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  • Zebuniza

    is it just me or did Yanna have a nightmare that she can't wake up on just like what she described? bcuz I feel that f that's only a nightmare where she can't wake up even f she is slapped that's too shallow to be her reason. I once had nightmares several times before but I easily woke up the moment I was shaken or slapped hard so Yanna must be telling a lie... Well, that's just my opinion... 😅😅

    "Yes, I dreamed of myself in that world, but there was no sign of you. No matter how much I searched, you were nowhere to be found. The familiar feeling of emptiness overwhelmed me, just the thought of living without you. Then, when I woke up, I still couldn't find you. Thankfully, your personal doctor came to my room and told me that we had a visitor," Yanna explained.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    oh my... interrogation is incoming! Alert! ⚠️ Vanessa is making sure she has no rival n love! 😂😂😂

    Vanessa's expression was complicated, she couldn't imagine herself with Oliver, let alone Fiona, Melody, or even Mirayuki. Then a question came to her and she looked seriously at Yanna. "You said you came from a different world, then what's your real name? Also... Did you have a lover there?"
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    oh... is Yanna going to confess the truth about who she is and how she came here in this ABO world?

    Yanna didn't say anything. She stood up and check the door after making sure that it was close she guided Vanessa to sit down.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    um... didn't Yanna only sleep for a few more hours than usual but can't wake up no matter what Vans did to her just to wake her up? Why does it feel like the description here tells otherwise as if it is saying Yanna slept for several days?

    Yanna knew she had made Vanessa worry that day. When she woke up earlier, a doctor had come into her room. She had been startled, about to move away, when the man quickly introduced himself as Vanessa's personal doctor. This reassured Yanna, but she could feel the tension hanging in the air.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😂😂😂 I was right... she and Fiona can be best buddies...

    "I have someone waiting in the car. You guys don't have to send me off. You might as well spend your time together because I'll be taking your wife later and it might be a while before you both meet again," Mirayuki said, her tone playful.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😅😅😅 Yans can be sometimes slow and oblivious...

    Yanna, who had been serious, became slightly confused by Vanessa's comment. However, she trusted Vanessa and nodded in agreement. "Anyway, that's just my opinion," Yanna continued, trying to refocus the conversation.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😂😂😂😂 did this woman deliberately just say that double-meaning sentence? 😅😅😅 she is making fun of them, right? this Mirayuki might be a good bestie for Fiona... 😂😂😂

    Mirayuki, who had been listening attentively, spoke up with a meaningful tone, "Although I must admit, there's a part of me that wants to take him down on my own."
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😅😅😅 these two omegas sure have colourful minds... But really? Vanessa? u dreamed and wished to "take down" Yanna? 🤣🤣🤣😉 Good 4 u to be wild!

    The two omega who listen to Yanna both blush after her last sentence.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    u have such a dangerous idea Yanna and I don't know f it was just a pure opinion/suggestion or if it was an act of revenge against Oliver. and what u just said about not having anything for an arrogant chauvinistic and narcissistic man who is an Alpha is the worst possible punishment for him. although that's a double-edged sword that could backfire at any time if Oliver adjusted to his situation and backstabbed Mirayuki f she ever let down her guard at him.

    "If you want him to change for the better, it will only happen if he has nothing. When a man has nothing, not even a penny, he will learn to be humble. And as far as I know you can take him down," Yanna explained.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    I don't know if it is love for a loved one but f u r to ask me, what kind of love is that? I'd say that love n my opinion is the love of an owner for her pet, who was obsessed with her misbehaving and unruly pet.

    Vanessa carefully studied Mirayuki's eyes and sensed her genuine love for Oliver. She also noticed something else, but she didn't inquire further, as it was none of her business.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😅😅😅😅 I should be thankful that it's not what I thought but I still feel she is ridiculous by saying that impossible favor. though I want to see how Oliver will turn into an obedient dog... I don't feel sorry for him at all he reaps what he sows, and he deserves it.

    "I want you to change Oliver, make him a loyal and reliable Alpha," Mirayuki said.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😅😅😅 I think she is much worse than ur childhood friend girl... F Fiona is adventurous and likes to have fun be it having gossip or meddling in troubles while this Mirayuki girl is a controlling type of a woman who doesn't like to be deceived or be controlled by others especially an Alpha.

    Vanessa felt a sense of déjà vu, as something similar had happened before with Fiona. She knew the best course of action in times like this was not to react at all.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    Oh, that red flag to me... I hope it's not what I think of... bless u Yanna and pray for good luck... 😅😅😅

    "So, what do you want in exchange?" Yanna asked Mirayuki, with Vanessa still sitting beside her. Melody had already left, as everything was now resolved.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    I don't know whether to say good 4 u that u woke up to not worry Vans anymore or good 4 u that u might have a chance to correct Mirayuki's misunderstandings about ur relationship to Fiona and Melody to stop a chance to adding another omega into ur so-called "Harem"... 🤣🤣🤣

    "I'm awake now," Yanna said with a smile, looking fresh and gentle as usual. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she added, glancing at Mirayuki.
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    😅😅😅😅 gosh... I can't even refute her misunderstandings bcuz she is right, Yans is surrounded by beautiful Omegas! 🤣🤣🤣 Yans u need to wake up b4 it gets complicated and let that scary Mirayuki understand that she misunderstood their relationship b4 she might start thinking of getting into ur so-called "Harem"! 🤣🤣🤣

    ' It seems that Yanna's eyesight is really good, there's already two capable and beautiful omega around her, one is like a soft and sweet beauty while the other is a flower in a high mountain. And if the investigation is right Fiona is also her friend that fox is also a beauty. Is she making a harem and she also wants to conquer me? That's why she knows me well? Fufufu~ '
    My Movie Queen
    LGBT+ · Lumi_Gamis
  • Zebuniza

    🤣🤣🤣 Good for u Emi though u r much more smarter than her f I have a say in it...

    "You're something else, Zen," Emi finally remarked, a mix of awe and respect in her tone.
    Rise of the Death Knight
    LGBT+ · Already_In_Use
  • Zebuniza

    ugh... u want to walk the path of manipulation? better stop as early as u can bcuz u don't fit for it... u r fit to be a warrior instead of a death knight... y? u fight without thinking or tactics, u just slam head-on in a battle like a berserker... u r straightforward forward warrior who has a simple and single minded character.

    "Then, we'll have a powerful ally in our fight," Zenith stated, her voice carrying a hint of grim determination. "And, we'll need it. Wiping out a whole guild can't be that easy." 
    Rise of the Death Knight
    LGBT+ · Already_In_Use
  • Zebuniza

    😓😓😓 u r worst at negotiations and scheming girl... u should have showed ur cunningness and determination earlier to scheme against those women instead of pausing and hesitating for a second... you could use words and action to them which is more credible than a contract that has meaning of u r only trust worthy with contract...

    "It's at least a possibility," Zenith stated bluntly, her jaw set in determination. "And when Syneris realizes that, her anger won't be directed at us. It'll be aimed squarely at those responsible, the Bonecrushers and, by extension, the High Rollers."
    Rise of the Death Knight
    LGBT+ · Already_In_Use
  • Zebuniza

    really? just like that and u give them a vital info? and what f the people they want to save is injured or dead? can u revive them? n case u forgot u r dead person which means u too r zombie...

    "I have someone too," Zenith spoke, her voice carrying a hint of steel beneath its calm surface. "Someone I need to rescue from the High Rollers. That's why I want to take them out." 
    Rise of the Death Knight
    LGBT+ · Already_In_Use
  • Zebuniza

    for someone who got betrayed and died u only have rage and wrath to get revenge and save someone but have no determination and direction to get stronger at all. You don't plan how to achieve ur revenge nor how to save someone dear to you, so yeah... you want to get stronger than others is what you always say but u r the kind of: all talk but no action at all. Y I say that? Man, u r an undead death Knight but u act like a living person who gets tired and hungry! for pate's sake, death Knight is like a necromancer an one-man army that can summon several undead that would turn into an army or legion! death Knight is a boss kind of evil faction in every game! do get what I mean? I want to say that f others r tired u could hunt or raid dungeon on ur own several times per day! mental health deterioration? then u could at least rest at night... but what u do is 1 or 2 dungeons per day... ur standard is that of a living person with an average strength...

    [If I want to get this done, I need at least a few allies. But, how? How do I...?] 
    Rise of the Death Knight
    LGBT+ · Already_In_Use