


Young reader & author

2022-03-12 JoinedGlobal



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  • God_Doom
    Replied to BaDwY_GaMeR

    I primarily use Grammarly and windows editor plugins.

    Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~
    A New God's life in Marvel (Book-1)
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom

    Actually, he does possess super strength in the sense that he can use his body to its absolute max peak due to his invulnerability. However, the most power he ever displayed was when he lifted an ordinary car to save someone in the comics.

    Brit's superpower was invulnerability, just that. No super strength, no super speed, just being extremely tough.
    Almost Invincible (Invincible SI)
    Anime & Comics · EmmaCruzader
  • God_Doom
    Replied to ImperialFayMonarch

    Real world for any mc is always live action. Its us, the viewers who see it as a comic or anime setting.

    Truthfully, I was having a lot of fun just watching the fight. It was like watching an anime super fight live in front of your own eyes but unfortunately for Clark, he was knocked out sooner than I hoped and I had to step in to make sure that the beacon of hope doesn't die before he even reached his late teens. Well, this was actually a favorable result for me since now I would be able to do whatever I want without Clark ever knowing that I was here in the first place.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    (Note: Melisandra is not a rotted old crone without her magic stone on, she's a gorgeous red haired milf.)
    TV/Movie world hopping
    TV · Shane_Town
  • God_Doom
    Replied to TheRealWafflez

    There are actual Courier or delivery service companies in Europe called Hermes Couriers or Hermes Parcels or even Hermes Delivery. For Bruce, such a name wasn't at all out of the place. The only reason he found this slightly suspicious is because of his recent bout with the Olympians.

    "Yep, he was definitely a supernatural being, possibly even connected to the Olympian pantheon in some way," I said as I eyed the unique name pasted on the outer cover of the package 'Hermes Express'. 
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Master_Steve

    Might even make a Ben 10 in the multiverse ff.

    Ch 136 Chapter 136: A Reward & a Really Weird Letter
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom

    Finally! A chapter about the mc again 🥳

    Ch 651 A Thunderous Arrival
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Pirate_King_NIKA

    Actualky, he has already been in contact with Dionesium since he took a dive in a Lazarus pit (made of Dionesium) during his battle with Ra's Al Ghul. But he still hasn't been in contact with Electrum and Nth metal. Its sad that he has no idea on what is going to happen once that happens.

    "Maybe I should name it too since I was the one who discovered it... Hmm, let's see, how about Batmanium?" I wondered aloud. I had once heard in my previous life that Superman had a metal named after himself, so I don't see why I shouldn't have one too.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to DAO_of_UmU


    So, saying that he owed Atem was an understatement. At this stage, he was more than happy that his sister was dating someone like Atem and thus even naturally held a high opinion of him as well.
    Marvel: A New God's Reign
    Movies · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE STAR WARS!" Ethan panted and left the theatre while Dylan was so shocked that he couldn't move. 
    In Marvel with a Star Wars System
    Movies · VynDahl
  • God_Doom
    Replied to VynDahl

    Honestly, the spinoffs like Rogue One and Solo are much more watchable than the main three sequels movies. I thought they were even doing a comeback with Mandalorian but then they ruined it again with Ahsoka 🙂.

    "Not that bad? Not that bad? C'mon Dylan, it's an abomination. It was bad enough when they killed Han Solo in the last movie, but this? Luke Skywalker is drinking raw milk from that thing, throwing away his lightsaber, and then turning into Asgardian space dust at the end!
    In Marvel with a Star Wars System
    Movies · VynDahl
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Jekyll_et_Hyde

    According to official DC lore, this is supposedly an impure compound of the Tenth metal or Element X, the stuff that all creation is apparently made from.

    "Whatever this is supposed to be, sir, it's not completely normal. Despite the various types of analyzing methods, we have been using to try and find out its contents, I couldn't find a single significant detail about it. All the test results save for the camera sensors failed even to perceive the box, much less find out any hidden details about it." The AI responded in a puzzled voice. 
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Rigchel

    Honestly, I haven't decided... but probably not.

    In closing, I hope you can do justice to the most valuable metal in the world and make something unique with it since you are apparently also an inventor like me. Maybe, that's why Athena has a crush on you. Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that. Well, I guess it slipped my fingers, maybe she shouldn't have blackmailed me in the first place if she didn't want anyone to know this. Also, if you ever need any more rare materials, please consider asking ANYONE BUT ME. My backlog of godly requests is already longer than the River Styx. 
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Chaos_Creator12

    I normally write a minimum of 1500 words. Although there are time when it exceeds even 2200 words.

    Ch 78 Chapter 77: The God of PR Marketing
    Marvel: A New God's Reign
    Movies · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to MikeTEM

    Not really, Hephaestus' courier service was just a concept I pucked up from there. Having said that, some of the Greek gods in this story might be a little inspired from those of Riordanverse.

    Ch 135 Chapter 135: A Family Reunion and a Weird Delivery
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Alibi_Tolegenov

    Where did you hear that Indians have polygamy with multiple wives, man? 🙂 If it was legal, I would have already had a mini harem myself. I think you are confusing it with the middle east.

    "Shameless, all of them!" She blushed and headed to her room. At least her doubt of their relationship was clear.
    Marvel: I Need A New Body
    Anime & Comics · Marveller
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Skeptical_Bookworm

    4,5,6 like the original... By the way, that's what you are curious about 😆?

    However, surprisingly the highest profit percentage came from Wayne Entertainment. Who knew that children's animations and space operas could be that famous among people? Even my own wife has become an avid Star Wars fan." Lucas Fox laughed as he mentioned his wife.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Skeptical_Bookworm

    Some comics describe as a party girl who might or might not do drugs to get close to the targets that can provide her with news and information

    "So I can't have one," Vicki asked as she looked at the attractive pills.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Skeptical_Bookworm

    I don't really remember but DC does have its own 'mana' that is needed for magic unlike Marvel which just uses chi and dimensional energy.

    "Interesting, so he did some sort of magic while he was in the room since there are traces of paranormal energies here but there is no active spell right now," Bruce muttered to himself as he frowned.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • God_Doom
    Replied to Bad_news_83

    Definitely one of his goals

    Ch 134 Chapter 134: God's Eyes (2)
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom