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  • CoolGuysDontLook

    Just want to start off saying I hate the rating system on this website. Often times it's a horrible representation of a story. Lots of stupid things like 'I don't like X, Y, Z,' but praise the story otherwise and still give it a 1/5 over a personal preference in the story but its good otherwise. On the flip side, i've seen horrible stories praised to the stars for reasons I can't fathom. Carrying on that thought, is this story a perfect 5/5? No. Does it have issues? Of course it does, this is obviously not a professional writer. But at the same time, it's a genuinely interesting story that I read in one sitting. There were parts that dragged on, there were things I personally disliked, and there were some badly written parts. But overall, I had fun reading it and wish I could afford the Pat reon. Going back to the rating system, I feel like there were too many idiotic reviews that gave it low stars, so I'm rating it higher than I personally think it should. Writing quality, well, it's obvious there were some misspelled words, some awkward phrasing and all that. But generally it's very good, precise and otherwise high quality. Not to mention the quality definitely picked up in the past 100 or so chapters. Makes me wonder if the Author got a Beta. Stability of updates, easily a 5/5. He updates nearly every single day and gives a good heads up when he doesn't. From what I understand, he does take Wednesdays off, but otherwise its almost every day with only a rare mediocre chapter every few dozen. Story Development, I would probably give it a 4/5. As I mentioned before, good and bad things I liked about the story. I would say the majority of it is down to my preferences, but some things just make me scratch my head. That being said, it doesn't really detract from the story as a whole. I will admit, even turns in the Plot that i disliked in general, it was somewhat of a fun ride due to the quality of the content. Character Design. Lets be real here, he's using established characters 90% of the time. Artoria from Fate, Scathach, Raikou, to just name a few. But i'll say that he nails aspects of their personality very well. They 'feel' real so to speak, even if a couple things are hand waived here or there for convenience. I'll be frank that Character design is probably the Author's shining point. This may seem contradictory to what i said just before about established characters, but he really brings them alive. They have personality, and the dialogue between characters is absolutely top notch. Hell, his OCs are great, and even reading the comments, people absolutely love them. Meridia -- A 'established character' but with very little about her in canon, she's a treat. The cute Eldritch Goddess from Skyrim with a little bit if tsundere in her. Jinn from RWBY, she's a a mischievous little thing that is adorable to read. Izanami from DxD, an actual original character. Our resident Neet Goddess who messes around online and Moderates Forums while also quoting star wars with the MC. And then there's Thorum, the OC Dragonborn. Thorum is the OG Bro, and he is best boi in the fic. There is also the tweaks to other Established Characters such as Roman Torchwick. He gets the chefs kiss -- amazing. I love him, he's a fucking little shit that you can't help but love even when he's being an ass. He carried RWBY arc heavily for me, even if I enjoyed most other aspects of it. Including Character interactions in this apsect, I give Character design a 7/5, and yes, I know I put it as 7/5. World Backround time. Not much to say here, it's solid because he's using Established worlds, but this is a Fanfiction, so that's expected. Now, with this being said, he does well to mesh all the worlds together into something coherent. Explaining the metaphysical aspects of each world to make sense and not just handwave the differences. All in all, I would rate this story very highly. I'll be honest and say the first few chapters almost lost me, but you can tell the Author was still very inexperienced at that point as the quality visibly goes up as you read further on. I recommend rewriting the first few chapters to the Author if he reads this, flesh out the start a little more and it would grab more readers.

    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • CoolGuysDontLook

    The perspective change was nice. Keep up the good work.

    Ch 177 Chapter 169
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne