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  • Marco_Zilvetti

    He really should take Hagoromo's advice and just enjoy life and freedom without pressure, he deserves a rest. After all with only stopping Obito and Nagato the fourth war will never happen and he can beat those two easily.

    "It's fine, dattebayo!" Naruto said joyfully, "I'm just glad I get to be a regular working ninja again! Now gamma chan won't have to go hungry sooner or later."
    Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami
    Anime & Comics · LostSamurai1974
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    He just needs to stop Obito and Nagato if there are the same in this world. Alongside with Black Zetsu as well.

    Hiruzen only chuckled more. "Speaking of which, we should speak of what you plan to do now."
    Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami
    Anime & Comics · LostSamurai1974
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    I can see a Jonin doing pranks with academy studends in the village.

    "I'm responsible!" Naruto remained stubborn. "...most of the time."
    Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami
    Anime & Comics · LostSamurai1974
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    And it's still cheap, Liaris Freese is the most OP skill in Danmachi's universe.

    By the way, out of curiosity he had looked up 'Liaris Freese' and 'Argonaut' within the shop and found out they cost as much as 1,000,000OP and 400,000OP respectively. Its no wonder Bell was able to become the protagonist with skills like that as early as lv. 2!
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to crownedking

    It was just an excuse to not forget his grandpa, the poor kid was all alone and on grief after losing his last family member.

    This was the main reason Bell Cranel was able to become so strong in the manga. Because he had a unique skill called 'Liaris Freese' he was able to be one of the only documented adventurers to have almost all of his stats at S rank or higher while at lv 1.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    Well, it seems useful to run away from a dire situation

    Use: This effigy is automatically consumed by its owner when they take otherwise fatal damage. Upon consumption, the effigy transfers all wounds from the owner unto itself. The effigy will begin to burn for three minutes increasing all parameters of the owner by 3x for the duration. After three minutes the effigy turns to ash and the owner enters a dormant state for 3 hours.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to Tipota

    Only the ones inside the dungeon because they are mindless spawns that move by pure instinct, it was mentioned that the monster outside show intelligence.

    The goblin Chief exited his tent and began to look around at the chaos and disorder that had taken over his minions. A grim expression appeared on his face when he saw his chief executor laying on the ground howling at this loss of his leg. Angered at the incident, the goblin Chief looked towards nearby goblins and used a language unique to their species to inquire about what happened.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to trudny1

    It was never forced on him, he had the choice to decline but he wanted the challenge, the -100 karma only applies if he accepted in the first place.

    (*I'm sorry Vahn, all present data indicates you will be unable to break into the encampment with your current status and equipment. If you had more Origin Points there may be a solution in the shop, but your current OP value is only 43. It would be difficult to acquire enough points within the next 50 hours that would give a meaningful advantage in the current situation.*)
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to PotatoHato

    The -100 karma penalty was only active if he accepted the quest in the first place which he did, the quest was never forced upon him, he wanted the challenge.

    (*I'm sorry Vahn, all present data indicates you will be unable to break into the encampment with your current status and equipment. If you had more Origin Points there may be a solution in the shop, but your current OP value is only 43. It would be difficult to acquire enough points within the next 50 hours that would give a meaningful advantage in the current situation.*)
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    It think it was mentioned in the novel that the monster outside are more dangerous because they aren't mindless spawns like the ones inside the dungeon.

    Seeing the actions they had taken, Vahn was surprised at the intelligent actions they displayed. Compared to many of the monsters he had seen in the manga, which were mindless creatures that charged endlessly at the protagonist, these goblins displayed caution and tactics. They proved they were capable of adapting to different situations.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to _TOBI_

    He has the choice to ignore it so no reward nor penalty.

    Penalty: 'Quest' function will be sealed until triggered again. -100 Karma
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to Abyss_Edge

    Those readers are teens in puberty who can't stand a novel that isn't a SI wish fulliment story.

    "Sis, what should I exchange for using my points? I need something that can help me grow stronger in a short period of time to remove the risk to my life while living in this area."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to Truck_samaLoyalist

    I think the trick resides in the intent, if he does good deeds with the intention to help then he gets positive karma, of course the same goes to negative, for example if he steal some item from an inocent person to convert it into origin points. Is not that he is chained with the karma thing, if he has to kill someone to defend himself or similar it won't have repercussions.

    "I don't want to rely on stealing from others to grow strong anyways. People that take advantage of others are the type I hate the most, so I want to avoid becoming a person like that."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    If I remember correctly monsters outside the dungeon are more dangerous than the ones inside Orario since they are smarter

    10 meters...9 meters...8 meters...As the Goblin continued its approach Vahn stood absolutely still, unable to muster any thought of fighting or fleeing. Though he had spent his entire life in a lab having horrible experiments performed, he had never been in a combat situation. Though the eyes some of the researchers used to look at him were similar to the Goblin before him, it was nowhere near as vicious. Vahn knew, this Goblin genuinely wanted to kill him.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    Every part of the system makes sense, the author is doing a great work

    (*'The Path' has a basic mapping function which includes a compass. Though it can only map things within your line of sight, it will allow you to compile a map within the system of 'The Path'. I would suggest heading north. Note that when you first entered the world 'The Path' was able to make a basic map of the landmarks in your immediate vicinity for 50km. About 2km north, you should be able to find rock formations and water, which has a high probability of providing access to a cave which would be highly beneficial for your current situation. You can access the map by using the command 'Toggle Map' or 'Toggle Minimap'.*)
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    It has a motherly feature as well, it's perfect for him.

    After thinking it over, he started to develop feelings of gratitude towards 'The Path'. It seemed to be making the best possible choices given his current lack of understanding. It also provided him with a companion he could talk to when he is feeling lonely.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    It will take arroud half a day to reach by walking, so is better if he starts at morning tomorrow.

    (*That will be impossible at present Vahn. Even though 30km isn't that far, you wouldn't be able to make it there before the sun sets. There is also the fact that entering the city requires money, so without items to trade or barter you would be unable to gain entrance to the city. But the most important factor is that many of the characters from the story may not even be in Orario at the moment.*)
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    With the inventory system if he says it's some kind of space magic he has an slot in any Familia even if he is a newbie.

    "I understand. I'll begin looking for shelter immediately! But...where should I begin searching? I've never been in a forest before, so should I start heading towards Orario? Maybe I can find some of the characters from the story, or even join a Familia and start my journey!"
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti
    Replied to T_JR

    He read it but that doesn't mean he understood every concept and thing on it.

    "Yes, Sis. Thank you for your reminder, but what happens when the sun sets?" inquired Vahn while looking at the bright orb floating within the sky.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Marco_Zilvetti

    He is like a child with a new toy, is so adorable.

    Picking up the dagger, Vahn remarked, "Sorry about that Sis. It's just really cool seeing something disappear and re-appear like that. It's almost like a magic trick, and I just got distracted."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion