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  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    brother pls pls tell me where can i read the "" Arab tycoon starting with oil" pls bro author pls

    Ch 42 Samoa Crisis/Washington, D.C.
    German Dream-dreaming Second Reich, Kaiser A
    War · IQIX
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    lol so easy to found the traitor

    "We should take off the helmets to see each other's faces and introduce ourselves," the skinny man confidently suggested. Reaching for his helmet, he pulled it back, revealing short black hair and sharp eyes. With a healed scar painted under his eye, he stated, "My name is Ferit, and I'm from the northern Iron Castle of Lionar Kingdom."
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Noob6_writer9

    it’s a stupid to think that with this kind of past. he can still go around to Fk and make harem

    Saga of Atlantis
    Fantasy · Noob6_writer9
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    is this western symptoms

    Rafael, his expression tinged with sadness, remarked, "Despite the positive impact on the food in the city, I can't help but feel for those who lost their lives yesterday."
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ


    Rafael sat with Erma and a new addition, a girl with an air of mystery about her. As they discussed the recent turmoil, the girl, Livia inquired, "So who do you think did this?"
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    lol in first novel it was deferent

    (Adam really managed to convince Montaser,) Fray thought with happiness. Montaser was a crucial element in his plan to heal the land, and he had been uncertain whether Adam, who knew Montaser personally, could persuade him. Fortunately, the persuasion had succeeded.
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    lame for being a Gold box

    [Everlast Core: It can provide 50,000 barrels of water per day. The holder of the core can control the water produced. There are no limitations on using it].
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    just like our UN

    Adam, however, harbored a cynical skepticism as he eyed Luke, muttering under his breath, (The Guardians! Are these the puppet squad the three kingdoms established in the guise of peacekeepers?)
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    i Think i saw an Hollywood Animation movie.

    Fray nodded solemnly. "Yes, the fortress possesses four distinct attack styles. The windows harbour eyes capable of shooting energy beams. Above the walls, the cannons activate only when someone reaches their altitude, forming an almost impenetrable barrier. Beyond the door, resembling a mouth, tens of tall dark tongues emerge when enemies draw near. Yet, because the castle is alive, it can be tired. That's when it unleashes its secret fourth attack. Our goal is to make the castle use it." The weight of their mission hung heavy as they prepared to face the living fortress.
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    THERE is no time limit so Doesn't mean after one or two raid. everyone will be able to get high rank.

    After completing each mission, the reward is determined based on the mission's score rankings, ranging from E to A, as indicated by the system window. These rankings serve as the Old Continent's expectations for warriors, with higher A ranks considered the pinnacle of mission achievements.
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Aj_Saunders

    You're WRONG.

    [ You have killed two white Crullers, your clan has gain 2 exp points]
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Cum_in

    nah he is sure dead. if not MC will join with him to invent tech. or He may be saying the truth. because Fry never told Lies.

    "The former head of the family is still alive. He gave it to me. But I can't delve into details now," Fray dropped the bombshell.
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    allied Race are you telling use that that Monster is MC.

    "While the allied races possess strength, it pales in comparison to their adversaries. Time is not on their side," Yassine whispered, his voice lost amid the carnage that unfolded.
    The Villain's Side Of the Story In The New Plot
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    so you mean to say to stop the madness of MC trying to kill all Race. he has to die no matter what. or he choice was dead from began with. as he he thought. by becoming a common enemy for all race including humans. the world may get peace.

    There will be romance, but expectations from the original novel may not apply. The mysteries and secrets will persist, except for the knight where the Dalma family meets its end—an event in the near future.
    The villain's side of the novel
    Fantasy · Fri123
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    if it’s chinese author it has to be immortal MC

      "This, how is this possible?!!!"
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    Isn't What Israel DOING in Palestinian loll

      Here is what I'll do next. I will vigorously promote the "Legend of Stabbing the Back", and then order restrictions to deprive Jews of their civil rights. Jews are to be forbidden to be civil servants, judges, lawyers, doctors, etc.; Jews are not allowed to enter public entertainment venues; people are not allowed to buy goods from Jew shops. The implementation of this policy will restrict the rights of Jews in economic, political, and social life, and reduce the social status of German Jews to "second-class citizens."
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Alex_Hellfire

    because it’s a chinese app you can know this.

      ' These Jews are desperate, evil and poisonous. They have been our malaria, plague, and all misfortunes for 1400 years ...their synagogues and schools should be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness, afforded no legal protection, and these "poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time'... Do you think the words above were said by Hitler? What? No, they are from the published book written by Martin Luther.
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Geraldrold

    there is a saying. no lie can be make truth if there is no truth. mean you have to have some truths in lie to make it Truth. why do you think European countries kick out the jews the next day they win the war??

      During the First World War, the Jews in the rear were either engaged in speculation or riots. They also instigated the German soldiers on the front line to be deserters, which disrupted the morale of the entire German army, and many Jewish people also deliberately feigned diseases to avoid military service. In addition to making trouble in the rear, the Jews harmed German working people, calculated German capitalists, disintegrated the German army, and caused the German army to fail.
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights
  • DaoistWUY6WJ
    Replied to Frog_Time

    well that was the root. and the great depression was the sparks. in that time even though jews has the money to donate or help the country they didn’t.

      During the First World War, the Jews in the rear were either engaged in speculation or riots. They also instigated the German soldiers on the front line to be deserters, which disrupted the morale of the entire German army, and many Jewish people also deliberately feigned diseases to avoid military service. In addition to making trouble in the rear, the Jews harmed German working people, calculated German capitalists, disintegrated the German army, and caused the German army to fail.
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights
  • DaoistWUY6WJ

    Ottoman also protected the jews.

      "  When the whole world hardly gave you Jews a good face, our Germany gave you citizenship and gave you all the rights a citizen should have. But you repay us like this. In the critical moment you stabbed us in the back. How similar is this to the story of Jews, Elder Bloom?!"
    My German Empire
    History · NeonLights