


I enjoy all kinds of books and I love different cultures. I'm biracial and though I grew up in the U.S. English is my second language. I grew up speaking my native language first,Inuqpiat Eskimo

2023-02-04 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to Porkbowl

    working on it, really hard. someday just getting out of bed seems to take every ounce of energy in my body and every bit of my mind. other days moving around is easier. It sticks having a broken body that hurts just to do the dishes or cook, and then to also have a broken mind that refuses to just let me leave my house or even just go down to check the mail. Thank you for the support my man.

    Ch 1578 Lost Shadow
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to Daoist3gDEW2

    I think he is going to get his wish but the way he gets it will be unexpected. Like, his wish to be free from the shadow bond and he ends up right next to Neph, fighting along side everyone. Because his freedom is his choice to fight with them. it something like that.

    Ch 1578 Lost Shadow
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to twistedttea_0

    ???? What? I don't understand what you're saying, it might be because pay off what you replied is censored. It might also be just me not understanding and, just me being ignorant of your story hasn't. Sorry that I don't get it.

    Ch 1578 Lost Shadow
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    Every time I think I've read about my favorite place a new nightmare or war campaign comes along and I'm in love with the world all over again. This story has helped keep me sain during times of depression, times of anxiety, times without food, and on and on, this story has saved me, my mind in so many ways. I'm fully fell in love with all the characters. There are so many ways to fall in love, a partner in life is only one way. falling in love with a friend is another. The love a person feels for a stranger is another, where you or I might see a person we do not know and for just a moment the heart flutters and a fantasy of a fast and powerful love affair blooms deep in your soul only to fade into a distant memory after the moment is gone. If you are a parent, you fall in love with your child as life happens and you grow closer becoming a powerful family. This Cohort made me fall in love not only with them but the world's they visit and the virtues of life each represents. The writer helped me fall deeper in love with the written word as all great writers do. (For that dear written, I am thankful. Please know you have helped me survive so many difficult times and brought mee true joy with your art.)

    Ch 1578 Lost Shadow
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to faiz_sharif

    thank you for reminding me. I forgot about his golem idea. I was thinking more along the line of his shadows becoming physical golem like beings. Not to echos but something physical even for short spans of time, but you reminded me and I'm thankful. I was wondering about what he's done in the nightmare as well. Sunless didn't just kill two next level beings, but he's not finished story the nightmare yet. Sunless should come out of this on a deity level situation. even without being a Saint, Sunny is already close to equal in power. I'm so hooked in and I've said it before and I still say it again and again. I'm in love with every character that call this story home.

    Ch 1476 Attrition
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I know Sunless' powers increases now that he is a Terror, but I thought he would get some new kind of shadow manifestation. I had an idea that he might be able to create a couple powerful sentient shadow golems/ creatures of some kind. Maybe he developed a kind of teleportation portal for life 3 people other then Neph. Don't get me wrong, he is wicked powerful no matter how you slice it, and adding a 6th shadow just makes him frightening. I just always house he will get just that much more powerful than Neph,a leg up in their friendly power accumulating competition.

    Ch 1476 Attrition
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I fall in love with this story more and more with each passing chapter! thank you for creating a group of people that are so well developed. Thank you for writing such an amazing world filled with emotions and concepts that just blaze in my mind, imprinting thoughts, emotion, ideas, and hope. I'm going to cry when the story ends as I do with any well written work. anything I read that is at this level I mourn the ending just add i would mourn a friend moving away or someone dear to me passing away. thank you for creating something at such a level that I will mourn it when it is over.

    Ch 1398 Braving the Barrier
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    a time storm sounds interesting! I'd like to experience a time storm once just to see it, if it were a real thing of course.

    Ch 1321 Drowning Island
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I hope you had a really good time! you have been missed deeply.

    Ch 1316 Limits of Power
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to Cheryl_Clarke_1499

    thank you for letting me know. I hour they have tons of fun!

    Ch 1315 Steel Devil
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones
    Replied to Boris_Shnitkov

    Wicked! I hope they have fun, I wanna read whatever they enter for the competition. [img=Feeling it]

    Ch 1315 Steel Devil
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I LOVE Feind! it's actually my favorite shadow creature. I love the third nightmare almost as much as LO49 or LN52, the base that Lost From Light was sent to all those months ago to get the scientists. it was the feeling if that story line that hooked me the most, this third nightmare has me feeling much the same. I think it's because Anakea reminds me of my grandmother in a lot of ways. I don't know why we've only been getting one chapter a day, I'm going to start saving them up for a week at a time and reading them all at once until our talented and very much missed author returns to us from I'm assuming a Holiday and gives us a few chapters a day again. Happy Holiday and Haapyiest of Christmas our dear author and fellow readers.

    Ch 1315 Steel Devil
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I wonder if the mad prince is Sunless' sword ot at least related to the being in it?

    Ch 1310 Forsaken
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I am unbelievably happy for you! I know you will not only do you're best to win, you will also give us all further reason to celebrate in you're talemts.

    Ch 1305 House of Parting
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I would like a day where there are 4 or 5 chapters! I'm so hungry for this story it hurts at times to be forced to read so slow and so little. the story makes up for the pains by being an slaving tale, full of relevant feelings, ideas, needs, fears, and desires. I just wish I could read for an hour and not show down, knowing the next click of my finger will bring me to an end! .....SO SO SO GOOD, THANK YOU WITHOUT FOR SHARING YOUR TALENT AND THIS STORY WITH US. It is a blessing and a gift to know this story.

    Ch 1250 Death of a Hero
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    it is such a privilege to read your work. the ending of the last chapter was beautifully constructs, the start of this next chapter is seemless. I can't wait to see the changes that come from the cohort all becoming Saints! I'm hoping that Master Jet officially becomes a member of the cohort, voted in by all of them. I'm also getting the feeling that beyond just being a cohort that the five of them, six of them if Jet is included, are on their way to becoming a clan of their own. Being a clan worth two leaders might be strange for them at first but with the six saints and all of the masters and ascended in the armies loyal to Kai, Cassie,Effie, and Neph the roots of a really great clan is in the mix, that's without taking the Citadel into consideration. Man, this is going to be even greater then the last volume of books! Thank you for letting us go on this journey with you!

    Ch 1231 Once More, With Feeling
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 Jobless
    Restart:Untalented Man
    Fantasy · Spartzan
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I'm so happy the writer is back I went into Sunny withdrawal. Funny but true story, my eldest brother who's name isn't Sunny, we used to call Sunny. It was his nickname in our language and when we moved into English we kept calling him Sunny.

    Ch 1062 Gone Fishing
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    oh my heart, I grew to love those characters. if only it was like a cryogenic freeze and they footie be brought back some how.

    Ch 1060 The Fall of Falcon Scott (78)
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Eli_Jon_Jones

    I allegory came bare to read, I don't know shad p what is going to happen but somehow I feel my heart might break...

    Ch 1056 The Fall of Falcon Scott (74)
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree