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  • Wanderr20
    Replied to TheFoolAzazel

    No es tan malo en realidad, aunque hay algunos pequeños inconvenientes, diría que es bastante decente, sin mencionar que la trama está bien en mi opinión, solo con algunas cosas del personaje principal, pero como dijiste, está mejorando. y vas mejorando poco a poco en esta historia, pero si quieres te puedo dar algunos consejos o ideas si quieres, porque aunque no he escrito una historia que tengo planeada hacer, créanme que tengo varias ideas y varias tips, además que tengo conocidos que me ayudan en la historia así como ellos con consejos y eso. Respecto a las preguntas que les quiero hacer seria si me pudieras ayudar un poco con una historia que estoy planeando con taimanin que hace poco me estoy introduciendo en su lore y mundo aunque ando un poco perdido y eso y yo estoy buscando en las fuentes de búsqueda cuáles serían los de fandom y tv tropos pero me interesaría saber un poco mas de alguien que esta escribiendo sobre esto para tener una mejor idea sobre que hacer y que personajes o eventos debo tomar mas en cuenta ya que quiero hacer una buena trama que guste al ojo del espectador o lector en este caso je,je. otra pregunta que mas que pregunta es mas como una idea y que espero no este molestando con esto pero si quieres que tal si haces una historia pero que trate esta ves solo que taimanin pero claro con un protagonista deferente pero parecido en tema de personalidad pero con ciertas diferencias si quieres y en cuanto a que podría tratar la trama podría ser o que el prota ya es de ese mundo o que es alguien que de alguna forma termino hay o rencarno o transmigro en ese mundo y que tenga conocimiento o no de ese mundo aunque si te soy sincero me gustaría si fuese con conocimiento de ese mundo ya que el prota tendría que lidiar con la idea que esta en un mundo hentai y que esta realmente jodido para su desgracia ya que realmente el no quiere ser parte de eso y que preferiría hacer otra cosa en ves de tener que lidia con mujeres bien dotadas que están en celo gran parte del tiempo y y que caen fácilmente solo por tener unas pocas relaciones intimas con sus enemigos o conocidos en algunos casos y lidiar con hombres pervertidos que solo piensan en hacer cosas turbias con las mujeres. Si se podría decir que el prota seria algo así como la persona con mas sentido de la razón y sentido común en este mundo y que tratara de sobrebibir tanto a los enemigos y rivales que intentaran derrotarlo o corromperlo como tambien de las mujeres que intentaran profanarlo y "corromperlo". la idea en si seria sobre un protagonista que prefiere conservar virginidad en ves de perderla solo por que si y demostrar al mundo que el es capas de no sucumbir a sus eventos lujuriosos y destructivos mientras que en el proceso se va ganando el corazón de varias chicas sin saberlo lo que le complica la vida un poco mas de lo que ya esta complicada espero a verme explicado bien. y dime que te parece seria una buena trama por realizar yo tengo planeado hacer algo diferente ya que tengo planeado varias cosas así que, que opinas la trama es bastante buena si quieres puedes hacerle algunos cambios si quieres solo eso espero una respuesta pronto muchas gracias. ps: espero no ser demasiado molesto con esto ya que realmente quisiera leer mas sobre taimanin pero esta ves de una manera mas completa y con una trama mas profunda y un poco mas lenta ya que la de tu historia que leo esta un poco apresurado debido a que es un multicrossover pero no esta mal de echo diría que es uno de los mejores que leí solo habiendo unos pocos que sea como este además si quieres puedo pasarte el nombre de un canal de YouTube que habla de algunos datos interesantes de taimanin si quieres y de nuevo repito espero no ser de gran molestia diciéndote esto solo eso muchas gracias.

    How to survive in another world with ultimate system
    Anime & Comics · TheFoolAzazel
  • Wanderr20

    Hola, hace mucho que no leo tu historia y recién hoy decidí empezar a seguirla y pues déjame decirte que es bastante buena, claro que solo pude notar algunos detalles en el personaje principal por el momento, pero Realmente no soy nadie para juzgar, es difícil hacer que un personaje principal esté bien hecho 100% confía en mí, yo también estuve allí con el mío, que hasta el día de hoy está cambiando y desarrollándose constantemente. Pero dejando eso de lado, la historia es bastante buena, he leído hasta el capítulo 28 de esta buena historia, de hecho la parte o arco que más me interesó fue el taimanin ya que de hecho esa era la razón por la que quería leer esto historia ya que realmente hay muy pocas historias de este juego/novela visual que sean muy buenas y que usen un protagonista original como base y hablando del protagonista me encanta como su personalidad es algo inocente pero hasta cierto punto es serio el tipo de protagonista que me gusta Le gusta más, es fuerte pero un poco torpe en estos temas, me encanta. Por ahora necesito leer el resto de esta historia, pero hasta ahora va bastante bien y el sentido del humor está bien ubicado y al igual que los momentos serios y tranquilos, eso es todo. PD: Solo quería hacerle saber que tengo algunas preguntas que me gustaría hacerle. No se si quieres que te lo cuente por este chat o por otro sitio, eso es todo, espero tu respuesta, muchas gracias.

    How to survive in another world with ultimate system
    Anime & Comics · TheFoolAzazel
  • Wanderr20

    hello, it's me again just to write to you yes, then at least you can give me some advice for my story, such as a description of some characters in the movie, as well as a description of the appearance of the characters and their personalities, how I want to understand . good the characters to be able to use them in a more practical way another thing would be some personal opinions about my character of which I have some doubts and that I would like a second opinion from someone who knows the subject itself. -pdt: so what did you think of the previous comment that I sent you and I also wanted to tell you that I hope I'm not too much trouble for commenting and asking too much, it's that I really want to know more details to be able to make my own story and there isn't much information about this movie and that's why I'm asking you to see if you can help me a bit. Also, I like your story so far I also like another one that would be the one about helluva boss, just that, thank you very much, I hope for an answer soon please

    Ch 1 Just a Dull Day in the Fields
    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson
  • Wanderr20
    Replied to Keaton_Jenkinson

    ok thanks for the info I already understood that before but what do you think of everything else I wrote is that I would like an opinion of each point I wrote they do not have to be very long if they want but I want to know what you think and that you answer my questions about the fourth opinion, which is more like a few questions, that's all I wanted to tell you. pdt: I also want to know if you can help me with my story about this movie since I really need at least some answers, it doesn't matter if you don't know many details, I just want at least some tips and some details that I don't know how to understand and you will see that you I can help if you want an opinion or something like that of course if you want, but tell me if you do not want to continue talking about this platform so that our conversations are not revealed to other readers we can talk through another more private means if you want tell me this page has the option to talk In private or something similar or last minute, we can talk on another platform if you want, like wattpad, for example, by the way, if you notice that my English is a little weird, sorry, I'm writing these messages with Google translator, that's all, I hope for a response soon, thank you very much.

    Ch 1 Just a Dull Day in the Fields
    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson
  • Wanderr20
    Replied to Keaton_Jenkinson

