

2022-02-04 JoinedNetherlands

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  • IceQueenWB

    Or buying time for Riftan in case he will change his attitude

    "Why are you dawdling?! Are you waiting for the sun to set?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Oh he’s going to amass lots of power so that no one can do this to him again 😈

    However, the commander had shattered everyone's expectations and relented. He had even picked up his long-neglected duties as liege of Anatol. By all appearances, everything seemed to have fallen into place.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Ooh Riftan, I was there too giving an ultimatum as a last shread of hope that it turns out as you so desperately want, even if you feel to the core that’s wrong for you resort to such measure to begin with... you will so regret this and it rarely works...

    "If you leave," said Riftan, "I'll no longer wait for you."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    My two most favourite paraghraps summing up the essence of the few unhealthy patterns they have and also that level of self awareness 👌🏻I have experienced alot of heartache like that and usually the most painful experiences give the biggest growth and breakthroughs... you just see how all their struggles in this novel lead to that... so painfully beautiful

    Riftan had no qualms about destroying himself over anything concerning Maxi, while she was possessed by the perpetual temptation to cling to him and hide from the outside world. Left to continue, he would suffocate her, and she would drag his future through the mud. They would destroy each other in the name of love.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    When it feels right it feels right 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Maxi closed her eyes. Now she would have to turn her back on everything she knew and enter the unknown. Despite the bone-deep fear, her resolve to leave somehow grew stronger.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Nope just a bit shortsighted and childish... he could also out of this big love take a high road and say its heatbraking but I will support your decision and wait for you... but that’s sometimes too much to ask even in real world, Riftan is all raw emotion now...

    "A-Are you in your right mind?" Maxi yelled. "O-Or have you gone completely insane?!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    As much as we all would want that in reality no one in her right mind would ask a sacrifice that is too big because of potential resentment...noone wants a slave...

    "I have… w-witnessed firsthand how much you ch-cherish this land. Didn't you… work day and night so Anatol could flourish? Why would you abandon it now… when you're finally seeing the fruits of your labor? A-Are you going to… throw away everything you've built for the past decade… just for me?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Even if he didn’t care for leaving all behind Maxi did and she understood the bigger picture that it’s not only about them two, it’s also other that are involved and are their responsibility as rulers of the land. They would be abandoning a lot of people Maxi loved too. It’s easyto say run away or divorce as example, But it has a huge ripple effect on many lives too...

    "A-And your solution… was to leave Wedon?" Maxi bit her lip and glared back. "Do you really think… th-that abandoning everything — Anatol, the Remdragon Knights — is… a solution?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Well Duh, you nearly died, you both lost a baby and now he’s about to loose you and he blames himself, he’siving his worst nightmare and the real separation act is yet to come...

    Whenever they stopped to rest, Maxi would cautiously study Riftan's face. His fury was evident even from a distance. Though this was certainly not the first time she had witnessed his anger, she had never seen him so unstable.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to Hana_mii

    Kind of like Rosetta just without being broken of bitter...

    Ignoring Maxi's mortified protests, Riftan marched out of the room. Maxi looked over her shoulder as he dragged her along and saw Princess Agnes shaking her head. It was evident that the princess was just as taken aback by his reaction, which had been far angrier than expected.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to PigglyWiggly24

    Yep my heart has turned to sand by now... this novel keeps breaking already broken peaces...😭🤧

    Riftan clutched his forehead and asked through gritted teeth, "So… you decided to leave?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to Shari_0238

    He’ll jus execute the famous INFJ door shut on her 🤷🏼‍♀️ she’s basically dead to him...

    Now that the recipient of his anger was clear, Riftan straightened himself and stalked over to the princess.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Yesss thatis how you take your power back and face your fear by seeing the Duke with eyes unclouded 👏🏻

    In an instant, the fear that had mushroomed inside her drained away like sand. All that was left was empty bewilderment.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to borahae_0613

    She already said yes, so why do it more?

    "Once you join the Mage Tower, neither the duke nor Riftan will be able to force you to do anything against your wishes. You will gain the power to protect yourself."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to Lizzie48

    I doubt king would’ve asked her just like Duke decided to marry off Maxi or Rosetta without asking, marriage arrangements were a duty of the father and since the daughters are possession there was no need for consent esp by nobles and since it was all political.

    "I'm sure this affair has enlightened you to how society treats women," continued Princess Agnes, sighing at Maxi's uneasy reaction. "I am no exception. If I had not become a mage, I would've been forced into a political marriage with a feudal lord to solidify Wedon's unity."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB
    Replied to Romancelover

    Also she will be recognised officially everywhere as a mage, if she only learned from Ruth she wouldn’t have the safety and living in Livadon would be the same only in exhile, it’s notlike there is better in terms of noble or woman status...

    Out of nowhere, Ruth gripped Maxi's shoulders. "My lady, I know my saying this is useless… but you should try and get some sleep for now. This is not a decision you should make in haste. Entering the Mage Tower means that you will have to live as a mage for the rest of your life. You must be certain that you want to take this on, so you ought to mull it over with a clear head before making any decisions."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    If she doesn’t go and grow out of her shell and Riftan let’s go of control their relationship will fail anyway cause it’s not health. he will be overprotective and her spirit will suffocate because of that, there is no relationship without a trial and 3 years of separation shouldn’t break them since it’s fictional reincarnation love 😉😂

    "I'm sure you can keep him here for at least a few days! This is not something you can coerce someone into. It's not only Sir Riftan's future that's at stake, but her ladyship's as well."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Unpopular opinion but I think it was the best solution and also the best for Maxi to break from all those things that confine her inside, like her insecurities and victimhood and yes that is Riftan included and esp her codependency of him. Agnes saved her in that way.

    "If Maximilian were to become a pupil of the Tower, we can charge the duke with mage persecution. Nornui takes protecting its mages very seriously. If there is a trial, they will send a representative to investigate. The moment the claims of physical harm are corroborated, not a single mage will remain in the duke's service."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    That happens in real world too even with hard evidence 🤷🏼‍♀️

    "That's preposterous!" exclaimed Elliot, sounding uncharacteristically exasperated. "None of this would have happened if it weren't for the duke! Are you saying that we should have done nothing after witnessing such an atrocity?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • IceQueenWB

    Some hard truths here, so far this is not a manipulation orsomething to hate Agnes for...

    "I'm sure you're aware that a woman does not have all that much legal standing. Practically none, in fact. A daughter is her father's property, and a wife is her husband's. Even if the duke physically harmed you… if you are unable to prove that the abuse was life-threatening, the duke would only be required to pay a measly compensation. On the other hand, a knight breaking into a castle and attempting to murder its lord is a much more serious crime."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim