

2023-05-23 JoinedGlobal

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  • Thellena

    Naeve is too cute! But what I really like is that you can also tell that he's powerful, serious about his work, and normally a relatively guarded man from just a bit of introduction. I'm really curious as to whether Sunny will be drawn to others in the house of Night the same way - is it elemental? Since Shadows like depths and darkness. And I'm just now realizing that we never found out what happened to Saint Tyris & her husband - they got kicked off the isles, but it's a bit sad that they didn't turn up during the Valor arc. She did so much for Sunny and then just disappeared... it's a bit unfortunate.

    Ch 831 Master Naeve
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

    Ch 741 Chain Breaker
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Dear Author, It's not nice to rip someone's heart out. I... don't know whether to hope that the cohort can actually change the past or not now. Mostly because it would be unbearably, unthinkably, cruel for the knife to remain in the present. And yet, a terrible, selfish, part of me hopes that it does -- since I miss him already.

    Ch 741 Chain Breaker
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Ionno... it's kind of fun to see Sunny on the other side of the 'stuff' he pulls... maybe I'm wrong :D but it's hard to believe that Noctis actually plans to surrender the knives (& Sunny).

    "What are you talking about? I don't have any knives! It's this guy over here, he has them. So… if you want them, come and take them from him! Leave this poor sorcerer out of this, by the Moon…"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena
    Replied to Moonlight_Fire

    That's what I'd assumed (& hoped) too, because otherwise it's really too terrible.

    "I am not sure that he really knows anything, anymore. He is still alive, somewhere inside, but I don't think he is fully… sentient. At least… at least I hope that he is not…"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Or since the tapestry of fate is woven with threads of the past, present and future the Spell uses pieces of all three. If it's really doing so, that opens the door for the nightmares to be both illusory past, possible future, and present at the same time. After all, Fate is simply probability - this could be why matching matters so much in a nightmare.

    One was that the Nightmare was not, in fact, a recreation of the past. Instead, it was just… just the past. The Spell knew what Noctis was going to say because this conversation had already happened thousands of years ago, and possessed the power to send people back through time.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Ah, perhaps I shouldn't... but I really like Noctis... unlike the young gladiator he somehow feels real. Perhaps because he seemed so hopeless staring into divine(?) flame caked in blood; or maybe because in only a few paragraphs he's so many different things -- sly, and kind, and egotistical and fearsome. Regardless, if there's not more of him, I'll be so sad

    "Oh, it's nothing much, really. You see, there's an abandoned fortress on the edge of this island. All I want is for you to climb inside… and remain there until dawn. Actually, it will be best if you can fall asleep. So… a little nap in exchange for a new heart. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? I mean, it's just a few hours of sleep… really, what's the worst that could happen?"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    I'd completely forgotten about the undying armor so Sunny's "death" was pretty shocking!! That was a lot of fun, thank you. It's been a while since I've been so startled. :)

    Ch 620 Death
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena
    Replied to Iarollane

    & just to add on here - although she knows that he's Mongrel, he doesn't know that she knows because she only -cutely- sent him the vid w/ "have you seen this yet?" and he took that at face value - probably because she sends him a fair number of weird messages (and then leaves him on read ;))

    Granted, she couldn't really spar with him due to her condition. But he had Saint for that.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    If Kai is going too, maybe the cohort will be able to function, since he spent the most time with Sunny when the cohort was at the forgotten shore. He also subtly supports Sunny & seems to genuinely care for and about him. I think Cassie joining bothers me because I feel that Sunny's "understanding" of her choice stems more from his lack of self worth than his capacity to genuinely forgive her. I'd feel more comfortable with this redemption arc for Cassie if Sunny had a chance to grow into his own skin a bit more.

    "If you don't mind… count me in, too. I want to challenge the Second Nightmare with the three of you, guys, as well. In fact… even if you do mind, I insist!"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    No... just no. She's already brutally betrayed him once. Once is enough.

    "You need to convince Cassie to join us, too. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but it doesn't matter. Members of a cohort don't need to be friends. They just need to work well together… and our cohort worked perfectly, back on the Forgotten Shore. Caster is dead, and Nephis is gone… but Cassie is still here, and we both know how invaluable her Aspect is."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    I wonder if it's close to Mordred for a reason --like Neph (Nephilim) & Cassie's (Cassandra) names were-- if so, this relationship doesn't bode well for Sunny. Maybe I'm just overthinking it tho...

    "...Mordret. Or, rather... Prince Mordret, I guess."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    What an amazing rollercoaster ride... I thought they might fight, but I also thought Sunny might just take her to the gate and shove her in after defeating her, or maybe that they'd both stop and just stay together. I never imagined it'd end like this. How incomparably brutal. I don't know what to hope - but I expect she'll survive.

    Ch 350 End of the Nightmare
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    I love the growth (and explanations of it) in this whole section. The idea that surviving isn't enough and Sunny's nascent desire for more than just "being alive" is so relatable.

    In these past months, Sunny had changed without even noticing. Somehow, he had grown unsatisfied with his previous way of life, one where his sole goal of survival at all cost overshadowed everything else. Whether he lives or dies had always been the only thing that mattered. But now, how he lived mattered more.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Not distressing or foreboding at all <.< Sunny thinks about being all powerful & Cassie becomes worried and distressed - makes you wonder what exactly she's been seeing in those visions

    On her face, a dark expression appeared, soon erased by uncertainty and doubt.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Thellena

    Excellent characters and world building. I thought that I'd get bored with over 900 chapters, but the story just keeps getting better

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree