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  • eksposivo
    Replied to Taoist8888

    i would like to read a fanfic with a parahuman, not even need to be a trump, any worm power would be interesting in the right setting

    Maybe it's related to the random power I got but ever changing lights + pillars made of motherboards doesn't really ring any bells, maybe it's a unique power that's suited to me?
    Aimless Travels In Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · TurkishJesus
  • eksposivo
    Replied to Infinite_Seraph

    what Ares and Artemis? would work ig but pretty sure they are already in FGO, not sure tho havent played in a while

    "You look it up, I want to get more heroes!"
    Summoned as a Genshin Character
    Video Games · Renegade_Universal
  • eksposivo

    Ea? she can bust a planet with a swing now

    Of course, the gate had also come completely stocked with all of the treasures that were stored within the original Gate of Babylon as well, making Erza a walking armory of insanely powerful artifacts and weapons, to say nothing of the different types of armors she had stored away as well. She was also the receiver of every single rejected weapon and armor produced by either Hajime or Brigid, and now Hephaestus, since Erza would always be able to find some kind of use for them.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to Jack_Dickson_0409

    missing the point completly, if someone doesnt experience new things they dont mature or grow, thinking only gets you so far, he was like a coma patiant where he cpuldnt move and do new things... if you lived for a year without any new things, in a rutine that never deviated, you didnt grow or mature the point isnt whether or not he was in a coma but if he had agency and could go and experience new things, he may have grown a bit since he was reincarnated, but not a 1 to 1 growth to time

    Captured her? What was this? Freaking Pokemon? What the fuck am I doing here? Chasing the skirt of a random farm girl because I knew her of a media I had once consumed. I could be doing something important right now, which would ensure the rest of my eternity. There were some plans I could be realizing right now to ensure my continued existence and instead, I was inside a village in bumfuck nowhere. I couldn't help but sigh, causing Albedo to look at me.
    Prince of Nazarick [Overlord]
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • eksposivo
    Replied to StringLeap

    it sounds like you are talking about the sea level rise after Lulucia was erased, but the author is talking about the messege that Vega Punk transmitted saying that the world is sinking, I believe that it wasnt imlplied to be either man made or natural, it was just Vega Punk stating a fact and it had nothing (as far as we know rn) to do with Lilucia being mother flamed

    Even as far as going to Laugh Tale in secret, the same island Gol D. Roger visited to become the Pirate King, Drake had finally learned the greatest secret in the entire world. It was slowly sinking, which would doom the entirety of it's population, except for those who resided at it's highest elevations. The Celestial Dragons.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo

    missed a chance to make the UA traitor to be the mafia, couldve been fun to see Mokami basically torture them by being devils advocate and saying stuff like "this person cant be a vilain" or "there is no way someone like that could possibly be putting us in danger" I know who it is but it could be done in a way to not spoil the anime only people, like make them uncomftortable

    As the game continued, the students debated and discussed, throwing accusations and defending one another. In the end, it was revealed that Bakugo was, in fact, innocent. The true Mafia members turned out to be Yosetsu Awase and Setsuna Tokage from Class 1-B.
    Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]
    Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
  • eksposivo

    Yui and her quirk being irrelevant or boring once again

    Mokami glanced at the suitcases, then at the students who were starting to panic. "Don't worry, everyone. I'll use my quirk to create a temporary storage container. We can keep the excess luggage in there and attach it to the bus."
    Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]
    Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
  • eksposivo

    what are they doing there? werent they like 4th or 7th in the class, tho I guess they are out on a date or meeting their classmates

    As the three girls headed towards the gazebo, Bakugo and Midoriya arrived together, dressed in casual T-shirts and shorts. They briefly exchanged greetings with Mokami and Momo before joining the others in the garden.
    Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]
    Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
  • eksposivo

    my guy has a tail... what is he going to learn control of exactly?

    Ojiro was thinking differently, as he was martial art practitioner, "Edgeshot has incredible speed and control of Quirk! That's something I'd like to learn too."
    Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]
    Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod
  • eksposivo
    Replied to XArezzX

    there are ways to still hit or interact with Logias outside of OP but they are limited, like spirit and conception magic in Arifureta would do the trick, zanpakuto could probably still cut Logias since they are cutting souls already and most likely any of Vandelieu attacks would work in Death Mage, but yeah the power is broken if there is no universally accesable power that can be used to attack them

    (A.N. So I originally planned to give Winter an ability outside of a Devil Fruit since I had been using them so much lately, but all the ones I found were redundant or pointless, like Ice Make when she can use Glyphs, or Esdeath's ability until I saw that it drives the user insane. As you can see, in the end I just went back to Devil Fruits...)
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Naturally, she dismissed it as utter rubbish. After all, who ever ACTUALLY heard of someone becoming stronger through sex?
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to CoffeeAficionado

    pretty sure most of THOSE people left at the frozen caver of Shnee, when the girls where having fun without him, or they are hypocrits who have no set principles to complain about and only get angry when they decide they dont like something

    "Interesting..." Alex muttered from the creative use of a relatively useless ability, before he noticed several other women giving him intense looks.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to Harry_Dresden

    the it would be pretty good tho, like imagine buggy chops Shanks other arm, now he is relatively useless in combat and I doubt the fruit would allow other people to control their severed pieces, still nothing spectacular but it could be like a downgraded version of the Ope Ope no mi

    "Yeah. It's a Devil Fruit that makes it to where your body can separate and be chopped up into many pieces. The only situations I'd say the fruit has any use in is against swordsmen and such, but that's about it."
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to Bharthuke

    i did not need to see that today, the vibe is ruined

    "And don't worry Frieza. I'll make sure your son or daughter(?), I don't know if your race has females or not, is raised properly."
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo

    just hope it knows Payday since its nami, fake out would also help her as a cat burglar

    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to TheReaver666

    i dont think changing Infernape from Fire type would be smart, he is too iconic as a fire type with the giant flaming head AND it feels wrong (at least to me) since Paul vs Ash is one of the better fights and the best ending of a fight in the whole Pokemon anime and Ashs Chimchar has a backstory so sad it rivals or maybe exceeds Charmander

    Also, if anyone has any ideas/requests for different pokemon evolutions due to being in completely different environments/worlds, then please let me know and I'll try to incorporate them.)
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to SamiOyakodonLover

    bad writing and lack of brains on the part of the DxD author doesnt change that Ophis represents infinity and is even described as having infinite power and strength

    "It was specially made by Elaine, Kusu, Vados, and Marcarita, and designed to contain more power than all the others combined. It would take someone on the level of Ophis or Zeno to destroy it."
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo

    well, she is actuallt very strong and when fighting the dulahan she did slice giant rocks... its just that her aim is worse than an Iron Valorant player

    When she heard that Darkness beamed up at Alex since her main failing was her lack of offensive capabilities. And while she'd still specialize in defense, she would now be able to counterattack after taking hits.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo

    he will summon scathach

    "I doubt that'll happen with mister 'Lucky Pervert' here." Paine stated dryly as she pointed at Alex.
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • eksposivo
    Replied to SamiOyakodonLover

    a splended magical girl

    6. Cookie
    God succession system
    Others · Harry_Dresden