

2023-05-03 JoinedGlobal

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  • EasyFlow
    Replied to the_mighty_blanket

    That’s dumb advice, imo. Treat everyone with respect, but also according to their personal circumstance. Equality doesn’t eqist among people who differ, but fairness may be attainable.

    "So it's about your head, isn't it? It's domestic violence then. Don't worry, times are different now. Gender makes no difference, if a woman beats a man, that's considered domestic violence too. We will handle it."
    I Really Only Have One Wife
    Urban · Mud White Buddha
  • EasyFlow

    What about her STD?

    "Mrs. Fang, get on the bed..." Li Qiang, his mind now filled with the sole thought of ravishing this naughty woman, didn't give a damn about their age difference.
    Male Gyrologist
    Urban · Black Amber
  • EasyFlow

    She is mostly just mad over her last relationship, this is a desperate move to solve everything that bothers her immediately, give it a shot and then see what happens as things move along. Though it’s a very thin rationale to say the “car is now hers so therefore she should not be spending money on it”, since the car would, in fact, remain HIS (due to the prenuptial agreement, so either it’s not hers), and the repairs would need to be paid by HIM (in case the money does become “her”s through becoming “theirs”, it’s then also HER money paying for HER car). She literally just got rid of her obligation by “purchasing the object.”

    "Three million yuan in compensation waived and an additional long-term meal ticket. Is that a problem? Since I'm here, do I still need to think about it?"
    He Clings to Me Every Night
    Urban · An Lan
  • EasyFlow
    Replied to Red_elk

    If there is such a prenuptial agreement awarding custody, it nominally takes precedence but can be contested on the basis of ethics and other issues, should there be a child and subsequent divorce. The supposition there MUST be a child is chinese, not western.

    "Three million yuan in compensation waived and an additional long-term meal ticket. Is that a problem? Since I'm here, do I still need to think about it?"
    He Clings to Me Every Night
    Urban · An Lan
  • EasyFlow
    Replied to kozia94

    Oh, so there need to be excuses..?

    "Why won't you expect your fiance to take you out? Besides, I won't give you my money, but I can choose to spend my money anyhow I deem fit on my fiancee," Bryan said as held out his hand for her to take it.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    "Good girl," Bryan said as he tapped her ass, making her turn to look at him with a slightly raised brow, "I would tap my fiancee's ass that way," he said with a grin. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    If you were ugly, evrybody would be screaming workplace-harrassment at this point!

    "Why didn't you respond to either of my texts, Lu?" Tom asked when he finally stopped in front of her. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    I don’t care. This is still not ok!!

    He liked to know that he affected her this way. He never would have thought in his wildest imaginations that he would be anything short of the gentleman he was, doing things like this to get a lady's attention. But here he was, getting bolder and becoming more daring by the day. And the amusing thing about it was the fact that he was enjoying every moment of it. Maybe he had always had this in him just like Bryan but had been hiding it all under his good mannerisms. Now he was ready to throw all of that to the winds, as long as it got him what he wanted. He wasn't a womanizer enough to try this on different ladies. Only one lady interested him at the moment, and that was Lucy. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    Tom took another step towards her and smiled at the desperation he heard in her voice, "He is not. I saw him leave earlier, with Mr. Harry," Tom said as he took another step closer to her desk.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    "Then don't pay me," Tom said with a shrug as he moved away from the wall and took his first step towards her, making her want to hide under her desk. How had their relationship changed so quickly in such a short duration?
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    Because that is how male-female transactions work… amirite?

    "What if what I want from you is not money?" Tom asked, making butterflies flutter in her belly. If he didn't want money what else could he want from her apart from the other thing?
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    Once Tom got out of the elevator, he pushed thoughts of Anita out of his mind as he dipped his hand into his pocket and slid the key ring down on one of his fingers. He smiled in anticipation of his encounter with Lucy as he lazily walked over to her office. He had spent some time mulling over what he wanted to say and do to her, and he was already dying to see her colored face. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    He was only going to reveal his identity to the public once he was settled with the right lady. That would stop people like Anita from coming around him and trying to act like they cared about him. He wished he could say he looked forward to seeing her reaction when she finds out the truth, but he really didn't care about her or her reaction. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    When he first met her and started exchanging texts with her, he had thought for a moment that she might be just the lady he needed in his life. But he had snapped out of that dream almost immediately the moment he lied to her that he wasn't as wealthy as he suspected she had assumed, and her attitude changed towards him. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    Rude is rude, she surely hadn’t deserved it from what I read here; also, keeping secrets about who you used to be seeing is a MAJOR red flag in any serious relationship. If you can’t own your “mistakes”, you are not there yet.

    "I don't think I need to give you any reason. Just don't tell anyone that we were involved with each other. Have a nice day," Tom said with a polite bow before walking away from her. Knowing the kind of person she was, he knew she wasn't going to go about telling anyone that they used to be in a relationship. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    Lol, I’m appreciating the inexperience of the comments here… a girl is allowed to want a husband that feels safe for her. However, safe is not a standard set out by members of your family, but by yourself; trusting your gut feeling that someone is worth “putting your money on” should take priority (this is how real love feels - not ideal, but safe in the sense that you know that you could depend on each-other, come what may).

    Of course, her smile was cheerful since she had nothing against him. She liked Tom as a person since he was a very nice guy, and was good-looking too. If only he wasn't such a... A nobody, maybe she would have tried to take him seriously. Her mother and sisters would laugh at her endlessly if they ever heard that she had gotten involved with a blue-collar worker. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    "You're sure that is all this is? You're not having any strange or funny feeling in your head? Like you love her all of a sudden?" Matt asked in a low voice, wanting to be sure Sonia hadn't used a love potion on his friend. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow
    "She must truly be a witch! She must have bewitched you while you were sleeping," Matt speculated after giving it some thought.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    She sucked his soul dry, then made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

    "What happened over the night? Come on, talk to me! Please!" Matt pleaded impatiently.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • EasyFlow

    He might be overselling this, but at least he’s taking charge!

    "I'm sorry baby, unfortunately, you will have to keep your work aside and give me your undivided attention. That is what my fiancee would do," Bryan said, making Sonia roll her eyes. 
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour