

2023-01-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • Synnurs

    I started with reading the synopsis and realized that this completely ruined the whole book. It revealed basically the whole story and was really stupid. The story itself made 0 sense and seemed like an anime ripoff … weeb. Also the name alaric doesnt sound like a fantasy name it sounds more like a technique on how to morph clay. The story started with the most random thing ive ever heard. It literally starts with “Tens of people crowded a hall” like that makes no sense at al maybe give some background?? Anyways this books sucks and i dont like it. Also the author is really toxic and weird

    The Slime Sovereign
    Fantasy · Reawakening
  • Synnurs
    Replied to Reawakening

    I think its extremely sad to write such a long review on a well made book. Have you seen the massive amount of chapters in this??? The author is also in college whilst writing books, its a whole lot to juggle. If you want to write a distasteful review because you don’t like the complexity of the writing because it describes the scene??? Like seriously its a way to make people visualize the setting and where this has been taking place. You are also critiquing the names that were in the book, saying that they are from two different religions or whatever you said. You do realize anyone can name a child any name because its just a name. Also your saying all this after just reading like the first chapter? Like if you want to read the whole book and then go ahead and write a review, go ahead be my guest. But writing a review after reading the first chapter is just stupid. Also the fact that it was from space and he stated that the japanese went to space for it and you said “why dont say…” but its not your book? So if you just wanna go and write your own boom go ahead but it’ll look like a five year old wrote it because clearly you don’t know good writing. Also if he just said it was from space then there is no context at all. Overall your review is just stupid and makes no sense, you clearly don’t know good writing.

    New acc
    Fantasy · Codonaine