

2022-04-17 JoinedGlobal

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  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Hope_Rosati

    :( **

    Ch 185 Chapter 185
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Vhiray

    I still can’t get to those chapters even though I’ve upgraded too:;

    Ch 185 Chapter 185
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Sunnydino4

    That’s true!! They were the ones who noticed that she was bleeding badly and tho they didn’t specifically /say/ she was bleeding between her legs, it was implied when they were checking her over I believe and that’s when they started freaking out even more. Poor babies:(

    "I didn't want to see you get hurt anymore! Ever since I brought you to Anatol, you've ended up in danger numerous times. I blamed myself for everything when I saw you all bloodied! Why must you be the one to suffer when I was the one who fathered that child and made you return to that wretched place?! I am to blame for all of it!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to mintuna

    I know a certain dragon slayer who would fit this roll perfectly:)

    "With Sir Riftan leading, the war should be over within a month… No, make that half a month," Ruth said reassuringly. "The duke's knights may number almost three times ours, but the Remdragon Knights' prowess in battle is at least ten times greater. The reason why they have yet to declare war on us is because they know it's a battle they cannot win."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    Although I’ve already read as far as I possibly can, I really wish there was a side chapter or something of her sitting under the revived oak tree eating a simple meal (sort of like a picnic) where she’s just relaxing and reading a book destressing and the knights come up to her and talk to her using the most sincere voices while offering her flower crowns with the flowers that they went and hand picked from the fields that they train near. I feel like that would be such a cute and wholesome moment for her and help her realize that the knights love and care about her and wish the best for her.

    "I-I am not trying… to go outside. I just… want to see our guests. Do you know where they were escorted to?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    I want more Elliot and Ruth 😔

    Ch 180 Chapter 180
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Hope_Rosati

    Thought they tried it*

    As the pain faded, her battered pride made itself known as a dull ache. Raising her dress to her chin, she glanced at Riftan, Ruth, and the shocked knights before hiding her face beneath her disheveled hair.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    You know what’s crazy as I’m coming back and rereading this passage? Although she’s close with Riftan and Ruth, Elliott was just starting to become close with her as well… so he was definitely shocked seeing her nearly beaten to death. Ursuline was definitely shocked too but like he probably figured that something was wrong with her from the very start because he never liked her father since the very beginning. Elliot just formed a somewhat bond with her… I can only imagine how they felt seeing her in that state… it’s crazy how one instance can completely change your view point on someone given specific circumstances. You never truly know someone until you witness something first hand for yourself. They all thought they knew her and had her figured out but clearly now that they’ve seen her abuse firsthand they probably all feel stupid for ever thinking that she was just some overly glorified noble woman who was secretly just like her father. They really thought tried it in the beginning thinking they knew her and had her figured out. Bet Ursuline will never make an assumption about someone ever again.

    As the pain faded, her battered pride made itself known as a dull ache. Raising her dress to her chin, she glanced at Riftan, Ruth, and the shocked knights before hiding her face beneath her disheveled hair.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    Ruth supremacy

    Ch 175 Chapter 175
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Hope_Rosati

    Recuperating* not receiving. My phone fails me again

    "I didn't want to see you get hurt anymore! Ever since I brought you to Anatol, you've ended up in danger numerous times. I blamed myself for everything when I saw you all bloodied! Why must you be the one to suffer when I was the one who fathered that child and made you return to that wretched place?! I am to blame for all of it!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    She really miscarried… and then was practically beaten to a bloody mess on the brink of nearly dying from the abuse while still receiving from the miscarriage… and only those close to her will ever know this. I already know how Riftan feels, but as Maxi’s best friend… imagine how Ruth feels. Knowing she lost her baby in an effort to save everyone and he couldn’t do anything save their (her and riftan’s) child just to end up back in her hellhole of a “home” and nearly beaten to death… I know we should all be focusing on Maxi and Riftan mending their bond but I can only imagine the bond between her and Ruth… I wonder who it was that gave the diagnosis of their baby… it must’ve been Ruth or one of the clerics right? If anyone knows please tell me

    "I didn't want to see you get hurt anymore! Ever since I brought you to Anatol, you've ended up in danger numerous times. I blamed myself for everything when I saw you all bloodied! Why must you be the one to suffer when I was the one who fathered that child and made you return to that wretched place?! I am to blame for all of it!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Manuela_Colafigli

    I had no idea that happened. I assume this is from his POV… he must’v loved her before he realized but then even after that when he did find out nothing changed for him. He’s loved her as she was since the very beginning

    "If you w-want to know so badly… Th-The beatings started when I was eight, w-when it became clear… that I had a speech impediment. I-I was made to read a poem out loud i-in front of my father… twice a week. W-Whenever I did poorly… he would punish me… in that room."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    Riftan really said: so you’v chosen violence? Okay.

    The wooden chair struck the duke's bony figure. Maxi's eyes widened. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The chair splintered, sending chunks of wood flying in every direction. The duke sailed through the air like a scarecrow before crashing onto the floor. A bizarre scream filled with pain and outrage burst out of him.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to JenniferB40

    I know right😭😭😭 he’s probably the most shocked after riftan. The rest were also shocked but I guarantee aside from riftan, ruth was absolutely devestated appalled and heartbroken for her. He was truly her first and only friend as was she for him… bestie’s just trying to see if she was okay🥺

    Riftan's bulky frame blocked the doorway, barring Ruth's entry. After taking the basin, towels, and clothes, he closed the door on Ruth's face before the sorcerer could say anything else.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    If she’s actually pregnant… that’s death sentence for their baby…

    The goblin was on her again before she could get to her feet. It yanked her back by her hair, and she thrashed against it as though she were drowning. Then, her vision turned black as it landed a brutal kick on her stomach. She desperately tried to cling to her fading consciousness. It would truly be the end if she were to pass out now.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    She should’ve threw fire in his face😭🤣😭

    Anger surged through her, and she kicked Breston's shin. Unfortunately, he was wearing gaiters. A sharp pain shot through Maxi's foot. She hopped up and down in agony as Breston roared with laughter.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    That is what we like to call ✨🤌growth🤌✨ he did the most logical and same thing he could possibly ever think to do in this entire story. I’m surprised because normally he never gives her a chance to even communicate with him during one of his raging episodes.

    "I'll only end up saying something I'll regret if I stay. I'll be back once I've cooled off, so wait for me."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Hope_Rosati

    This boy tia*

    At night, she tossed and turned as her worry for Riftan kept her awake. The mornings were full of longing to be back at Calypse Castle. She wanted to return to Anatol with Riftan, Ruth, and the Remdragon Knights as soon as possible.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati

    I like how she said “Riftan , Ruth and the remdragon knights” meaning she considered Ruth as her family… he truly is and has always been her one and only true friend and you can tell she just deeply cherishes him and wants him to come back safely🥺 it’s a given that she wants Riftan and the others to come back safely too but it’s the fact that she said Ruth’s name specifically is why I find Tia sentence so wholesome. Her friendship with Ruth is something only others could dream of having. He really was her one and only friend in her entire life. Sure she has Agnes but even then Agnes isn’t really her friend and we can’t really consider Riftan her friend bc he’s literally her husband and they have to care for each other bc they’re married. RDK’s simply because they’re risking their lives to bring back everyone safely. I don’t know I just know that I like ruth the most out of everyone in this story

    At night, she tossed and turned as her worry for Riftan kept her awake. The mornings were full of longing to be back at Calypse Castle. She wanted to return to Anatol with Riftan, Ruth, and the Remdragon Knights as soon as possible.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Hope_Rosati
    Replied to Shari_0238

    I’m also wondering about where they pooped in the past

    The next morning, she ran to the training grounds clad in the simple tunic and trousers worn by the castle servants. It was almost time for their departure, and the faces of everyone leaving for the campaign were tense.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim