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  • Fever_Froz

    thank you for this awesome book author I loved and enjoyed every chapter thank you for this wonderful book [img=Smitten][img=Smitten]

    Aside from the joys of their family slowly growing, what filled Edgar's mind was how much he would have missed out on if he had not visited Desmond's home. From his beautiful wife to their son, he would try to be the best father that he could be. Edgar was glad he had accidentally met Alessandra that night. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Masssa
    "Well, my plans were for Edgar to marry Linda, but then you came along. That was quite upsetting. No offense, but it was just that I didn't like your father. I hadn't picked out a woman for Rafael yet since getting Edgar to marry took up so much of my time, but you weren't my choice. No offense, but I hated your father too," Tobias said to Annalise. There was bad blood between them.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Stevers


    "Congratulations on your child. The two of you are pregnant and as much as I care for both of you, please keep the whole getting pregnant to yourself. I do not need it in my life at the moment," Eleanor said, keeping a good distance from the two. Many of the young women who got married the last season were slowly announcing they were pregnant. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Masssa

    everyone would have supported her if she had changed in a good way after escaping her past

    "I did," Katrina had no shame in admitting it. "I was a part of a different world from those women. Everything about the disgusting world was beneath it. It still is. I've done enough to pull myself away from that world. I am no longer Ida. I am Katrina, who for many years had status."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to KhailenFB

    or maybe intentionally as she is having all those nightmares about Simon I hope she comes out with the truth all on her own

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Masssa

    😂😂 he hasn't

    "Okay, we should have a dinner of our own. You are giving me the rare chance of inviting your mother over for dinner and I would be a fool to miss out on this. I don't know what is coming over me, but I would like to show that I can also join these petty games and upset Rose," Alessandra smiled. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Edgar looked away from her face since she wasn't going to get him with her smile. "No," he denied it once more. Nothing about her sisters from the two meetings they had convinced him to let either one teach his children.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Morgoth999


    "I am a saint," Edgar said.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Mancy_Crest


    "I am a saint," Edgar said.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Stevers


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz

    as much as I don't wanna judge them I just can't help but judge them and I don't know why but they remind me of kateI cant help but think ale will want to keep them at a distance in the future just like she does with kate though I really hope they aren't as bad as Kate

    "Mother," Claire ran to Melanie with her sister Melody by her side. "The Duke is right there," she whispered, looking at Edgar. They were from a small town but stories of Edgar fighting in the last war alongside the King had reached them. All the girls from her town dreamt of being the ones to marry the King or even one of the noblemen. "When can we speak to him?"
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Stevers

    I hope it won't

    "I plan to take your siblings to meet my parents. If you want to, you can travel with us. It won't be so soon since I am here to get to know you, your new family, and learn what has happened in my absence. The girls are also excited to be in such a big town-"
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz


    "For the last time, I am feeling fine. I feel no different than what I felt this morning. I don't feel like vomiting. However, I am feeling annoyed," Alessandra said, looking at Edgar who sat on the edge of their bed. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz

    I'm proud and happy to see Priscilla changing for the better I really didn't expect her to change to this extent [img=Smitten][img=Smitten]also great job author on this book I'm very happy I love reading this book it has been a fun roller coaster ride I have enjoyed every chapter thus far and thank you so much for making my wish come true ❤[img=Smitten][img=Smitten] love ur work and I will keep supporting you all the best for your new books and congratulations on completing this one [img=Smitten][img=Smitten]

    "Well, I am not sorry about the separation. You should also remember how angry he made me. I know that I have hurt you but if there is ever anything you need, my doors are always open. I owe you for all the years you have kept me company. My doors are opened for your mother too as long as she doesn't come barging in screaming. So many headaches," Priscilla touched her head. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz

    omg congratulations ale and edgar [img=Smitten][img=Smitten]

    "Thank you. You've been spending too much time with Eleanor. I don't have it in me to argue with a pregnant woman. I feel tired," Alessandra yawned. Her attention went from Edmund's former lover to her empty glass. The juice had worked at first but now it felt like it slowly wanted to come back up to make her vomit. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Vaslim

    and she is a kind,loving person who has a great personality

    "Enough of this," Katrina angrily pulled Kate's hands away from her ears. She understood why Kate was upset but there was no need to cause a scene. There was already enough being said about them because of the title and divorce. "Listen Kate. No one is comparing you. You are still better than her."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to j_kurkkari

    lol 😂😂🤣

    "Kate, stop looking around for him. You are starting to look desperate. Let Simon search for you. In the meantime, if there is anyone who wants to dance with you, do not turn them away. A little jealousy might push Simon to make things serious," said Katrina. Just like Kate, she wanted the night to end with good news.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz

    he's having the week of his life I bet this will be one birthday week he will never forget

    Alessandra was over the back and forth about two people she wasn't fond of. She glanced to her side to see if Edgar was just as irritated as she was and it was no surprise he was enjoying every moment of this. If he had a tail, it would certainly be wagging right now. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz
    Replied to Emanuela_Monaco

    cute I like the GIF

    "I told her to choose happiness and she is doing just that. They are not children, grandmother. Your opinion doesn't matter just like it is not needed for the things you want Alessandra to do. I suggest you stop telling her about changing up the house before you find yourself not welcomed here anymore-"
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • Fever_Froz


    Tobias opened his arms wide for Hazel to come to hug him but as her happy expression to see him was quickly replaced by anger, he closed his arms. "My love-"
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167