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  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to xHighs

    Sounds like an opinion based on no facts at all to me, y'all

    Because the lighting was good, the features of the two girls became more apparent. Both of them had flawless white skin that was devoid of any imperfections. Their hair, which were black and brown respectively, gently cascaded on their back, stopping right before their waist.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to onsguren

    Cringe...you sound like a chuuni. Being emotionless is not cool, it's how you end up with no friends and staying alone. By the way, it uses mana. That makes your reasoning even dumber.

    Only the likes of Kevin and Jin were somewhat able to remain unaffected by her sudden seductive outburst.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to leo_messi

    Who told me? Uh..........common sense? A "normal" sword to me is just that: a normal sword that isn't magical. A katana in our world is a normal sword to the Japanese as a long sword is a normal sword to European nations. And the katana has seen it's fair share of battle by the way. Bow and arrows were used more, but you aren't about to draw your bow when a soldier is a few feet away from you.

    Although it wasn't a katana, the [Keiki style] wasn't a sword art that could only explicitly be practiced by a katana.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to jbeh888

    Remember that even with magic, people still age. Their powers would wane then, allowing the younger generation to replace them.

    Lastly, there was [Empire's sword]. Unlike the other major faction, [Empire's sword] didn't select members based on their lineage or status. It only focused on individual strength. In order to enter, you must prove that you were worthy of holding their name. As such, the requirement to joining the faction was to defeat a senior member. Only upon proving your strength could you enter the faction.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to ifuknow_u_know

    I mean...that's sort of how attraction in general works, especially for men. Men ask women: "What do you offer to the table?" The same goes for guys. If average people in an average world are average, then extraordinary people in an extraordinary world us average as well. Have to have talent to be considered useful.

    "Moreover you have me, Amanda, Melissa, and that guy protecting you."
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to Apostle_of_Noice

    This isn't Re:Zero bud. Huge difference in quality.

    I tried to get up. But once I tried to move my upper body, it was instantly engulfed in pain, refusing to listen to me. Slowly, my body sank onto the large white mattress.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to Migski

    Yeah, it is hard to get through. I really hope it gets better like everyone says. But I think they are just desensitized.

    Alone in an empty castle, a demon laughed, whilst a human screamed in pain as the demon broke his legs. But unbeknown to the Demon, with each scream the human slowly approaching a shiny metal sword that laid on the floor.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to JStyles

    Not immature, but unrealistic. We don't just randomly say the most important bits of our thoughts aloud in the right moments. That is an anime/manga thing.

    "Dungeon overload..."
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to leo_messi

    A katana IS a normal sword. Plus, each sword has different uses and are better at certain things than others. It is better at cutting through flesh with one swing compared to most Western blades.

    Although it wasn't a katana, the [Keiki style] wasn't a sword art that could only explicitly be practiced by a katana.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to Hugo_Quater

    But it isn't logical. The paragraph before this literally explains his thoughts as twisted and weird lol.

    'No matter how talented one is, if they are not destined for greatness, they will never reach the top.'
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to HeavenlySage

    Lazy people in the face of danger either act stupid or are frozen; they don't summon courage from nowhere. And habits are hard to break, no matter what you were like once upon a time. Also, he let himself be "corrupted". There is nobody else to blame but himself for doing what other people wanted.

    Every minute that I saved was a minute I could use to train myself.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to kasuky

    Yeah, I see this type of thing in many novels. The MC from before the situation change and after aren't the same. It doesn't make sense. No consistency...

    Since I've already done the deed, I couldn't really turn back time and undo what I did. Instead of worrying about it now, I'll just do what I was best at...and that was leaving problems for later.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Ka_ji_ma
    Replied to Aimdoo

    The goal in both weren't to make their original novels better. In 'The Novel's Extra', the MC's original goal was to make it towards the end of his book so he can go back home. In this novel, Ren wants to be able to survive the third catastrophe. He fully accepts that he had died, so making the novel better makes no sense.

    When I was writing this part of the novel, I totally forgot to add a trial.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI