Shortcut!
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    Phantom Heaven Association when each of their members, has 2-3 Gekkei Kekkai.

    Ch 582 Chapter 576 : A Shortcut!
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro
    Replied to Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    TL; DR; The Konoha crush could go differently, where both Orochimaru and the Kazekage attack the village together. Whilst Orochimaru fights against Hiruzen, Fujin fights against the Kazekage. After defeating the Kazekage, Fujin becomes known as the 'Wind Calamity.'

    Ch 532 Chapter 526 : Another Mission to Sunagakure???
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    I think it would be very cool, if Fujin's actions on Sunagakure were such, that Orochimaru would feel more certain about his cooperation with the Kazekage, to the point that he does not feel like betraying them prematurely. Firstly, I do not think Orochimaru would be as dumb, as to face so many active foes, without any allies, the Hokage alone would already be quite dangerous for him, and if you add Fujin, I do not think Orochimaru would dare to take the two alone. Secondly, is because I think Orochimaru would be certain that his allies would not betray him. We really do not know on Canon what was the explanation of why Orochimaru killed them, but one that would not really contradict any of the Canon, and would fit very nicely with this fanfic, would be that he killed them, because the Kazekage was backing out, both because he was not certain that Konoha were the responsible ones behind the attack, and because he was fearful of them. Perhaps Orochimaru suspected that the Kazekage would betray him, and would ally with Konoha once more to plan a double-betrayal against him, which is why he murdered him preventively. However, on this timeline after being struck time and time again by Fujin, perhaps this time he would be far more hateful towards Konoha and would be willing to disregard everything to face them off. With this, there could be a Konoha crush arc, where both Orochimaru and the Kazekage cooperate together to destroy Konoha. Not only this would be cool to see, but it would also allow for the Kazekage to face directly Fujin. Obviously, the Kazekage would head out towards him, both due to the hatred he feels towards him, as well as to confirm if he was the culprit behind the many disasters that befell on his Village. With that, it could begin an interesting arc, where Fujin faces a powerful Kage, and fully shows himself to be worthy of the title of 'Wind Calamity.'

    Ch 532 Chapter 526 : Another Mission to Sunagakure???
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • Zhen_Za_Run_Ro

    I think that this is one of the best Fanfics I've read, though it has some issues. Firstly, I think that the MC was made a bit too talented, while is not as exaggerated as the ones from Canon, it's obvious that he's very prodigious, as the speed which he grows is a bit too high, which was simply because the author decided to make him born just a few years before the canon. If he had been born at a later era, for example 4-6 years earlier, the author would have been able to make him grow at a more believable rate. Having said this, even though he grows a bit too quickly in terms of actual time, it does not feel underserved. One thing I like about this author is that he explains step by step what are the plans of the MC and how he grows by himself. First of, he hasn't had a single ass-pull at the last second to save himself, nor has had any sudden explosive growth all of a sudden. He has an steady, and believable growth. His steady and believable growth also means that one can predict or foresee more or less how he will progress, so any future skill he may have, only feels like an extension and development of his current skills. The battles are also detailed, and the characters, well, they feel like that, characters. They feel like they do not simply live for the sake of the MC and have their own plans, schemes and desires. There's no 'Shy Girl' like Hinata, nor there is any young master, like on well, half the Novels and Fanfics. In fact, I think some characters were actually improved on. Danzo for example, feels like an actual character, with his own schemes and plans instead of a scapegoat for all the crimes of Konoha like on canon. Or Hiruzen who feels like an actual competent leader.

    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex