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  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to Kilabs2

    he is miles away to reaching flash level speed

    Perception/Reaction speeds: Mach 2.1 --> Mach 632.3 / Mach 1,334.1
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    Anime & Comics · PettiaMius_6689
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    The speed of light is Mach 874,030.

    Perception/Reaction speeds: Mach 2.1 --> Mach 632.3 / Mach 1,334.1
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    Anime & Comics · PettiaMius_6689
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    is he gonna join teen titans ? pls noooo let him play solo plsssssss

    Ch 16 God-Speed.
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    Anime & Comics · PettiaMius_6689
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    Anime & Comics · PettiaMius_6689
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    'These guys must know that their escape is in shambles...' Ezra knew the police would be on the other side soon, SWAT is going to come in the next five minutes after stalling. But him. He could make a name for himself and save lives, a double win in his opinion.
    Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)
    Anime & Comics · PettiaMius_6689
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Earth Link: Storm's mutant powers have created a psychic bond between herself and the primal life force of Earth's biosphere. This bond with the Earth and apparently the entire universe, gives Storm spiritual and material sustenance with an almost empathic sense towards living thing. Storm also possesses the ability to sense and detect life force and she has once sensed a dying tree in the Xavier Mansion. She has once sensed a snowball being tossed and sense the Blackbird cutting the atmosphere even though the distance between them was thousands of miles.[citation needed] She can sense any natural phenomena including earthquakes, storms, etc. Storm can sense movements in the air or water mediums. She also confirmed that she can sometimes sense the very core of creation, describing it as the sacred source behind and within all things and transcends reality itself.[279] Thermal Variance: Ororo's body counteracts extremes of temperature, internally increasing or decreasing her temperature in contrast to its external environment to an unknown degree. In the Antarctic, while trying to alter the blizzards raging over its entirety, she nearly fried her own system.[120] Energy Vision: With a blink, Storm can see the physical world around her as energy, including the human body's nervous system, which in turn allows her to counter all but the fastest attack.[142] Added to her already formidable hand-to-hand abilities, this makes her a very tough opponent. Storm has also shown the ability to see in almost complete darkness.[citation needed] Magical Potential: Storm's ancestry supports the use of magic and witchcraft.[267] Many of her ancestors were sorceresses and priestesses. Storm's maternal powers have even been linked to the real-world Rain Queens of Balobedu, the region from which her Sorceress Supreme ancestor, Ayesha, hails. Storm's ancestor Ashake, who worships the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, also known as Oshtur, the mother of Agamotto. Oshtur appears to have strong favor for the bloodline of Ororo. Godhood: Storm has a gift of godhead passed from her ancestors. Black Panther considered her as a bigger god compared to the Adversary, being recognized as a threat by said deity. The faith of Wakanda helped her ascend to godhood and made her a real goddess, granting her the power to defeat the powerful Adversary.[25] The Power of Faith: Storm can get power from people's belief in and prayers to her. The more people that believe in her, the more powerful she becomes. She once used the power to dissipate an unnatural storm that was from another world and created by Adversary, who was known as Sefako The Twice Risen God. She's also able to invoke Oshtur for help. She is also considered as a goddess called Hadari Yao who preserves the balance between all natural things.[11] Teleportation: Storm once used some wizards and witches' energy to create a portal based on lightning and teleported herself and others from realm to realm. This power may be related to her magical talents

    Weather Manipulation:Gained from Storm, Zora can control and manipulate the weather, including creating storms, wind, lightning, and precipitation.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Storm : Atmokinesis: Storm is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth and has demonstrated a plethora of abilities, most of which are facets of her power to manipulate the weather.[268] Storm possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather. She has been able to control both Earthly and extraterrestrial ecosystems on several occasions. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture (at a molecular level),[268] generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes,[269] as well as mist. She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well. Storm can also control the very fundamental forces that determine weather itself anywhere like the planet's magnetic fields, taking control of the magnetosphere on multiple occasions.[270] Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, and, along with her natural ability of flight, summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself (or others) to fly at high altitudes and speeds. Her control is so great that she can even manipulate the air in a person's lungs. She can also control the pressure inside the human inner ear, an ability she uses to cause intense pain. She can also bend light using moisture in the air and her manipulation of mist and fog to appear partially transparent, and in some cases, nearly invisible.[194] Storm has also demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include cosmic storms, solar wind, ocean currents, and electromagnetic energy. She has demonstrated the ability to separate water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis, allowing her to breathe underwater.[132] While in outer space, she is able to affect and manipulate the interstellar and intergalactic mediums. Such as when she bent primal cosmic forces to create lightning whilst still healing in the Acanti,[271] or when she gathered hydrogen atoms around the silver surfer whilst in space to create an atmosphere around him[citation needed] While bonded to The Acanti, Storm could alter her visual perceptions so as to see the universe in terms of a multi-colored panorama filled with constantly shifting patterns of energy.[271] she can perceive the stars, planets and even empty space as patterns of force and energy all of which she can control. She once came across a Galactic Core, which consisted of millions of suns and planets crammed into a tiny place. She was able to draw on the living stars and worlds within it, to gain both spiritual and material sustenance. Summoning the power of the entire Core to purge the Brood Queen, for the briefest of moments, a new star shines in the firmament, not unlike the Earth which she draws energy from to manipulate the weather. But in this case, things are magnified to an unimaginable degree. And though Storm was able to manipulate the energies from the Galactic Core to purge the Brood Queen, it also cost her her own life in the process.[272] Whether this is something she can repeat, or made possible only on the moment remains unknown. Willpower/Telepathic Resistance: Something that was gradually gained through Ororo's time with the X-men, Storm has one of the most powerful wills of them all, even defying Dracula's hypnotism.[278] She is a powerful opponent against telepathy in battle. Her resistance is further enhanced by the electrical forces she controls.

    Weather Manipulation:Gained from Storm, Zora can control and manipulate the weather, including creating storms, wind, lightning, and precipitation.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Immortality (presumably): Rogue is now presumably functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers her, she presumably no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy presumably sustains Rogue's physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life. As a result, she presumably no longer requires food, water, or oxygen.

    Power Absorption: Gained from Rogue, Zora can absorb the powers, memories, and life force of others through physical touch.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Rogue : Power, Life-Force and Memory Absorption: Rogue can absorb the powers, energies, memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of another human being (or members of some sentient alien races) through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. She is not limited to absorbing superhuman abilities: for example, she has absorbed the strength, agility, and sharp reflexes of an enhanced human. She can also absorb psionic abilities. In absorbing another person's memories Rogue also gains the emotional responses connected to them. For the transfer of abilities to be accomplished, Rogue’s skin must contact the skin of her victim. Rogue can only absorb abilities and memories from living organic beings. She can possess the powers of several superhuman persons at once. No upper limit has yet been determined for the number of superhuman beings whose power she can maintain simultaneously, or for the amount of power that she can absorb.[138] Rogue can even absorb gross physical characteristics from a victim. Her physical appearance does not change when she absorbs abilities and memories from a normal looking human being. The victim's abilities and memories are absorbed for a time sixty times longer than the period of time Rogue was in physical contact with that person. Those touched are rendered unconscious by contact with her, though some beings, including Juggernaut and Mojo have resisted this effect. While for most of her life, her use of this power was involuntary, Rogue gained full control over it due to Xavier purging her barriers in her subconscious.[131] This transfer is usually temporary, lasting for a period of time relative to how long contact is maintained, but the transfer may become permanent in certain cases. For example, she absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers permanently due to unknown reasons (Ms. Marvel's strange mix of human and Kree DNA may have had something to do with it)[14] and she absorbed Sunfire's powers permanently when she absorbed the last of his life force by accident.[139] Most often the process happens instantly when Rogue touches someone, but in certain instances where a being has possessed an extraordinary level of power they are able to resist her, and she may only share part of their memories and power.[140][141] Her power is potentially lethal. Her flirtation, Cody Robbins, was in a comatose state for roughly a decade after her powers first manifested when they touched. He never fully awakened, and finally passed on instead of remaining on life support;[56] however, Rogue has never actually killed with her powers; even under the influence of Strain 88, she only sent victims into a permanent vegetative state.[88] As Rogue is absorbing the total psyche of a person, there is a risk of a personality overwhelming her and taking control of her body, including Spiral and Mr. Sinister who both proved to be the dominant personality. It has also been shown that even though Rogue forgets the memories she has absorbed when a psyche returns to its body, 'echoes' of their personalities remain buried in her mind.[5] Rogue is able to absorb psyches and abilities of several beings at once, though the experience can be confusing and disorienting for her.[142] Robotic beings are mostly immune to her power. Depending on the number of organics left, she can usually affect cyborgs.[6] She seems able to affect techno-organic beings. Powerful enough beings can withstand her touch and attempt to impose their own will on her or cause a feedback loop. Rogue's power has grown over time. Initially she was unable to absorb the powers of Wonder Man, a being a living ionic energy;[14] however, now she can absorb him.[143] Although she is capable of absorbing his powers, Colossus in metal form was able to make physical contact with her with no ill effects;[144] however, Rogue has shown the ability to absorb him while he was in metal form at various other times.

    Power Absorption: Gained from Rogue, Zora can absorb the powers, memories, and life force of others through physical touch.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Spatial Awareness: Cyclops possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of spatial awareness enhanced to superhuman levels that allows him to perform these feats as well.[121]

    Optic Blasts: Gained from Cyclops, Zora can emit powerful concussive energy blasts from his eyes, sourced from a dimension of pure energy. He can control the blasts and access the dimension to enhance his powers.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Secondary Mutation: After undergoing the Mothervine enhancement process, Blob developed a secondary mutation: Liquid Form: Blob possesses the ability to deliquesce his body to an undetermined extent.[30] When he first manifested this ability, he quickly lost control and liquefied into a puddle.[44]

    Immovability: Also gained from Blob, Zora can make himself virtually impossible to move against his will once he plants himself in a spot.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Blob : Gravity Increase: Blob's main superhuman ability was to become virtually immovable at will as long as he was in contact with the ground. He did this by bonding himself to the earth beneath him by force of will, which in effect created a mono-directional increase of gravity beneath him. This gravity field extended about five feet in radius from his center of balance.[43] Thus if there were sufficient power to uproot him, it would take the ground beneath his feet in an area corresponding to the radius of the field. Through intense concentration, the Blob was able to extend the gravity field beneath him farther than five feet. It can be presumed with the onset of various manipulations to his physiology that Fred's core mutation had been restored.[44][45] Superhuman Durability: The Blob's body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. The fat tissues that comprise the Blob's epidermis are able to absorb the impact of rifle bullets, cannonballs, bazooka, and even torpedoes. The fat tissue of his epidermis is resilient enough to revert to its normal shape within seconds after deformation caused by impact. It is virtually impervious to physical injury. The Blob's skin cannot be punctured or lacerated by most known materials, frostbitten, or ravaged by any skin disease, due in part to the skin's great elasticity and toughness and in part to the highly accelerated rate at which his skin cells grow and replace themselves. It is not yet known if there is an upper limit to the Blob's ability to absorb impact. He could easily survive a head-on collision with a bus traveling at a hundred miles per hour, even a highly ferrous meteorite fifty feet in diameter on top of him at terminal velocity.[46] Superhuman Strength: While he did not originally possessed superhuman strength Blob underwent further mutation multiple times in his life and gained tremendous physical strength. He has, for example, been shown to be strong enough to punch the immensely durable Wonder Man hard enough that he flew through a building and all the way to the West Bronx from Ryker's Island.[47] While empowered by Onslaught Blob was briefly able to lift up to 75 tons.[46] Implosion Inducement: Through a few weeks of focus and concentration Blob is able to manipulate his gravitational aura outwards in order to trigger a localized collapse of solid matter by dragging it into himself. It is a skill in which Mystique showed him while imprisoned at the U.S. Maximum Security Penitentiary.[17] Pain Immunity: The Blob's nerve endings do not relay any tactile perception to his brain, which is near the threshold of pain, which makes it so that he is unable to feel pain. Trapping: Blob is able to capture anything that attacks him within his flesh, including limbs and projectiles. He is able to control how long he holds the object and releasing it with or without the recoil pressure. However, it takes the Blob’s full concentration on trapping an object or individual, and if he were to focus on something else or get distracted by an attack from another person, he would lose control of his muscles and release who or whatever he was holding with his body. Projectile Redirection: After Blob's body absorbs the kinetic energy of a projectile's impact, he can expel the object back. Fired projectiles would be embedded within the Blob’s body and, by flexing the muscles where the projectile hits, he can cause the projectile to recoil with half the force of impact, reflecting it back at half speed. The Blob can also recoil a punch thrown at him and throw the opponent back a good distance. Limited Shape Alteration: Through training with Onslaught and Sledge, Blob is able to manipulate his mass to mimic shape-shifting, using it to enhance the size and extension of his limbs. He can make his fists the size of a human.[19] Limb Stretching: Blob figured out he could elasticize his limbs in order to stretch & embiggen them an undetermined extent.[19]

    Immovability: Also gained from Blob, Zora can make himself virtually impossible to move against his will once he plants himself in a spot.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Avalanche : Seismokinesis: Avalanche was a mutant with the superhuman ability to generate powerful waves of vibrations from his hands, creating highly destructive effects through the air, water, and ground. The vibrations could cause small inorganic objects to be shatter or crumble into dust. When used upon the earth itself or against large inorganic objects such as buildings these generated vibrations can cause disastrous earthquake-like effects. Avalanche's control over his power was fine enough that he could move large objects, such as tanker trucks, without destroying them and even use them to smoothly throw his opponents off balance or weaken the structural integrity of building foundations or the ground itself. Avalanche could also cause tidal waves when directing his powers at large bodies of water and possibly even tsunamis. His greatest effects could be found when he used his powers on earth matter. When directing his powers at the ground he could cause ground tremors, forming waves of debris, open fissures in the earth, cause chunks of pavement or earth to blast up into the air and then fall in simulated landslides or avalanches. He often used his skills as a means of transportation by using waves of earth matter to ride atop. With enough concentration, Avalanche could direct this power at Earth's tectonic plates to cause large-scale disastrous effects. When directed against large objects like buildings or upon the earth itself, the vibrations could produce effects similar to those of an earthquake or avalanches within limited areas. Avalanche need not touch an object to affect it: he could direct the vibrations against it from some distance away from it. Avalanche was himself invulnerable to the effects of generating these intense vibratory waves. However, if the vibrations were to be reflected back upon him, he would be injured by it. There was no known limit to the amount of area upon which Avalanche used his powers at one time. However, there is no evidence that he could create an earthquake capable of destroying an entire city. Though he did manage to create large enough waves to cause great damage to city as big as Paris.

    Seismic Wave Generation: Gained from Avalanche, Zora can generate powerful vibrations from his hands that can cause earthquakes, landslides, and structural collapses.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Pyro : Fire Manipulation: Pyro has the ability to cause any fire to grow in size and intensity and to take any form he desires. He usually refers to his fire creations as "the living flame", which he had usually shown to shape as gigantic claws, birds or golems.[10][68][69] The size, power, and intensity of the fire-beings Pyro created were limited only by the extent of his imagination, the degree of his concentration and his force of will. He has shown the ability to use his flames to elevate Colossus's steel form's temperature near its melting point.[14] Pyro can also manipulate intense heat blasts derived from microwaves, even though they are not necessarily ignited, such as those generated by Firestar. Fire Solidification: Pyro's fiery creations can manifest a high level of "solidity", differently from an ordinary fire, since his creations have been shown to be able to grasp his enemies for instance.[68][14][56] Fire Resistance: Pyro is resistant to any fire he had placed under his control. He has been shown to absorb and redirect flames, commanding them to slide across his skin and even reach his heart.[27] However, he could be harmed, just as any ordinary human would be, by any fire that he did not mentally control.

    Pyrokinesis: Gained from Pyro, Zora can control fire, though he cannot create it himself.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Mystique : Metamorphic Adaptation: After her first enhancement Mystique showed the ability to adapt her body depending on her situation at the time. She was able to camouflage her body to match her surroundings so well as to be invisible, shift her organs into her lower extremities, and mimic the textures of glass or metals (when she took on the form of Magneto and his helmet). She could conceal items in shapeshifted pouches inside her body and clearly stated that she was always naked and simply made her skin look and feel like other materials to fool others.[134] Enhanced Physical Attributes: Able to enhance her strength, speed, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses. Accelerated Healing: Mystique's nature allows her to repair wounds, regrow limbs,[135] and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time, much faster than an ordinary human. She is capable of retaining a mimicked form even when drugged[136] or knocked unconscious.[137] Toxin & Disease Resistance: She is capable of quickly developing resistance and immunity to toxins and diseases. Decelerated Aging: Raven's metamorphic powers have staved off the degenerative effects of aging. She has always had this ability even before her enhancement; she is over one hundred years old. Psychic Defense: Mystique's nature also provides her with a natural defense against telepathic intrusion. Enhanced Memory: Mystique has stated she knows the location of 'every security camera in every major airport of the United States and half the ones in Canada'.[12]

    Shape-Shifting: Gained from Mystique, Zora can instinctively alter his cellular and genetic structure to mimic any person's physical appearance, voice, and clothing perfectly, making his disguises indistinguishable from the original.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Geomagnetic Link: Magneto's X-gene plays an important role in mediating tactile perception to Earth's electromagnetic field. This trait remained even when rendered temporarily powerless by Lilandra. As it is affected, so is he. He knows instinctively all that happens to it. Gravity Decrease: Magneto's control over the magnetic and electromagnetic force is so refined that he can shut off gravity within a limited radius of himself by reversing the polarity of the earth's own magnetic field. Matter Manipulation: Magneto can perceive and manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level.[224] Magneto also demonstrated the ability to indirectly manipulate non-metallic objects via metal ores they may contain. Magneto is also capable of creating powerful electromagnetic fields capable of moving and manipulating nonmetallic objects, as well as levitating them (he can also do this via force fields). He can even perceive tachyons and a variety of antiparticles.[246] Metal Morphing: Magneto displayed the power to physically bond metallic substances to other elements at an atomic level. This newly developed technique allows Magneto to blend alloys to earthen, watery, gaseous and even organic substances. Using such a technique was how he could commandeer the techno-organic physiology of Omega Sentinel with such relative ease.[247] Organic Iron Manipulation: Magneto can control the traces of iron within organic matter and can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to potentially induce very limited effects. There are only 2.5 grams of iron in the bloodstream of a healthy human body and perhaps a gram at most in the rest of the body. As a reference, a penny weighs 2.5 grams. Magneto has used his magnetic abilities to extract the adamantium bonded to Wolverine's skeletal structure.[114] Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Magneto can perceive the world around himself as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. He can perceive the natural electromagnetic auras given off by living beings. Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Although Magneto's primary power is magnetism, he can also project or manipulate any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum, having influences over the other forces, though he prefers magnetism the most. He can potentially shoot and absorb forms of electromagnetic radiation or energy, create intense heat as infrared radiation. The electromagnetic spectrum includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, and x-rays -- Magneto can project any of these.[citation needed] Electricity Absorption and Generation: Magneto is capable of generating and projecting powerful bolts of electricity, due to his manipulation over the electromagnetic spectrum. He is capable of absorbing bolts of lightning and projecting an electric aura around himself. Portal Creation: Through an as of yet unknown application of his powers, Erik can open wormholes between two points in space and time in order to traverse the most impassible of distances almost instantly.[248] Light Generation and Manipulation: Erik can manipulate, generate and redirect various fields of light as easily as he can bend metal to his will. Turning Dazzlers' own luminary based powers against her,[249] creating holographic projections cast from over a world away and change laser trajectory.[250][27][251] Invisibility: He can become invisible by bending light around himself.[17] Dimensional Awareness: Magneto was seen to sense a Dimensional Rift[250] in the middle of a fight with the Immortal Man. Astral Projection: Magneto has occasionally been said to be able to manifest an astral projection of himself - he was able to interact with Professor X.[55][252] Telepathic Resistance: Magneto has trained himself extensively for fighting telepaths, and is resistant to telepathic attack, even when unconscious.[230]

    Magnetic Manipulation: Gained from Magneto, Zora can generate and control magnetic fields, allowing him to manipulate metal objects, fly, create electromagnetic pulses, project energy blasts, and form protective barriers.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Magneto : Magnetism Manipulation: Magneto has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate any metal and achieve a variety of effects.[221] He recently proved able to effectively hold together the headless form of a Celestial.[222] Magneto can manipulate an entire planet's electromagnetic field and once even pulled back the giant metallic 'bullet' where Kitty Pryde was trapped inside, which was at least a few light-years away from Earth,[223] though these are tasks that require great effort on his part. Magneto's power is comparable with Phoenix's,[224] he has harnessed magnetism to stop armies, raise islands from ocean floors, move mountains, change the course of rivers, and threaten to devastate the world with floods and earthquakes. Magneto once blanketed the entire globe with a self-generated electromagnetic pulse that caused widespread devastation. Moreover, he can use his magnetic powers in more than one way simultaneously. He can completely assemble a complicated machine within seconds through his powers. It is unclear whether Magneto's power is psionic or purely physiological in nature. Force Field: Magneto can create magnetic force field around himself to protect from enemy's attacks. These barriers are generally invisible, but he almost always has them active even when out of combat.[110] Magneto is able to create force field to protect him against the might of superhuman combatants, such as Thor with Mjolnir,[54] Hercules,[68] or Spider-Man empowered by Uni-Power.[225] In one occasion it was able to stand the combined blows of Thor and She-Hulk at the same time.[93] Magneto's shields are able to withstand the detonation of severe nuclear warhead at ground zero.[93][111][226] He was able to create a barriers strong enough to withstand the energy blast from Cyclops,[15][27][111][120][227][228][229][230] Spider-Man empowered by Uni-Power,[225] Havok,[231][153][179] Iron Man,[232][233][141][160] Dr. Doom,[234] and it was able to block a energy blast from the Russian cannon - designed to punch through planets.[112][235] He can also block a blast from a wilder and barbaric Phoenix.[236] His force-field can protect him from extreme heat like lava,[237][238] fire of Human Torch,[239] thermal blast,[110] not even Ghost Rider hellfire can't,[68] and also blocked hotter-than-the-Sun plasma rounds.[240] Magneto can even travel in space in a 'bubble' of breathable air maintained by a constant surrounding force field.[241][111][114][242][243] Magnetic Armor: In addition to the obvious external force fields, Magneto can reinforce the metallic fibers of his uniform with magnetic fields, making his clothing like armor with a durability approaching adamantium.[112] With this ability, he can resist punches from opponents such as Namor or Colossus and remain conscious.[244][245] Magnetic Rays: Magneto has the ability to shoot powerful rays and electromagnetic pulses and has shown this ability to destroy both metallic and nonmetallic objects. Magneto can also use this ability to seriously injure his enemies as he did with Storm.[27] He also one-shotted Iron Man, destroyed a mountain, and cracked Holocaust's armor Magnetic Flight: Magneto is capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. Apocalypse, through attempting to replicate Magneto's power in Mystique, mentions Magneto interfaces with magnetic field lines in his immediate surroundings rather than along it. This was later confirmed by Beast and later Sinister who formed a temporary alliance to snap Mystique out of Apocalypse's influence. However, in order to travel in space, Magneto requires and is limited by the interior capacity of his force field to breathe.

    Magnetic Manipulation: Gained from Magneto, Zora can generate and control magnetic fields, allowing him to manipulate metal objects, fly, create electromagnetic pulses, project energy blasts, and form protective barriers.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
    Replied to OmnipresenceBeing

    Psychic Siphoning: Jean is able to drain others' psychic energy to enhance her psionic powers. The boost she can provide to herself depends on the psychic energy within her enemies, explaining the fact that she is rarely seen using this power. The greatest feat she has performed after using this ability was when she knocked Galactus out with a blast of psychic energy stolen from him, the Phoenix, Terrax, and an unknown alien species. She also used this ability to reconstruct her body after being consumed by a Poison, and to kill the Poison Queen. Telekinetic Aura: She can surround her body with psychic energy to protect herself from harm. She survived a high-speed collision from Gladiator, which would have normally resulted with her death. Psychic Resistance: She can protect herself from other telepaths by draining the psychic energy that they normally use . This also prevents her psyche from complete erasure after the Poisons took her over. Psychic Entity Physiology: Jean manages to ascend her physical body to become a being of pure psionic force, similar to Nate Grey from the age of Apocalypse . In this form she is a material energy being who could regain her physical form even after having been consumed by a Poison, using this feature to break free of her corporeal prison and reconstruct her physical body from scratch. Cosmic-Level Telekinetic Blast: She can create a blast of psychic energy powerful enough to affect Cosmic Beings as Galactus. Psychic Flames Manipulation: Even without the Phoenix Force, Jean has been shown to psychically control and influence flames composed of psychic energy to a certain extent.[266][267] She can also use her telekinesis to manifest psychic firebird, whose claws could inflict both physical and mental damage. Psionic Electricity Generation: She can transform psychic energy into concussive bolts of energy. Possession: She can possess the mind of another and use that being's body as her own. Self-Resurrection: Jean has been able to resurrect herself by either using her psychic powers or through her sheer force of will. Jean has been able to resurrect herself by reconstructing her body out of psionic energy after it was vaporized.Jean was even able to fully resurrect herself after being clinically dead and independent of the Phoenix Force after encasing herself in a glacier of ice.

    Telepathy: Gained from copying Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey, Zora can read minds, communicate telepathically, influence thoughts, manipulate memories, create psychic shields, perform astral projection, and send psionic blasts.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing
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    Mental Detection: She can sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small but as yet undefined radius of herself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being. Telekinesis: By projecting her psychokinetic energy outwards into the physical world, Jean Grey is able to levitate objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, lift herself and move through the air to simulate flight, stimulate individual molecules to create heat, generate concussive force as blasts or bursts, and create protective shields. While she has access to the Phoenix Force, she is able to manipulate matter and energy on a sub-atomic scale using her telekinesis. She can even change her Phoenix clothes into a set of street clothes and lift multiple heavy objects at once without having any difficulties. After her resurrection her telekinetic abilities have vastly expanded enabling her to achieve incredible feats such as, throwing the new Sword Station into upper orbit, pull Arakko through the External Gate with the help of Exodus, and even drags and traps the Hex Phebe Reginax underwater, which was shown to be larger than the Empire State Building. Intuitive Aptitude: Through years of honing her telekinetic talents, She has demonstrated the ability to disassemble complex devices explosively (separating every last component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.) and, just as quickly, easily assemble complex devices. This also has enabled her to even attain awareness and control over objects as small as individual electrons in an atom. For instance, She was able to removes all the spores spread by Cordycep Jones[199], feel and manipulate air molecules,[256] telekinetically control nanites [257] and blood within an individual's body.[258] Force Field: She can create a telekinetic field to either shield her and her teammates or use it to lift multiple heavy objects at her enemy. Her telekinetic force-fields are strong enough to defend herself against the flames of the Phoenix Force, holds apart the core of the Progenitor[259], and protect her from Captain Marvel's Binary Form [260] Tactile Telekinesis: She has the power to utilize a personal force field of telekinetic energy. Concussive Blasts: She is able to release her telekinetic energies as powerful blast beams directed from her brain that could apparently affect matter with concussive and destructive force. Molecular Manipulation and Transmutation: She can manipulate and transmute matter on a molecular and subatomic level (e.g., turning wood into gold, plant into crystal, alter the clothing of herself and others, and cause physical bodies to disintegrate by altering their molecular structure, etc).[87] Disintegration: Jean Grey has been shown, on numerous occasions, to break down, tear apart, and disintegrate objects and matter on a molecular level. For example, when she easily disintegrates a group of Tele-floronic beings who possessed regenerative abilities.[261] Telekinetic Weapons: She can create psionic weapons and constructs out of psychic energy that damage a target either physically, mentally or both in some point.[262] The versatility of this ability was greatly enhanced after training with Psylocke.[263] Temporal Telekinesis: Jean has been able to use her telekinetic abilities through time by projecting her astral form in different points in the timestream.[252] Flight: Jean has, on numerous occasions, demonstrated the ability to use her telekinesis to fly across long distances at varying speeds. Psychic Energy Manipulation: Jean has demonstrated the ability to harness, tap into, and manipulate psionic energy for various purposes and effects, including but not limited to:

    Telepathy: Gained from copying Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey, Zora can read minds, communicate telepathically, influence thoughts, manipulate memories, create psychic shields, perform astral projection, and send psionic blasts.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003
  • OmnipresenceBeing

    Jean Grey Abilities : Telepathic Defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways. Telepathic Cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other psions and Cerebro-type devices. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psis may notice and 'see' through this ability.[236] Cloak Mind: Ability to rearrange the "mental engrams" of mutants so their distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devices or by other telepaths. Psychic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and the minds of others.[234] Illusions: She can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.[237] Her illusions can also inflict pain in others, making them near flawless. This was later proven when Karnak took 3 days to find a flaw in one of her mindscapes.[49] Telepathic Camouflage: She can alter the apparent physical appearance of herself and other people by altering the perceptions of those around her. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). A limit, if one exists, is only imposed by the number of people she is trying to fool, not the number of people she is camouflaging.[238][239][240] Telepathic Manipulation: She can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects. Memory Manipulation: She can implant, restore or alter the memory of others. Memory Erasure: She can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. Mind Control: She can control the thoughts and actions of others.[243] Mind Possession: She can possess the mind of another and use that being's body as her own.[244] Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others by force of will, thus permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.[242] Mental Paralysis: She can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis. Mind Transferral: She can transfer both her mind and powers into other host bodies if her own physical body was somehow killed. Heal Trauma: She has the ability to erase a person's memories and to heal mental trauma through "psychic surgery", as well as the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.[167] Mental Sedating: Can telepathically "sedate" her victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as she continues to "sedate" them. Power Amplification: She can increase the speed of neural signals in the brain, which could increase another mutant's powers to incredible levels, but the effect was only temporary. Power Negation: Ability to place "psychic inhibitors" in the minds of mutant adversaries to prevent them from using their powers. Mind Link: She can bond others' minds allowing them to communicate telepathically between them. Inter-Dimensional Telepathy: Jean was able to communicate with Cable while he was in the dimension of Otherworld, something Xavier thought was impossible to do. Psychic Blast: She can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects, but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain, knocking them unconsciousness or turning the victim "brain-dead". Astral Projection: She can project her astral form from her body onto the Astral Plane or the physical plane. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others through time. Temporal Telepathy: Jean has been shown to be able to read, control and track minds through time, allowing her to affect events in the past, as well as sending her consciousness as well as Wolverine's through time.

    Telepathy: Gained from copying Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey, Zora can read minds, communicate telepathically, influence thoughts, manipulate memories, create psychic shields, perform astral projection, and send psionic blasts.
    Marvel: Mimicry
    Anime & Comics · korazon003