    Hello how are you? Only here I comment again, I watched the movies again, even in my case I watched the first Sheep and Wolves movie again, since the second movie is the first time I saw it at that time, no, I don't know what happened in a second time but I'm glad to know that there is and that I saw it now but well let's go back to Sheep and Wolves and its sequel Sheep and Wolves 2: Pig Deal are quite good although there are some details and things that I noticed in both movies that you could modify or improve to make the plot more interesting if you want. -Sheep and Wolves 1 and 2- -1-In the first movie I noticed that something was missing a bit and it was in its depth or rather in how the events of the movie developed for example: in the final fight between Gray and Ragear as in the fight at a point where they You see that it was shortened for some reason, as well as that it was not a very long fight and not very epic at all, there are also others but I do not remember which ones but there are some more, what I am trying to say is that there could be more fights and a little more of suspense to leave you wanting to read even a little more. -2-Another one would be about the characters since some characters that we already know could have more presence, depth and importance in this plot instead of just a few small appearances and some small interactions and then the character remains only in the background or with no major role other than being there and already, for example, Bianca's friends, Sarabi and Leah who only had a few lines in the first movie and after that most of the time in the first movie they were background characters and in the second they hardly appeared other examples would be Lyra and Shia being that Lyra's case only appeared But How could she have shown more of herself and that and Shia is fine, but the problem is when in the second movie they don't have a role or some line to say, since in the previous one they were somewhat recurring characters but here they almost didn't appear Although Shia didn't see him appear in the second one, which is a shame since he had a somewhat important role in the first one, another example would be Simone, who although she had a certain important role and is important not to You know that in the second movie he barely appeared much more than just in certain important moments, but still it was not bad since there may be more depth in this character and there are other characters that I could talk about but I'll leave it for later so that he subject does not take long. -3-This is more like an opinion but if you want you can put some padding on it so that it has more originality but has a certain degree of relevance with the plot in its majority so that it is not just padding just to put and the idea is to deepen a little more in some characters or in the protagonist himself, although I'm sure you already know that last thing, I'm just saying. -4-Finally it's just to ask, but in the movie, at least in the first movie, there was talk of a flock of sheep from the east that no longer exists, but tell me, maybe in this story, it's the flock of sheep that Do they take care of Gregori, or is it a completely different one and I also wonder at what moment the story takes place a few days before the events or a week or a month before? PS: I just wanted to ask you if we could talk about this story since in fact I also want to try to make a story with this movie and I would like to ask for some opinions and advice to understand things. It also took me 4 days to think through these opinions and questions for what I want to ask you and by the way if you want to help me a little with this story if you want it is that I need help with some issues that's all I hope for a response soon and sorry if my comment is very long thank you very much.

    Ch 1 Just a Dull Day in the Fields
    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson
  • Wanderr20

    the story is good, it has a lot of power, it is also original since nobody has made a story about this movie, the plot is very good. PSD: I await a response to the comments I sent and also to be able to talk with you about some important issues that I want to ask you about, please, thank you very much.

    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson
  • Wanderr20

    Hello, it's me again, this chapter was very good, there were also a couple of interesting topics to discuss here, among others, but I'm just telling you that it wasn't bad, it lets us understand that actions have consequences since the protagonist kills that Iso wolf now has Gark as an enemy, I'm also wondering what will happen in the next chapter, I'm also curious which wolf the main character decided to spare his life. I'm already making some assumptions about who it could be. be and if you ask me this moment seems like a scene from this movie but it was more optional because the protagonist was wondering whether to attack or forgive so there are many interesting things that I wonder what will happen as well as other doubts that I have now by the way I would like to talk to you for There is a topic that I would like to discuss with you, I will only wait for your response as soon as possible, thank you.

    Ch 2 Vengeance And Mercy
    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson
  • Wanderr20

    Hello, just say that the chapter was very good. I remember when I saw this movie for the first time I really liked it and I found a story about this sheep and wolf movie, I liked it even more. In fact I am watching the movie again so that when you keep updating you can understand more the plot you are building I hope you continue well for now the beginning is interesting although I feel that it could have had a prologue or more content I say because there are some things in which I have some doubts. 1-How is it that the wolves managed to reach the place where the protagonist and his sheep are? I say that they led them to go there. I feel like this topic could be explored a bit more unless in the future you decide to touch on it later in the story. 2-the wolves that were there were originals that you created or exist in the movie. I mean, I was doing some research and couldn't find any information, so I asked to clarify this question, just that for now, thank you very much, I look forward to an answer soon, thank you very much.

    Ch 1 Just a Dull Day in the Fields
    Sheep and Wolves: All For One and Flock For All
    Movies · Keaton_Jenkinson