

2022-09-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Corey_Kelley_1597
    Replied to kartik_agarwal

    400+ is an incorrect chapter count. All opinions of the novel aside, we are actually only about 300 or so chapters into the story, as the author wrote it originally, you are being given chapters in pieces of 4-7, which leads to a boring chapter full of exposition taking 3 or so days to be released in full, this does effect the pace of the story. Just want to make people aware of the laziness of the translator, mtl quality translations and cutting chapters, and their effects on what I would otherwise consider a good novel.

    Unscientific Beast Taming
    Eastern · Sounding Stream
  • Corey_Kelley_1597

    Fantastic novel, the original content itself deserves relatively full marks, depending on particular taste. The translation however does not. Whether looking at the mtl level quality, or the outrageous deception of cutting chapter into 4-7 parts and calling them new chapters, a great novel is being ruined. The 14 chapters per week is a outright lie, on a good week you will get 3 chapters of the original content, usually closer to 2. It has been almost a week at this point and we haven't even gotten a small piece of a chapter. I would suggest, as many others across multiple forums have, that reading at comrademao is a more fulfilling way to consume this content. The quality isn't far off what we are currently being given, there are even other fans who are doing their own editing of those translations so you can get an equivalent quality to what you are being charged for here. For those of you who dislike the idea of not supporting the author, just buy the original content, untranslated, and support just the author as they are the only reason why many havent given up on this work completely due to the abhorrent behaviors of the current translator

    Unscientific Beast Taming
    Eastern · Sounding Stream