

2022-03-26 JoinedGlobal



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  • MangetsuTH

    The problem with first-person points of view is that while the character narrates or if there is a general explanation involving the character's state, ability, mentality, etc. his or her will always seem out of place because this is something that takes place in a third-person narration. So having the character cohesively narrate something he shouldn't seem strange and out of place.

    Ch 4 Twisted
    The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess
    Fantasy · San_Martins
  • MangetsuTH

    Bad move, me and probably nobody cares about this dude or will, and future fights with him Ahhrr... I'm here for the mc descovering his world not death chances that are not real or an ancient poor dude that can fuc7 himself for all i care. Don't get me wrong, your story is good, i'm just complaining.

    Ch 79 Sovereign: The Possessed Sword
    Two Worlds: An Immortal’s Journey with a Villaness
    Eastern · DD_TheDreamer
  • MangetsuTH

    Come on, upload a new chapter bro, 17 days!!

    Ch 69 No more drinks for you
    Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time
    Fantasy · Pages_47
  • MangetsuTH
    Replied to Kufa_Tempest


    Ch 18 Chapter 18
    Reincarnated in Super Gene World
    Anime & Comics · Hell_Dragon_Azavok
  • MangetsuTH

    Author, how do you intend to make sure your main character doesn't die immediately when he arrives in the Gene Universe? Han Sen had the cat with nine lives tattoo for this, do you intend to make him steal Han Sen's pendant? And why isn't Jinag Chen trying to get closer to Han Sen? If he is Han Sen's friend, he would naturally take him to the Gene Universe at some point and support him however he can, what is your plan? Antagonize the protagonist at all times and steal everything he owns just because?

    Ch 18 Chapter 18
    Reincarnated in Super Gene World
    Anime & Comics · Hell_Dragon_Azavok
  • MangetsuTH
    Replied to MangetsuTH

    I'm talking about the 1, 2 and 3 before the rewriting and this one.

    Ch 4 Update
    Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix
    Video Games · Nutcruncher_442
  • MangetsuTH

    Bro delete these useless chapters you wrote and leave The ones with real contet.

    Ch 4 Update
    Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix
    Video Games · Nutcruncher_442
  • MangetsuTH

    You should delete this chapter

    Ch 38 Not a chapter (Sorry)
    Star wars: I don't want to be a Jedi
    Anime & Comics · Itsame_Mario
  • MangetsuTH
    Replied to Serenity_Blades

    Well, the way the sentences connect and communicate with each other in your writing is hmm... clumsy? Would that be the right word? I can get the general meaning and where the text is going, but it takes some effort. Example: He is going to buy a shirt, but it would be red, not green because it stains. That's how I feel reading your writing, I understand, but there's a lack of information, such as where he went, what store, what type of shirt, price, size, among others.

    Ch 4 Arriving
    Mass Effect SI - The Afterlife
    Video Games · Serenity_Blades
  • MangetsuTH

    Did you use AI to write this? Só confusing...

    Ch 4 Arriving
    Mass Effect SI - The Afterlife
    Video Games · Serenity_Blades
  • MangetsuTH


    Ch 25 Theo staring at the two moons
    Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time
    Fantasy · Pages_47
  • MangetsuTH


    Ch 4 Their First Vow
    Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time
    Fantasy · Pages_47
  • MangetsuTH

    I can't stand his name, Smarus sounds like a sneeze to me, like: "Ah~ ah~ ah~ SSMMAAARUUUSSS!!!!" Smarus Drangonborne, yes, of course~, his last name is Dragonborne for sure... Sneeze Dragonborn- No! Dragon Sneeze!! Yes, that's his name!!

    Ch 1 Chapter 1- Unfortunate Ending
    Rewriting a Script Called Life
    Fantasy · DrFantasy
  • MangetsuTH
    Replied to _Blunt_Roller

    Here comes one of the big ones... Dude, I don't know if you're going to read this, but did you read what you wrote? First you say: "I have nothing against homosexuals, I even have friends who are!" then you contradict yourself, saying: "Homosexuality is not good for the world!" Bro... I think everyone can tell what you meant with everything you wrote, frankly I thought something similar when I read the synopsis, I thought: "Like, seriously?! Only gays here, no homophobes?! Didn't this author think that just tags or a good synopsis would attract or deter certain readers? Why write something so unnecessary?" You, my dear fellow reader, made the same mistake as the author in this situation, expressing yourself badly, the same hatred you felt when reading the synopsis/fanfic resides in your comment. You were angry about something else (the state of your country basically (you're from the US, right?)) and you discounted it here, I could ramble on about other animals that also exhibit homosexual behavior, how this is something natural and that there is nothing wrong with it, but it isn't necessário, you know is the famous: "Love your neighbor no matter what" that many fervent religious people conveniently forget. You're not wrong to feel bad about the way the world around you is, but to think that everyone else should stop doing what makes them happy because they're confused (which, by the way, many are, from what I've seen in the US things got out of control with meaningless ideologies, hypocrisy at all times, misandry became fashionable, and if you are not black(or any other ethnicity, but not a white man, because they are all racist, misogynistic and homophobic, curiously a white woman, just because she is a woman, can say the same thing and commit misandry freely), gay, transgender, obese, among others, you are an intolerant and should be ashamed to exist) is wrong. I come from a 3rd world country, we have homophobia and racism like all countries in the world, but I grew up seeing examples of wonderful homosexual people who marked our culture and improved our thinking, some made gender transition, others didn't, but those who did It wasn't something you would question as a lack of judgement, you can tell when someone is really what they preach, you feel it. I am a heterosexual man, I grew up in a diverse culture, I believe in respecting the freedom of my neighbor, that's it, I hope I expressed myself well. But to be clear, I don't believe it's right to let children try hormone blockers, or gender transition in childhood or adolescence, if you don't know which is worth more between a bitcoin and a hundred dollars you shouldn't have this kind of freedom, only adults should having to bear the consequences of such choices. Anyway, that's all i got for today, go away now.

    Another Twilight fanfic
    Movies · EmphieIsMe
  • MangetsuTH

    Bro, I understand what you were trying to do here, but with the re-entry and the impact of the fall all of his organs should be ten times bullet proof at the very least, add that to Doomsday's constant evolution and adaptation along with absorption of light and darkness and you have a monster on your hands, not at superman level of course but a nerfed superboy is quite possible. Remember Author, a super body comes with everything and I mean EVERYTHING super, and that includes strength, endurance, stamina, speed, reflexes, speed of thought (improved brain), healing factor, improved senses, among others. Something that many fail to do when introducing a character who can stop a car at 300 km/h with one hand is take into account how good his speed and reflexes are, super strength = super speed = super senses/reflexes, take something away from that equation and your answer will be wrong, someone with super strength doesn't just punch with super strength, but also with super speed and if that someone is not adapted/synchronized with that speed then there is something wrong there, Superman has super speed because he has a super body, everything about it is SUPER, not just the strength. Now tell me dear Author, how strong, fast and resilient would someone who has adapted to re-entry into a planet's atmosphere and a collision at terminal velocity be? Giving someone Doomsday's powers and not being faithful to those abilities is the same as wanting criticism like the one I'm writing from your readers.

    Ch 7 C-1.7
    Zelda: The Man who brought Doom
    Video Games · mkoester
  • MangetsuTH

    It is fun, not perfect, far from that, but fun, you should try it. .................................................................................

    Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD
    Anime & Comics · HolyGambler
  • MangetsuTH
    Replied to ChaosWriter

    Saitama's power is based on his desire, when someone breaks the limiter their desire changes the individual (it could be their personality or inclination), if you get out of control well...monstrification. In Saitama's case, he didn't break his limiter immediately, but he broke it with his effort, little by little, all based on his childhood desire of wanting to be a hero who destroys all the monsters with one punch (basically being the strongest), when he really broke the limiter was when he tried to see the back of his head in the mirror because of the recent hair loss he had noticed, by doing this he moved faster than light after countless attempts, that's when his hair was gone along with its limiter, everything is based on what an individual wants for themselves in One Punch Man.

    This book has been deleted.
  • MangetsuTH

    Why "bald strong" man lol, one punch man in any lenguage seem pretty simple.

    This book has been deleted.
  • MangetsuTH

    I still don't understand why he didn't add human DNA to the mix, I know it wouldn't be the strongest, but as he wants to be as human as possible this DNA would at least provide a solid basis for the form he so desires.

    Ch 11 Chapter 10. Chitin and muscles
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Worlds: Deus Ex Machina
    Video Games · Daoist914802
  • MangetsuTH

    Bro, I understand the anger against the Batarians, but killing children... That's too much, no matter who they are, they have a cultural problem and without changing the culture or restricting them harshly there is no way to change them, maybe that make them worse, but still bro, that was a bit too brutal, all races deserve to live, even the Batarians, as much as I don't like them. You don't need to save them from the meteor in ME2, but at least don't drive them to extinction, that's very cruel, close to being extinct is okay, as they will be forced to change their slave culture to survive or the other races in the galaxy would destroy them.

    Ch 6 Chapter 5. The Taste of Blood
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Worlds: Deus Ex Machina
    Video Games · Daoist914802