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  • Andrew_Porteous

    when your like 'I feel like Chrysalis should have some new stuff for us soon' and you check webnovel and find a 3 minute old chapter sitting there

    Ch 1044 Chapter 1155 - The Adoring Crowd
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Andrew_Porteous
    Replied to Zigavr

    It sounds like basically the same thing as what happened with Kat and Blue, except Kat and Blue kept their sense about them for the most part and didn't panic too badly. I'd imagine that adventure explained briefly to someone you don't respect just to shut them up would sound exactly like that, and I'm personally very unsurprised Thyme has traumatized a few people, after all, the only reason Thyme comes across as so nice instead of the other aspects that come through occasionally is because Thyme likes Kat, because of her attitude. Remember Thymes borderline madness in the Judge game?

    "Oh… yes well… they were a dwarf and during the previous round, when the team was split up and everyone had to work together with someone from an enemy team… did you have that?" Kat nodded as Stan spoke, "Right well… their missing team member and their partner were both dwarves and they wandered into a spider trap. Poor dude thought his teammate had abandoned him… then he got wrapped up by a spider, and was seconds away from being 'killed' before passing out, missing the fact that it was all part of the tournament. Traumatised them something horribly…" 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasy · Vongrak
  • Andrew_Porteous

    Nice chapter. The dialog has been very 'speechy' though, and while I don't care that much, it doesn't feel natural. Everyone is talks as if they've written out their say beforehand instead of how even formal people normally would talk. It makes limited sense for some characters, not so much for others.

    Ch 1118 Chapter 1118 Bad Tidings in Small Letters
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasy · Vongrak
  • Andrew_Porteous

    Think about it like this, a trained, well kept, fit body is far less likely to fall to sickness, heart attacks (unless you over excersise), falling off an extra large summoned mount, extreme weather conditions you need to adventure through in order to trim the best beasts, etc.

    He was more muscular and robust compared to boys of the same age as him. As a world filled with monsters and beasts, having great physical ability was not something to be proud of.
    Almighty Summoner System
    Action · Neil_Ads
  • Andrew_Porteous

    One of my older sisters supposedly was so fluent at speaking by age 2, she actually just wouldn't stop talking. As for other things like reading, I have a brother who taught himself to read a little early, but it probably around age 5. Children's development can differ vastly from person to person. I took so long to start talking my parents started getting pretty worried, my youngest brother couldn't even crawl forward properly for a while, and so on. My nephew took a long time to start speaking fluently, but that's mostly because he doesn't have siblings and covid stopped him from having other kids to talk to and wearing masks so much also makes a big difference. Turns out making kids wear masks all the time is pretty bad for their development.

    I asked in a childish tone. Now that I was 3 years old, I could speak things like a baby and talk in some sentences.
    Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer
    Fantasy · H2Oz_Anxious
  • Andrew_Porteous

    kkk... please stop butchering old English.

    Ch 31 Chapter 0031. Spear
    MONSTER MMORPG: Mayhem Online
    Games · DreamThree
  • Andrew_Porteous

    oh man, this guy's too powerful for the system again... oh no he's actually fighting back... oh my he should have just taken the L...

    "He's fighting dirty! What kind of parents raised him?"
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Andrew_Porteous

    Unless they were just booing because of his hair, most crowds would love that sort of show of strength

    The crowd started to boo. They thought Ray's tactic of using another person as a human shield was dirty.
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Andrew_Porteous

    here's the black sash... you've officially been blacklisted

    When I entered the stage I expected Bernardo to step forward as he had been handing out the red sashes to students so far. Instead, the knight master dressed in black had stepped forward and presented me with a black sash. I took the sash and quickly left the stage.
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Andrew_Porteous

    yes, when you see a guy pull back a bow string so far it snaps, the obvious conclusion is that he is very weak...

    Dan who had overheard the two talking couldn't help but laugh. After all, he had just seen Ray nearly fail all four tests.
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Andrew_Porteous

    This student has surpassed all our tests... he therefore has zero potential...

    "Luck is also a part of the test," She said.
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Andrew_Porteous

    that's like saying "see how long you can last under this masters attacks" and when the master gets beat in 10 seconds, they just say "what an average score, you have no potential..."

    "It seems the mage has suffered from mana sickness, the student who was being tested at the time. His score will still be the time he was under the illusion. Although this means he will receive a low score. luck is also a real factor in this world."
    My Dragon System
    Fantasy · JKSManga