

2023-04-18 JoinedPhilippines

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  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to Halt_Jagged

    White hair = Garou(One Punch Man) Power of the stars=Cosmic garou using Flowing Water Cushing Rock to imitate the FLOW of the universe

    It had embraced the infinite evolution it had seen in the genetic memories within its host as it saw the true potential of body refinement and the limit of human potential in a host that could have the very power of the stars.
    Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.
    Book&Literature · Azazyel
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to EzioAuditore_1

    So it's basically just the Essence of Home?

    Ch 34 Fulfilling Dreams And Trying Not To Die In The Process 1
    Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,)
    Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to EzioAuditore_1

    Hold up Author-san doesn't Inviolate only make it so that any form of precognition either functions without taking the user of the Essence into account or disable any that directly target the user? That would mean that Dr. Fate should have seen the events of the Injustice timeline unless he directly targets the MC(Who he wouldn't know about) but IDK tho. Anyway thanks for the chapter.

    Ch 32 The Storm Approaches
    Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)
    Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
  • ThatGuy88

    How exactly does Natsu bypass Infinity? Does True Dragon Slayer mode give him sure hit attacks? Or does it ignore space? Or does his attacks cancel out Cursed Energy? You need to give us a proper reason why other than this being a blatant Nerf like the one you did last chapter with him not getting any stats. It's honestly annoying. Still thanks for the chapter.

    Ch 185 Chapter 185: The Strongest Mage vs True Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThatGuy88

    Honestly there is more cons than there are pros in revealing his secret, as of now he is not nearly strong enough to handle the consequences should others find out about it. If the truth of his ability to gain power gets out he will hounded by other factions, his weekly Gacha will practically guarantee that he will someday be as powerful and even surpass Great Red, he can and will someday become the strongest being in the verse, to the other factions this either makes him the greatest Ally or the biggest Threat and right now he is still very weak so he won't be able to fend for himself, I get that Yasaka knows that he is hiding something and he doesn't was to betray her trust by not telling her but the sheer implications of his Gacha could paint the biggest target on his back that will surely be sought after by factions be it good or bad. He should have just told here that it was dangerous for him to reveal his secret and he will tell her when he gets stronger.

    "I want to talk about my origin of power and my origin."
    The Laziest System: Sign-Up System
    Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
  • ThatGuy88

    1 Gimme da LORE

    The halberd stays at 400 kilograms and gains a "Lore" (+1).
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • ThatGuy88

    Just break bones, and I've never really seen it happen in other fics that much but why don't you give the MC a way to give Mystogan some Modern Earth Knowledge, so that you can basically turn Mystogan into a Generic Fantasy Isekai MC that uses his modern knowledge to "INVENT" new innovative things that don't require Magic and advance their civilisation by leaps and bounds.

    The idea is that the MC should either eliminate any soldier in his way or merely break a few bones to cause them to no longer fight anymore?
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThatGuy88


    On a side not for a ben 10 gamer fic should I have the MC travel other dimensions early on in other anime based worlds or not?
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThatGuy88


    2. The MC tries to fight Acnologia but gets heavily damaged but manages to send his replicas out of the way so that they can grind for him for the next 7 years preparing and honing his skills while remaining at the same level he had when trapped in Fairy Sphere.
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to ThatGuy88

    Like instead of wishing just for the point in time why not wish for an ability to let you arrive at any place, in any universe(including parallel timelines), at any point in time, that way you get teleportation time travel multiverse travel all in one.

    "Well, I wouldn't waste a wish on choosing your background. Most people just get dropped off, and it ends up just fine as long as they choose a wish that gives them enough power to survive. Honestly, it may be even more cliche than this abyss, but use one wish for a system of your choice, then spend the other two wishes on choosing the timeline and world details. The world and timeline details are important, while systems give you a massive bang for your buck, especially good ones," The beings said seriously while I stroked my chin and nodded.
    Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System
    Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to Itzpheng

    I get what you mean but what I'm trying to say is why don't you make use of your wish as much as possible. To me it'd be a waste if you use one wish for arriving at a specific point in time when you can wish for the ability to freely go other worlds at the exact place and time, like if I want to go to One piece 15 years before canon but don't want to use a wish for the specific time, first I will just choose the Naruto wold, then after I arrive I will use my world travel ability to go to One piece exactly 15 years before canon. It's a roundabout method but that way I didn't need to use up a wish.

    "Well, I wouldn't waste a wish on choosing your background. Most people just get dropped off, and it ends up just fine as long as they choose a wish that gives them enough power to survive. Honestly, it may be even more cliche than this abyss, but use one wish for a system of your choice, then spend the other two wishes on choosing the timeline and world details. The world and timeline details are important, while systems give you a massive bang for your buck, especially good ones," The beings said seriously while I stroked my chin and nodded.
    Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System
    Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to ThatGuy88

    Personally I would first go for the Essence of the Akashic Grimoir which grants you access to all information in whatever universe you're in(takes some time), ability to summon things from the multiverse depending on your overall power, pocket dimension to store things including yourself, info on how to strengthen yourself through unique methods, and multiverse travel. Second choice would be adaptive evolution(Doomsday from DC) which is self explanatory, and finally the Essence of the Blank which gives you infinite potential, allows you to learn any discipline(Ex. master all fighting styles) or skillset even if you shouldn't be able to(Ex. learn holy magic while being a demon) so long as you put in effort, and allow your other abilities to evolve(since your limits are removed). My world of choice would be Tensura Slime since I get a free system.

    "Well, I wouldn't waste a wish on choosing your background. Most people just get dropped off, and it ends up just fine as long as they choose a wish that gives them enough power to survive. Honestly, it may be even more cliche than this abyss, but use one wish for a system of your choice, then spend the other two wishes on choosing the timeline and world details. The world and timeline details are important, while systems give you a massive bang for your buck, especially good ones," The beings said seriously while I stroked my chin and nodded.
    Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System
    Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
  • ThatGuy88
    Replied to Itzpheng

    Why not just go with multiversal travel. If ya don't like the timeline you start on just go to an alternate universe.

    "Well, I wouldn't waste a wish on choosing your background. Most people just get dropped off, and it ends up just fine as long as they choose a wish that gives them enough power to survive. Honestly, it may be even more cliche than this abyss, but use one wish for a system of your choice, then spend the other two wishes on choosing the timeline and world details. The world and timeline details are important, while systems give you a massive bang for your buck, especially good ones," The beings said seriously while I stroked my chin and nodded.
    Reborn in Danmachi with a Tensura System
    Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer