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  • shieldspeardox

    but he couldn't use his chakra in that domain ... or did that goddess help him?

    [How is that so surprising? With how old I am, absolute chakra control is hardly a difficult concept for me. You saw how I can wield natural chakra like my bitch, my own chakra should be a piece of cake.]
    Nindō: Dominion
    Anime & Comics · Addyctive7
  • shieldspeardox
    She didn't care about how Naruto sexually took advantage of her during the session. Not even that he literally fucked her face in the middle of healing her. That, she did willingly and almost excitedly, but what truly mattered to her was whether or not she was able to get rid of the scars that were all over her body.
    Nindō: Dominion
    Anime & Comics · Addyctive7
  • shieldspeardox

    Simple: just genderbent Jair and add the blood related OC as the MC

    Also, I was thinking of giving Jair an OC body instead of Dae Ho's. (For some reason just looking at Dae Ho kind of pisses me off and makes want to punch the air.) But! Doing that would require more groundwork.
    Keep it in the Family (Secret Class)
    Anime & Comics · Nneeil
  • shieldspeardox

    The Yandere was a real turn off the way you've written her imo. Nothing against dom/sub play but scarring is a step to far imo.

    Is there anything in this story that you didn't like and want removed, or that you did like and want to see more of? 
    Keep it in the Family (Secret Class)
    Anime & Comics · Nneeil
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    Dude - even in Naruto, there are fast acting and deadly kinds of poison. Sakura was prepared against Sasori because Chiho is Sasoris grandma & teacher, and they created an antidote beforehand, and Sasori played with his prey (because of Chiho). He could have easily killed Kankuro beforehand, but due to arrogance and nostalgia, he didn't - which led to Sakura developing an antidote beforehand. Sasori knows almost every poison available, and he could easily create one specialized in killing someone with a Sage body (so could Orochimaru, Tsunade and Kabuto). And finally, a Sage-body doesn't make you immune against poison - it might make you more resistant against a few but not against every kind. And there are all sorts of different acting poison available. Fast acting, painless, tasteless, paralizing, etc. There's a reason why Sasori was feared as much as he was, but he also had a vast spy network with sleeper agents everywhere. I bet before he died, he already infiltrated every village with sleeper agents in high positions. He alone could have prevented Natsuos rise to power by simply activating one at the order of Tobi, who is notoriously paranoid and would have eliminated a potential threat like another surviving Uchiha.

    "Is that so?" Kabuto nodded. He didn't think Natsuo had any reason to deceive him. After all, this man could easily kill him if he wanted to.
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    Your point being? I criticize her for being stupid as one of the few people who should still be capable of killing Natsuo but is instead reduced to this. I was extremely annoyed by this point and quit after writing that comment, but I was still capable of reading a few lines further - something you apparently couldn't do with my comment.

    "Huh, why does this alcohol taste strange, like it's...medicated?"
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    ok, so he just trusts the guy he met that day.

    Kisame suddenly felt that the world was not worth it, and the world was always full of malice towards him.
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    That's laughably stupid. You're thinking with dragon ball logic in a world where fighting unfair is key. With the right strategy and intel, most of canon Akatsuki could kill him. However, you're also right in a sense since they're all nerfed in this fic - especially intellectually - so you could just say that no one could kill Natsuo.

    "But did you ever know that all this is false in itself, and even the man who calls himself Uchiha Madara is just a pawn."
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    Oh, he can regenerate... that must mean he's immune to poison - that's definitely a reach. There's a reason Sasori was feared the way he was because no matter what abilities you have, you're not immune to every poison and very few besides exactly Tsunade or Sakura/Chiho would stand a chance of survival if they were poisoned. People like Kabuto and Orochimaru should definitely know that. But sure, poison is apparently meaningless in the world of Naruto.

    "Is that so?" Kabuto nodded. He didn't think Natsuo had any reason to deceive him. After all, this man could easily kill him if he wanted to.
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to Robin_Boot

    Since you apparently follow my every comment on this fic only this much: Natsuo is progressively needlessly revealing his powers, goals and potential weaknesses because he's careless, dumb and never gets to pay for any of his mistakes because nobody else around him is acting logical - especially those with the power who have/had the power to stop him. If you don't see this, then good for you since this means you're able to suffer through way more than me because i quit reading this quite a while ago.

    Natsuo became more and more helpless as he listened. In order to not let his ancestors be wrongly accused, Natsuo directly said: "I'm sorry, I don't have Senju bloodline. This Wood Release is achieved through other means..."
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to midgetydeath

    Guns existed for a few hundred years already, so it would be quite probable that wizards created countermeasures, especially Voldemort, who grew up in the muggle world and is obsessed with not dying. When Fred and George can create clothes that protect against minor curses, then its highly likely that wizards created bulletproof magical clothes. However all of this only helps if you're AWARE of the threat guns could possess. Therefore DEs could be caught on the wrong foot - Voldemort most likely not so much.

    'For a seemingly smart witch, I never could reason why Hermione never suggested using guns. One click from far away with a nice scope and Voldemort would have a nice hole in the middle of his forehead...' Rigel thought. A nice gun... smuggled, or stolen from one of the gangs and he would have it stored in his inventory. For emergency purposes.
    Harry Potter: Ero World
    Book&Literature · light_novel_addict
  • shieldspeardox
    And the best are SI into Naruto that after ten chapters of training with Shadow Clones, with more intelligence than canon Naruto, with the maturity of an adult still show themselves to be far below canon Naruto skill-wise. Those that after all of that training get almost beaten by bandits. I kid you not, there are fanfics like that. One just has to rub his forehead after reading utter garbage like that. After all the posturing, all the bragging about how the MC is better and more trained than canon Naruto, he gets hit by bandits...
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    Sakura always had great chakra control due to her low reserves so control would probably be the least of her concerns. Her focus was most likely on building her body up after she wasted her time with diets and swooning over Sasuke. And Tsunade is definitely the best teacher any of her team had because Tsunade was actually teaching her without an ulterior motive. Orochimaru probably taught Sasuke barely enough for Sasuke to not throw a hissy fit because he was after his body and not to actually make him stronger than Itachi. Jiraya and Kakashi were awful teachers and Naruto showed that with the development of the rasen shuriken. Naruto with someone barely trying to teach him and explaining stuff always overperforms . Sakura witnessed what chakra strings could do while having OP chakra control but did nothing with it. She's just a copy of her teacher

    Then what about Sakura? She had the tutelage of Tsunade. ... That's all. Her fabled chakra control is nothing because it was caused by her abysmal reserves. Increasing the reserves meant Sakura had to train like crazy to get her chakra control up to snuff. So... I won't call Sakura S-rank ninja for she is definitely not one. She is, however, a solid A-rank and whereas some people try and fail to get there during their entire lifetime, she achieved it in three years. She went from useless fangirl only worth for distracting horny bandits to one of the best medic-nin in Konoha. Sure, compared to Naruto and Sasuke she is still worthless on the battlefield... but who has worth when compared to these cheaters when they face Madara or Kaguya?
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    And that's probably how Orochimaru felt about the Uchiha in general

    'When one really looks into how exactly Naruto and Sasuke got so strong, it is really sad because they are nothing but predetermined to be such. What hard work? I bet at least half of the jonin put more hard work into being a ninja than Naruto's bird brain could ever comprehend or Sasuke's avenging tunnel vision could discover.' Rei sighed. 'I am so jealo-, ahem, pissed!'
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    Why let Obito get strong in the first place? He and his group are already strong enough to flatten the whole elemental nations with enough prep! The only reason for him to let all of this happen is nostalgia for canon.

    As for attacking jinchuuriki, Rei knew it had no relevance as of yet but later? When Obito finally becomes dead set on Project Moon-Eye? Oh, Rei would pay a fortune to see the expression of the future Obito when he finds out that some group called Yozora was in possession of the Nibi jinchuuriki and that they attacked some other jinchuuriki as well. When the boy finally realizes he has competition...
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    Canon is already f*cked so why bother letting it get away?

    Because Rei wholly believed in using whatever waves Akatsuki will create in the future to provide yet another cover for his next steps. For that, Sanbi had to go to Yagura. Well, there might or might not be a scheme of Rei... or two involved in that but details aside, even the messages of 'Yozora was here' were basically just warnings to other villages that Yozora can threaten them... at least, that's what the villages would see, and partially, that was really their purpose.
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    This is ridiculous. If she was too young for the war, she would have been protected inside the village because they wouldn't risk her going berserk. If she was already in the war, she would have been along people keeping an eye on and indoctrinating her who definitely wouldn't want to risk her fleeing. And raping a jinchuriki makes no sense whatsoever. Every jinchuriki could defend itself with a chakra cloak in canon when they had emotional stress even if they weren't "perfect". Bullying etc makes sense but not physical trauma as Narutos case showed but even that would be risky as Gaaras case showed.

    "Stop!" Mei's firm voice rang through the training ground, stopping the distraught Nibi Jinchuuriki in her tracks as she fearfully looked at Mei. "I was spat on, stepped on, beaten, starved, cursed, had rocks thrown at me, and the only thing that saved me from being raped is my master. Quite honestly, I thought you would avoid that fate since Killer B is so famous and seen as a protector of the village." Mei tilted her head in a pondering manner and Yugito could only listen, unable to tear her eyes away from her. "Hmm... I see, it was the war, wasn't it?" Yugito flinched, "Neither Killer B nor A could watch over you so the people who didn't like you had easy access and a free hand to do whatever they wanted with you. Typical... If I had to guess, it was Kumo Councilmen who love to abuse you, no? That's why you have to keep your mouth shut or face the consequences." Mei slowly guessed what exactly happened to Yugito.
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox

    yeah that makes no sense. First of all she's a jinshuriki so risk of rampage. Second kuma was established to be the kid-friendliest village in this fic. Third even if its an initiation ritual it wouldn't be a regular thing as described in this passage. 4th as a jinchuriki she wouldn't need that "ritual" as she's more than capable of defending herself even if she's not a perfect jinchuriki yet. 5th she definitely wouldn't be used for seduction missions. 6th jinchurikis get spied on 24/7 so it couldn't have happened because of a Danzo equivalent of Kumo in the background for the Naruto treatment + once again point 2.

    "Why are you taking a battle stance, then?" She asked with apparent amusement, causing Yugito to scold herself. "You really are only a kid..." Mei chuckled, making Yugito irritated at being called a kid. "But tell me... how long are they raping you?"
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Anime & Comics · KasiCair
  • shieldspeardox
    Replied to king_of_kings666

    Morgana, McG, Hermione and Bellatrix beg to differ. In canon there's no such thing as more mana or more power. There's only skill, experience, knowledge, luck, control, emotion and the elder wand differentiating the outcome of a fair fight. None of those aspects are gender related.

    "If you ask my sister, she would probably tell you something else. But for me…not really. I just study enough to keep my grades decent, but there is nothing in particular I wanted to do." Parvati answered.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • shieldspeardox

    Well, why tell it in the first place? There's literally no reason to mention it besides flexing!

    "Yes, I wouldn't recommend that method, and I don't know enough about that type of magic to perform it either," Harry agreed.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix