

2022-09-08 JoinedGlobal

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  • BossJohnny

    after reading for sometime i can say that this novel is gold but it has it's fair share of problems for one thing in every chapter that I've read you seam to have a fetish for the Word "the young" since you put it in every instance Were the mc is or using it to describe a young person it's gets very annoying at some point you really should tone it down a notch other than that I've been enjoying reading your novel. you still got to tone it down With the Word "The Young" I don't know Why you have to describe Minos as "the young" him being young doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of the story cause eventually you'll have to stop using the Word "the young" since Minos Wont stay young forever

    The Rise of the Black Plain
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • BossJohnny

    i'm not really good at giving reviews but in short this novel is gold it's just that recent chapters have been pathetically short i've read novels where the 2 chapter have decent amount of words per chapter and what's with the word spacing as if deliberatly wanting to make it look long each wasted space could have an added sentence in them like bruh don't be lazy your novel is a masterpiece in the making don't ruin it

    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to 1Midas_touch

    your complaint is valid but kingdom building was already hinted just at the title itself the mc would be the magi king but one can't be a king unless he has subjects to rule or at the very least to be considered the magi king there has to be other magi besides him for him to be one day the magi king otherwise it just might be an empty title i do like kingdom building though there too little novel like that and their hard to find

    Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • BossJohnny

    hands down one of the best novels i've read and i've only read 2 others with the same premise as this the 2 other being azimuth the elden throne and vrmmorpg dragomancer reborn i've very picky with the novel's i read if the first 100 chapters can't get my attention i won't even bother continueing to read it story is good nothing revolutionary but it doesn't have to be to enjoy a good novel grammar is good and character development is also good even side characters aren't just there for show though it aint perfect nothing is perfect i've always kept that in mind that author's are humans and they will make mistakes but that shouldn't top us from enjoying this novel overall this is about 8.5/10

    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • BossJohnny

    is this novel dead or what last time i read the author stopped updating for months then updated again then stopped updating again and it's been 3 months did the author die or what

    Fantasy · DaoistZqipHd
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to BossJohnny

    hey author are there gonna be humans or is it purely creatures of the forest

    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to BossJohnny

    hey author do you have a discord channel

    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
  • BossJohnny

    after reading till the latest chapter i can say for sure that this is worth the read once you reach chapter 120 were things are finally starting to get fire the grammar is good haven't seen any errors and everything can be understood the world building is good can't get enought and would love to read more if i could travel throught time to when the novel is done so i could binge read it

    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to Kurai_Takahashi

    does this havea discord channel

    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to Krackers

    it's gonna be better than tos author himself confessed that he got carried away with the harem part of the story this novel will onyl have 2 or 3 harem members each with a important place in his empire just like how the women in tos had each thier place in the mc's empire or at least the major ones

    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • BossJohnny

    with the author's experince from tos and hoa this novel is gonna be fire. just read and i want more if only i could travel through and binge read the entire thing without having to wait

    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • BossJohnny

    hey just read your novel and i gotta say it's good i mean i've read a lot of novel and this one is going in my bookmark and befor this i only have like 5 novels bookedmarked on the tab and reading this novel i've enjoyed every chapter or it.. by the way do you have a discord channel

    God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse
    Fantasy · Ethel_Imaginations
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to FerriticMatrix

    what is your discord number then can't really add you without it

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • BossJohnny

    hey author do you have a discord or someking of private message i wanted to help out on some suggestions and whatnot. and do you ever plan to realease 2 chapters a day.

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to wanderingmage123

    thanks for letting me know at least i can look forward to a mass release

    Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to FluxleX

    i can already tell from your personality that you prefer a country with multiple ethnic group and ideal. to be real a country with multiple ethnic group easily becomes a shit show. look at america as an example to this day racism is rampant, it has been 200 year since slavery was abolished yet racism is still as strong as every yes there are people who shame racist and try to cancel them but it just proves my point. it was a mistake to try to have a country with multiple ethnicity. it would have been beter if the african had never been turned into slaves. berengar pretty much solved that problem on slavery yes he's changed since he first appeared what did you expect the name of the novel is tyranny of steel his moniker is the tyrant of steel he is a tyrant but not to the extent that he would make his people suffer besides its the medieval period did you expect a multi ethnic country to exist

    Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • BossJohnny

    hey author why did the release of chapter slow down to 2 chapter a week instead of 14. i'm not forcing you to do 14 chapter a week it that's what your thinking i just want to know the reason why chapter release slowed to a crawl. but really though this novel is just getting better every chapter yes there maybe some boring chapter but that's only me other might find it intresting and yes there are also chapters i find intresting keep up the good work

    Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to FerriticMatrix

    should you want him to mass produce steel why not let the mc build a bessemer process since it's an inexpensive industrial process for mass production of quality steel here check the wiki for some inspiration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessemer_process#:~:text=The%20Bessemer%20process%20was%20the,blown%20through%20the%20molten%20iron. you can even go for an open hearth furnace once he is able to build one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_hearth_furnace. mc can even use slag phosphate as fertilizer for use in farming he would have better food production than any kingdom combined with use of cows or horse for field work mean less manpower since he would still have to invent a mechanized farming equipment which would be a long while in you novel.

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • BossJohnny
    Replied to FerriticMatrix

    you don't have to rush introducing guns and cannons though as you said you can still introduce gun powder for explosive that in it self is and advantage is war were you have to ambush you enemies. once he gets his own city or builds it why not introduce education to the masses unlike other kingdoms which only the nobles are entitled to such previlage he could introduce education to the people like math, science, language, since he is not a gun fanatic as you said mc doesn't need to be the one to make the design. with his education he could let some talent do it for him with him just giving the idead and rough design besides since he will be making tones of steel it would mean he would need to creat a technology with the resources at his disposal to creat steel at large quantities. but im really exited for that moment when his ambitions start to bear fruit

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • BossJohnny

    hey author i'm planning to read this novel but are guns and bombs and whatnot gonna be introduced in the far future of this novel. im really a sucker for this kinds of novel like tyranny of steel (Herald of steel), go check tyranny of steel one is a tyrant to some extent but i haven't red your novel yet i'm comming back to give a proper review after reading until latest chapter

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix