


I’m just here for Under the Oak Tree.

2022-03-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    She's become Ruth from Book 1

    "Stop grumbling and keep working," Maxi chided, jotting down more formulas.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel
    Replied to Shari_0238

    In book 1, when Maxi first left Anatol for her first campaign (ch. 121), Maxi asked why they were wasting time collecting mana stones from the dead drakes. One of the knights replied: “We are not collecting them merely because we think it a waste not to. If we do not take them, the stones will gather mana from their surroundings and create an undead. In fact, if we were to follow the doctrines of the Orthodox Church, we would have to purify the carcass by burning it completely. It is practically impossible to incinerate such a massive monster without magic, though, so people tend to extract the magic stones instead.” I would assume then that most monsters they faced during the initial dragon campaign were not purified bc they couldn't start any fire in the Lexos Mountain.

    "They are likely the monsters that perished in the Lexos Mountains," said a voice nearby. "The necromancers must have resurrected all those slain during the first Dragon Campaign."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Nooooooooooo! That was an abrupt cut-off!! The readers need a break from the war too!! Give me my cuddly time!

    The supplies arrived a week later. An endless queue of baggage wagons laden with provisions rolled into the city, and the soldiers hummed as they tirelessly ferried ham, crates of stale bread, sacks of beans and oats, and barrels of alcohol. The plentiful sight — a rare occurrence of late — seemed to help the men forget their worries, if only temporarily.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel
    Gripping her spoon with almost enough force to snap it, Maxi scarfed down the last of the tepid porridge. Then, she shot to her feet and marched over to Riftan.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    No one would send Riftan to "seduce." The man doesn't know how to flirt! I think the princess must have fallen for him on her own.

    A cold silence fell over the hall. Maxi felt her lips twitch as she shot daggers at the princess. Despite her attempts to remind herself that the woman was deliberately trying to rile her for being the Duke of Croyso's daughter, she could not shake the suspicion of an ulterior motive. Could they have been lovers in the past? Had Riftan's mission been to purposely seduce the princess to extract information?
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    He could repeat the exact same question to her.

    Blushing, she blabbered on, "If you think about it… it is customary for nobles to forge a powerful alliance… or to strengthen their influence by marriage. But by marrying me, you not only had to face countless ordeals… but also gained a lifelong adversary."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    This must still be an unusual sight for Hebaron. His commander suddenly smiling.

    The tavern was now full of knights. She searched the crowd and quickly walked across the room when she spotted Riftan sitting at a table beside a window. He cut short what appeared to be a grave discussion with Hebaron to direct a gentle smile at her as she approached.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    If that’s his duty as a mage of the coalition army, then it would also be Maxi’s duty. Yet, Riftan had her sleep and even had a little cuddle time with her, reminiscing their past while Ruth stayed up all night putting that document together.

    "Why would I require their permission? As a mage of the coalition army, it is my duty to learn as much as possible about our enemies."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel
    Replied to Pam_ny

    He suddenly stared at her with a look of intense loneliness, as if stricken with grief. It was never explained, not even in Manta.

    As Maxi observed her husband, a question arose in her mind. "Speaking of that day… what made you look at me like that?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Maxi? Expletive?? 👀

    Swallowing an expletive, Maxi anxiously turned to Ruth. "Sh-Should we not do something? Cast a barrier, perhaps, or assist with the offensive?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Did she ever give her fellow mages an update to her new position? Or did she just leave without a word? I’m curious as to what becomes of Sidina.

    Maxi observed the gloomy faces as she patted Rem's neck and trotted confidently after the warhorses. From her position behind the Remdragon Knights, she could see the banners of the Knights of Phil Aaron and the rest of the Wedonian army, led by Princess Agnes.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    I’m so impressed with Maxi’s ability in understanding multiple languages: the language they usually speak, ancient tongue, and elvish.

    Maxi nodded, her face hardening. After scanning their surroundings, Ruth continued slowly in Elvish, "While we were hiding in the monster city, I took every opportunity to stash as many of the dark mages' records as possible. And when the city was captured, I managed to gather them while evading the Temple Knights' watchful eyes. They didn't bother monitoring the outcast."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Oh please, oh please let Riftan’s POV continue into next chapter. I need to read his mushy feelings after receiving that adorable kiss.

    Riftan caught her in his arms as she threw herself at him. Standing on her toes, she planted a kiss on his chin.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    What would have happened if Maxi did leave a note, or if the maidservant did communicate clearly? Would he have still sent her off?? That would mean the miscommunication in this chapter actually led to a better outcome. So unexpected.

    Burying his hands in her soft curls, he said hoarsely, "I don't care what happens to me. I want to be with you."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Tbh, if the roles were reversed and it was Riftan closing in on another woman, I’d be RAGING MAD! Like, unforgiving kinda mad! But bc Riftan has been causing me so much distress and heartache throughout all of Book 2, I feel VINDICATED!! FINALLY!

    He took her hand and gallantly led her to the dance floor. Placing his hand on her waist, he began gracefully moving to the music.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Hebaron hitting my thoughts exactly on the head is so exhilarating

    "Don't," Hebaron said firmly. He then turned to Riftan. "You plan to send her away, don't you? If so, you should not interfere with her decisions."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel
    Replied to Magellen_Kay

    The way this comment made me spit out my toothpaste while brushing my teeth! 😂

    He watched her sedate entrance, his chest tight as though kicked by a warhorse.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Sounds like a certain former politician in the states.

    "Garis has been rubbing shoulders with Heimdall VI and his vassals since the banquets began. They claim it's to foster better relations, but it's no secret that Balto and the Orthodox faction have a mutual understanding. They brazenly sow discord by constantly questioning the fairness of the papal conclave."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel
    Sidina retorted, unfazed, "Plenty of clerics have secret lovers. There are even rumors that the current pope is the illegitimate child of his predecessor."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • BFFwRuthSerbel

    Gasp! She will be back to her ancestor’s palace! Where she would have been the sole ruler - the Queen!

    "It is the Council hosting the victory banquets, not the basilica. That is why they are being held in Roem's old palace, far removed from the main building," Sidina explained, her tone coaxing. "And, honestly, I don't see anything wrong with this one. You look divine."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim