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  • noblej_7BPH

    new chapter

    Chapter 63 He’s… Confident
    Marvel: Tech System
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Callmekelsopapi_69

    yeah judging ancient ones judgment is more of looking at what she allowed in comparison d what she sees in the future.

    Yao magically appeared beside him, her presence commanding. "So brainwashing people is not 'doing anything' for you?" she remarked dryly. "My, my, how far will you go when you actually 'do something'?"
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • noblej_7BPH

    me here wishing MC would just get rid of enemy leader so they'll all fold and follow him .every dead enemy now is a lost henchmen .

    Target down," Vincent's voice crackled over the comm link, his tone calm and composed despite the chaos unfolding around him. "Moving to intercept the others. They won't make it out alive."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • noblej_7BPH

    they don't mention that they've gone in and made a caveat that if you make over 24 thousand a year you don't qualify for a free attorney which means a poor Walmart shelf stocker doesn't even get one because it's not adjusted for inflation so that provided attorney thing is BS unless you are practically already a broke jail bird with nothing at all to your name or earnings that year... .. ahem .rant over 😂

    "If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you," the robotic voice intoned, a stark reminder of the rights afforded to all individuals, even in the face of criminality.
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Eberton_Rodrigues

    yeah power disparity is so bad here it should be a joke fight to just toy with her

    But Alex was not easily deterred. With expert control, he maneuvered the Endoskeleton with precision, countering Natasha's every move with calculated efficiency. The fusion of Terminator and Cyberpunk technology proved to be a formidable opponent, matching Natasha blow for blow as they engaged in a deadly dance of combat.
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • noblej_7BPH

    asylum was actually not my favorite .. from what my buddies told me it was the worst of the batman series. it felt like a knockoff assassin creed to me and i didn't play the other Batman games over it .shame really

    Spiderman shrugged, adopting a playful tone with people recording them he pretended not to know who Alex is. "Eh, just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman doing what he does best. Big fan, by the way. Love those Arkham games, especially Asylum. Good stuff."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • noblej_7BPH

    I'm sure Victor von Doom, one of the smartest dudes won't notice you doing this and will be perfectly content and not think you sabotaged him or cutting his throat .. hope fullyhe has a decent plan to get a decent relationship on the ground floor instead of adding himself as one of dooms enemies since it doesn't seem like he is an unavoidable bad guy like Stane. movie doom gets backstabbed and gets even and then goes mad at the four who seem to profit from his fall and takes things too far in my opinion .. if they play out the same MC could make friends of all 5 of them to some degree, maybe even tell Victor that he's going to buy back the shares after the sharks and snakes are ready for money reaping. appeal to latveria freedom and helping that cause etc .

    "I initiated the sell-off as soon as the rocket launched yesterday, per your instructions. Currently, only a nominal percentage of shares remain in your name," D.A.I.S.Y.'s voice echoes in your bathroom as you take a quick shower.
    A Mutant Collector Quest
    Movies · Avi2112
  • noblej_7BPH


    "Give me a child! Ma-make … me a mother again" Anastasia is speaking absentmindedly as she takes in your full hot cum inside her.
    A Mutant Collector Quest
    Movies · Avi2112
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to ItzVatsal12

    riches women in the world are divorced women that left the richest men.

    You wrap your arms around her from behind, pulling her close in a warm embrace. "Sensei, this wealth isn't just mine, it's ours," you murmur into her ear, playfully nibbling at her earlobe as you hold her delicate frame.
    A Mutant Collector Quest
    Movies · Avi2112
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Smith_Kai

    same but I forget names easily so i probably hear about her but forgot

    On the right is Dr. Amara Perera.
    A Mutant Collector Quest
    Movies · Avi2112
  • noblej_7BPH

    if he can get useful technology or quirks sure.

    1. Mha
    Marvel: Character template.
    Anime & Comics · Red_roseking
  • noblej_7BPH

    Wanda cause she's a settle down and have kids girl. , Natasha black widow if you fix it so she can have kids with MC, and for strictly MCU characters after those two..... considering your character choices of lex Luther for business / genius path to power( Helen cho , optional Maya Hansen back up options are Yelena ) vs brute path sif.

    I mean I can give like three lovers but that's the max. I will not!! Give him every girl in the Mcu. He will be not collecting girls like pokemon. So, single or three.
    Marvel: Character template.
    Anime & Comics · Red_roseking
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Just_Jam


    <You have got.... [Vinsmoke sanji](Red)>
    Marvel: Character template.
    Anime & Comics · Red_roseking
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Rebel_Royal5

    ouch. that hurt

    "My older brother is probably watching," Iida said. "I can't let him see me act uncool!" Iida balanced his feet and used his quirk to slide on the rope, his hips shaking while both his hands spread out.
    MHA: One-Hit Hero
    Anime & Comics · Ilovefics
  • noblej_7BPH

    that hurts lady. poor father figure ..

    "We are proud of you Kazuki," Yuka said and continued handing Kazuki meat on his plate. "Unlike your useless father, you are on your path to becoming a hero. Here eat more meat."
    MHA: One-Hit Hero
    Anime & Comics · Ilovefics
  • noblej_7BPH

    it's the best option in the solar system outside of a death star station / habitat . (super laser not included 😂)

    The second phase is completely terraforming another planet and transferring the whole base into that planet. I'm thinking Mars just to spite a certain billionaire and the American government.
    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van
  • noblej_7BPH

    it gets most of its power from connecting to the source in DC multiverse . which is not a thing in marvel so it's basically massively nerfed in its powers of/ over creation that taps into the source of creation to wield. it's understandable for it to figure it out

    And when I touched it directly, I understood what it was trying to say. This thing is much more advanced than I even thought. It literally figured out this wasn't its universe. But maybe because of the gacha, it didn't find me hostile.
    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van
  • noblej_7BPH

    can someone remind me a cliff notes of this person who i remember vaguely ??

    I placed Sung Jin-woo on my assimilation slot. No way I'm wasting him by summoning.
    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van
  • noblej_7BPH

    all for one for power storage bestowal and stealing and Creati for nearly transmutation formoney .in my hero academia the copy quirk guy might boost his own mimicry ...

    And I'll lose my chance to get powerful, if I use this card right in combination with Mimicry, I could potentially become the strongest I've ever been.
    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van
  • noblej_7BPH
    Replied to Yogun_Van

    more useful for his stealth skills, and local tech skills. it's like getting a black widow or discount batman skill set. pure cqc skills are not up to par with Nolan but all the non combat skills could be useful . id likely to choose him for a companion instead though .

    Dick Greyson is great, but I have Nolan Greyson so he's not needed. Like at all. But I'll still assimilate with him though.
    In Marvel with Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Yogun_Van