

2022-04-19 JoinedGlobal

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  • JadeXolic

    The main character embarks on a journey of self-discovery with surprising results. Despite a few flaws, it’s a pleasure to accompany The Narrator on this physical and emotional journey. The unexpected twists and turns is a fitting denouement to an epic and memorable read.

    Hellbound With You
    Fantasy · KazzenlX
  • JadeXolic

    Wow...she is some kind of special. Delusional. Bipolar. Maybe schizophrenic Tendencies too... Shut up and go take your meds, hun.

    Rachel shook her head, "I can't let him go, mom. I don't want anyone else. I'm going to talk to Lucy. I'm sure he will listen to her if she pleads on my behalf."
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    It's amusing in a gamer way. A bit wordy at the beginning but a lot of manga seems that way at 1st. The art is pleasant as well you can tell the effort that was put into the art. So far I'm enjoying it. ☺

    All These Wild Men Want to Marry Me!
    · Webnovel Comics
  • JadeXolic

    Last paragraph Jeff and Mia... unless Harry can teleport from Jade 😆 jk

    Sonia lowered herself so that she was squatting in front of him, "Let's break up. After I have cleared up all of this we can get back together if you still want us to," Sonia explained.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    Jeff turned to Sonia...

    "Can't we just wrap it up now? Sonia needs to leave. She has an emergency that needs to be taken care of, and I'm leaving with her," Bryan said, ignoring what Sonia had been saying earlier.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic
    Replied to Miss_Behaviour

    I changed my username back to it's original try JadeXolic1213#5220

    Harry on the other hand shook his head as he kept driving with his eyes on the road. What did he say this time? He had not even called her ugly or said anything terrible about her appearance, so why was she mad? Was it a crime to be honest? He had only been trying to straighten out things with her, yet she had managed to make it seem like he was a jerk. Women!
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic
    Replied to

    that's strange...

    Harry on the other hand shook his head as he kept driving with his eyes on the road. What did he say this time? He had not even called her ugly or said anything terrible about her appearance, so why was she mad? Was it a crime to be honest? He had only been trying to straighten out things with her, yet she had managed to make it seem like he was a jerk. Women!
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic
    Replied to RedSonia

    i think you misunderstood me that's ok. not many people understand me... i nv said she needed more exp. by the way. also it was a general statement not relevent to the book anymore but to all the women out there hense the abbr. names

    Part of Talia was moved that Damon told her all this. It was rare of Damon to talk about his past and even rarer to admit he made a mistake. But if he had any decency in that licentious mind of his, he wouldn't end up in this situation! They were sending women to his bed only because they saw that he is not refusing them! Bastard!
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic

    I thought I was reading a book about 2 adults. I have to say my 1st thought was how childish they both are. My second thought was this is a stereo type for a recent deflowered girl with a bad boy. I mean there's a reason why I hear all the time that virgins are too much work. Third my thoughts trailed to similar things in previous comments. It's in the past you have 2 options take the man for who he is, that means all of him by the way(good and bad), or if you just can't move on past the hurt you leave. Honestly I disagree with the wolf and Talia. I never liked that word deserves. Do any of us really have any right to judge someone like that?? I don't care how much of a saint you are. We are all guilty of something. Anger isn't caused by other people it stems from ones inability to accept whatever caused us to become unstable. In this case T is insecure and there for seeing that video made her angry. If she was more confident something like that video would have less effect and she might playfully use it to tease D but it would have "rolled of her back" as they say.

    Part of Talia was moved that Damon told her all this. It was rare of Damon to talk about his past and even rarer to admit he made a mistake. But if he had any decency in that licentious mind of his, he wouldn't end up in this situation! They were sending women to his bed only because they saw that he is not refusing them! Bastard!
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic

    Candy shook her head????maybe

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic
    Replied to JadeXolic

    😍 Even if just to have a chat with you. If you can write a story like this, I've concluded that you are an exceptionally rare individual. I would be ecstatic to hear from your delightful self, if you have a few spare moments for this fan.☺

    Harry on the other hand shook his head as he kept driving with his eyes on the road. What did he say this time? He had not even called her ugly or said anything terrible about her appearance, so why was she mad? Was it a crime to be honest? He had only been trying to straighten out things with her, yet she had managed to make it seem like he was a jerk. Women!
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic
    Damon cursed internally. For a moment, he thought that Talia was jumping into this whole marking thing, but then… she was talking about hickeys. Of course, this was Talia.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic
    Replied to Miss_Behaviour

    Yes. 💋Mαrguєrítє Ѧrgєnєαu🎶#5220

    Harry on the other hand shook his head as he kept driving with his eyes on the road. What did he say this time? He had not even called her ugly or said anything terrible about her appearance, so why was she mad? Was it a crime to be honest? He had only been trying to straighten out things with her, yet she had managed to make it seem like he was a jerk. Women!
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    I think I like Harry 😆. I like straightforward, brutally-honest people. He did nothing wrong he just told it like it is. The problem is that most people can't handle the truth 😆. Loving the story Miss_Behavior. Thank you. Wish I could be your editor😍

    Harry on the other hand shook his head as he kept driving with his eyes on the road. What did he say this time? He had not even called her ugly or said anything terrible about her appearance, so why was she mad? Was it a crime to be honest? He had only been trying to straighten out things with her, yet she had managed to make it seem like he was a jerk. Women!
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    This is an extremely entertaining read!!! Minus a few editting errors, I would have given it a 5 star. I can't wait for more!!! Each character brings the story alive with more vibrancy.

    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    I had to triple check that this was the next chapter 😆 lol

    Standing by the window of his office, Tom waited for Lucy to come in so that he could finally reveal the truth to her about who he truly was. He didn't want to keep lying to her or feeling guilty about it anymore.
    One Wild Night
    Urban · Miss_Behaviour
  • JadeXolic

    visualize the black cat as a black wolf (Damon) and the white cat as kitten ( Talia) ☺

    Damon cupped Talia's cheek with his palm. "What do you say, kitten? Will you do that for me?"
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic
    Talia paused. There was that word 'suppress' again. 
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic

    ya ....no it's never that easy...i don't think they are on the same page just yet.

    "And longer. Much longer.", he said, and before Talia completed her nod, Damon's lips landed on hers with urgency.
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • JadeXolic

    This will backfire... Talia's brain already comes up with excuses all on it's own. now she will tell herself it is only pretend.🤦 Damon you think your being smart but a lie is a lie is a lie no matter which way you spin it. I look forward to seeing him untangle this web.

    Back in the office…
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia